
岩見 大基

イワミ ダイキ  (Daiki Iwami)


自治医科大学 医学部 腎泌尿器外科学講座 腎臓外科学部門 教授
博士(医学)(2010年3月 北海道大学)






  • Ren Yamada, Kenichi Morikawa, Kiyohiko Hotta, Daiki Iwami, Tatsu Tanabe, Sachiyo Murai, Nobuo Shinohara, Sonoe Yoshida, Shunichi Hosoda, Akinori Kubo, Yoshimasa Tokuchi, Takashi Kitagataya, Megumi Kimura, Koji Yamamoto, Masato Nakai, Takuya Sho, Goki Suda, Mitsuteru Natsuizaka, Koji Ogawa, Naoya Sakamoto
    Journal of viral hepatitis 29(11) 976-985 2022年11月  
    Donors with resolved hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection may be a solution for the organ shortage for kidney transplantation (KT). The purpose of this study was to clarify the current state of HBV markers after KT from donors with resolved HBV infection to HBV naïve recipients and the rate of HBV reactivation in recipients with resolved HBV infection. Furthermore, we investigated HBV covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) in transplanted organs from donors with resolved HBV infection and the capability of HBV replication in kidney cell lines. We retrospectively analysed the HBV status of 340 consecutive donors and recipients who underwent KT in a single centre. We prospectively measured cccDNA by real-time polymerase chain reaction in kidney biopsy specimens of 32 donors with resolved HBV infection. HBV reactivation was found in three recipients with resolved HBV infection (4.8%, 3/63) after KT. We analysed 45 cases of transplantation from donors with resolved HBV infection to HBV-naive recipients. One case (2.2%, 1/45) became seropositive for hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc) and in another case (2.2%, 1/45), HBV-DNA was detected qualitatively in an HBV naive recipient with a donor with resolved HBV infection. In the latter case, cccDNA was measured in the donor kidney during KT. HBV replication was observed in kidney cell lines with HBV plasmid transfection. In conclusion, the risk of reactivation in anti-HBc-positive donors is relatively low. However, post-transplant HBV monitoring should be conducted in all at-risk cases.
  • 菱田 英里華, 吉澤 寛道, 今井 利美, 若林 奈津子, 大原 健, 木下 真希, 秋元 哲, 齋藤 修, 岩見 大基, 長田 太助
    日本透析医学会雑誌 55(Suppl.1) 532-532 2022年5月  
  • Jun Kamei, Hirotaka Yokoyama, Toshiro Niki, Ryosuke Suda, Toru Sugihara, Akira Fujisaki, Satoshi Ando, Daiki Iwami, Tetsuya Fujimura
    IJU case reports 5(3) 199-202 2022年5月  
    Introduction: We present a case of urothelial carcinoma in a renal allograft successfully treated with pembrolizumab. Case presentation: A 39-year-old woman presented with nausea and anorexia 9 years after a renal transplantation. Positron emission tomography revealed a neoplasm of the renal pelvis of the allograft and multiple lymph nodes with peritoneal metastasis. A diagnosis of a non-muscle-invasive bladder tumor with peritoneal dissemination and jejunal metastasis of urothelial carcinoma was made. After five cycles of gemcitabine and carboplatin, the tumor progressed and pembrolizumab was administered. One week after the first dose, the allograft was rejected, necessitating arterial embolization. After the second cycle, the patient developed Stevens-Johnson syndrome. After discontinuing pembrolizumab, positron emission tomography revealed no increased tumor activity. A complete response was achieved for 21 months without additional treatment. Conclusion: Pembrolizumab was effective in treating urothelial carcinoma of the renal allograft; however, allograft rejection and loss should be considered.
  • 西田 翔, 須田 遼祐, 片野 咲, 南園 京子, 広瀬 貴行, 岩見 大基
    日本臨床腎移植学会プログラム・抄録集 55回 154-154 2022年2月  
  • 片野 咲, 石川 暢夫, 広瀬 貴行, 西田 翔, 南園 京子, 須田 遼祐, 天野 雄介, 三浦 珠希, 辻 隆裕, 岩見 大基
    日本臨床腎移植学会プログラム・抄録集 55回 194-194 2022年2月  
  • 南園 京子, 広瀬 貴行, 西田 翔, 片野 咲, 須田 遼祐, 石川 暢夫, 岩見 大基
    日本臨床腎移植学会プログラム・抄録集 55回 256-256 2022年2月  
  • 須田 遼祐, 片野 咲, 南園 京子, 西田 翔, 亀井 潤, 広瀬 貴行, 石川 暢夫, 藤村 哲也, 岩見 大基
    日本臨床腎移植学会プログラム・抄録集 55回 284-284 2022年2月  
  • 田邉 起, 大澤 崇宏, 堀田 記世彦, 岩見 大基, 菊地 央, 松本 隆児, 安部 崇重, 篠原 信雄
    日本泌尿器科学会雑誌 113(1) 37-41 2022年1月  
    症例は54歳女性,原疾患不明の慢性腎不全に対して献腎移植を施行され腎機能は安定していた.移植後6年で膀胱刺激症状を契機に膀胱右側の筋層浸潤性膀胱癌が判明し肺転移も伴っていた.StageIV膀胱癌として免疫抑制剤を減量しゲムシタビン・シスプラチン療法を開始したところ,4コース後に転移巣が消失した.新規病変を認めなかったため開放手術にて右腎尿管膀胱全摘術および回腸導管造設を行った.摘出標本で左尿管断端に上皮内癌病変を認めたため,2ヵ月後に残存した左固有腎尿管に対して鏡視下で腎尿管全摘術を施行したが,悪性所見は認めなかった.Surgical CRとして無治療経過観察としたが,術後半年で多発肺転移が出現した.ゲムシタビン・カルボプラチン療法を導入し,4コース終了までは肺転移がやや縮小したが,5コース終了後は増悪を認めていた.追加治療を希望せず緩和治療へ移行となり膀胱全摘後1年9ヵ月で癌死した.腎移植後であっても膀胱全摘および尿路変向手術は可能で,免疫抑制剤の調整により化学療法も完遂できた.腎移植後の進行性膀胱癌にエビデンスのある治療方針はなく,腎機能障害を有し免疫抑制状態であることを認識し,個々の症例で適切な薬物治療や外科的治療の選択をする必要がある.(著者抄録)
  • Ayaka Hayashi, Izumi Yamamoto, Mayuko Kawabe, Akimitsu Kobayashi, Makoto Ito, Kiyohiko Hotta, Nobuo Shinohara, Tetsunori Tasaki, Takashi Yokoo, Daiki Iwami
    Frontiers in immunology 13 862652-862652 2022年  
    Background: A positive flow-cytometry T cell crossmatch (FTXM) has important prognostic implications, even when the complement-dependent cytotoxicity crossmatch is negative. Recent studies have shown that ABO incompatibility is associated with positive FTXM, but the underlying mechanism remains poorly understood. Cases: In five ABO blood type O recipients of kidneys from wives with type B, FTXM was positive but complement-dependent cytotoxicity crossmatch was negative. Application of a solid-phase technique (LABScreen) revealed no case with antibodies to donor-specific human leukocyte antigen. After removal of type B antibodies from patient sera, FTXM was negative for all five patients. In one tested case, the eluate prepared from the donor's T lymphocyte agglutinated only type B red blood cells, implying the existence of blood type B substances on donor T lymphocytes. Discussion: False-positive FTXM reflects blood type B substrates bound to T lymphocytes. Repeat FTXM after incubation with donor-type red blood cells (to adsorb anti-ABO antibodies) was negative. This phenomenon explains the discrepancy between FTXM and solid-phase bead assays. Demonstration of type B substances on donor T lymphocytes is necessary before absolute test validity is confirmed. Conclusion: False-positive FTXM may be associated with type B antibodies bound to T lymphocytes when a blood type O recipient receives tissue from a type B donor. This phenomenon explains the false-positive FTXM observed in the setting of ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation.
  • Taro Kubo, Tatsuya Takayama, Akira Fujisaki, Shigeru Nakamura, Takumi Teratani, Naohiro Sata, Joji Kitayama, Hideo Nakai, Daiki Iwami, Tetsuya Fujimura
    PloS one 17(2) e0263179 2022年  
    Surgical training using live animals such as pigs is one of the best ways of achieving skilled techniques and fostering confidence in preclinical medical students and surgeon trainees. However, due to animal welfare ethics, laboratory animals' usage for training should be kept to a minimum. We have developed a novel kidney organ model utilizing a simple procedure in which the kidney is first refluxed with N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone (NVP) solution for 1 hour in its bath, followed by permeation for 23 hours, with a subsequent freshwater refluxed for 48 hours in the washing step. Surgical simulation of the prepared kidney model (NVP-fixed kidney) was compared with three types of other basic known simulation models (fresh kidney, freeze-thaw kidney, and FA-fixed kidney) by various evaluations. We found the NVP-fixed kidney to mimicked fresh kidney function the most, pertaining to the hardness, and strength of the renal parenchyma. Moreover, the NVP-fixed kidney demonstrated successful blood-like fluids perfusion and electrocautery. Further, we confirmed that surgical training could be performed under conditions closer to actual clinical practice. Our findings suggest that our model does not only contribute to improving surgical skills but also inspires the utilization of otherwise, discarded inedible livestock organs as models for surgical training.
  • 岩原 直也, 堀田 記世彦, 田邉 起, 高田 祐輔, 樋口 はるか, 佐々木 元, 原田 浩, 広瀬 貴行, 岩見 大基, 篠原 信雄
    日本泌尿器科学会総会 109回 AOP13-07 2021年12月  
  • Daiki Iwami, Takenao Matsumoto, Kota Ono, Kiyohiko Hotta, Minoru Ota, Yuki Chiba, Hajime Sasaki, Takayuki Hirose, Haruka Higuchi, Yusuke Takada, Naoya Iwahara, Sachiyo Murai, Nobuo Shinohara
    Renal Replacement Therapy 7(1) 2021年12月  
    Background: Removal of anti-blood group antibodies is important for successful ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation (ABOi-KTx). Double-filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP) using albumin solution removes antibodies effectively. However, fibrinogen is largely removed resulting in hemostatic failure. Herein, we designed an altered combination of plasma membranes in DFPP (novel DFPP, nDFPP) to retain more fibrinogen while removing IgG, and assessed its efficacy and safety compared with conventional DFPP (cDFPP). Methods: Consecutive ABOi-KTx recipients (from 2015 to 2018) were enrolled. For the first membrane, we used Cascadeflo EC-50W in nDFPP and Plasmaflo OP-08W in cDFPP, and Cascadeflo EC-20W as the second membrane in both modalities. Removal rates (RR) of IgG, IgM and fibrinogen per DFPP session, and adverse events were compared with historical control patients who underwent cDFPP before ABOi-KTx, between 2006 and 2015. Results: nDFPP and cDFPP groups included 12 and 23 cases, respectively. nDFPP was inferior to cDFPP in RR of IgG and IgM. nDFPP was also inferior to cDFPP in the decline in anti-blood group IgG and IgM antibody titers. However, fibrinogen was more preserved in nDFPP compared with cDFPP, indicating that nDFPP has more selective removal properties (median RR of IgG, IgM, and fibrinogen: 62.1%, 15.7% and 37.6%, respectively, in nDFPP; and 74.5%, 85.0% and 76.6%, respectively, in cDFPP). In the comparison of hemostatic function among the patients who had arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis, prolonged hemostasis (> 20 min) at the cannulation site was significantly less frequently observed in nDFPP group (1 in 9 cases, 9.1%) than in cDFPP group (all 18 cases, 10%, p < 0.0001). Conclusions: nDFPP preserves fibrinogen while removing anti-blood type IgG antibodies before ABOi-KTx.
  • Chisato Shirakawa, Masaaki Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Shimamura, Yasuyuki Koshizuka, Norio Kawamura, Ryoichi Goto, Takeshi Soyama, Daiki Iwami, Kiyohiko Hotta, Akinobu Taketomi, Daisuke Abo
    Surgical Case Reports 7(1) 139-139 2021年12月  
    <title>Abstract</title><sec> <title>Background</title> Simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation (SPK) is a treatment option for patients with end-stage renal disease due to type 1 diabetes mellitus. We report a patient with a refractory fistula due to leakage from the duodenal stump of the pancreas graft after an SPK with bladder drainage who was successfully treated with a percutaneous direct injection of <italic>N</italic>-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (NBCA). </sec><sec> <title>Case presentation</title> A 60-year-old female with a 33-year history of type 1 diabetes mellitus and a 10-year history of renal replacement therapy underwent an SPK in 2015. At the time of transplantation, an abdominal aortic aneurysm with a high risk of rupture was treated by a Y-graft replacement prior to the SPK. Bladder drainage of the pancreas graft was chosen to avoid a vessel graft infection. The patient’s postoperative course was uneventful. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 93 with good-functioning pancreas and kidney grafts. One and a half years after the operation, the patient was found to have acute graft pancreatitis and a leak from the duodenal stump of the pancreas graft due to a paralytic neurogenic bladder. The insertion of an indwelling catheter into the bladder and the endoscopic-guided insertion of a catheter into the graft pancreatic duct through the duodenum/bladder anastomosis did not result in the closure of the fistula. Therefore, NBCA was injected at the site of the leak point using CT-guided technique. The fistula was completely closed immediately after the injection, with no recurrences of leaks. </sec><sec> <title>Conclusions</title> A percutaneous direct injection of NBCA is one of the treatment options to treat intractable fistulas. </sec>
  • Takahiro Shinzato, Toshihiro Shimizu, Daiki Iwami, Noriyoshi Fukushima, Kenichi Tabata
    CEN case reports 11(2) 237-241 2021年11月11日  
    Herein we report the case of a 37-year-old woman with recurrence of lupus nephritis (LN) in a renal allograft during pregnancy. She had developed end-stage renal disease due to LN and was put on hemodialysis at the age of 26 years. She underwent kidney transplantation at the age 28 years. Maintenance immunosuppressants included methylprednisolone, tacrolimus, and mycophenolate mofetil, which were changed to azathioprine when she desired pregnancy. The renal allograft function remained stable and seemingly disease-free until proteinuria and functional decline occurred during the pregnancy (age: 34 years). The baby was delivered by performing a cesarean section at 33 weeks of gestation. Renal allograft biopsy revealed crescent formation. Light microscopy revealed tuft necrosis and endocapillary proliferation. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed the deposition of immunoglobulin G and C1q. A recurrence of LN (ISN/RPS class IV-G [A/C]) was diagnosed, and the patient was treated with pulse steroid therapy and azathioprine was replaced with mycophenolate mofetil. This treatment improved acute or active lesions of LN and temporarily benefited the renal allograft function. Unfortunately, there were irreversible chronic changes and a gradual decline in the renal allograft function.
  • Yoshitaka Kinoshita, Saki Katano, Sho Nishida, Toshihiro Shimizu, Tetsuya Fujimura, Haruki Kume, Daiki Iwami
    International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 29(2) 114-120 2021年10月11日  
    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the relationship between the creatinine reduction ratio between postoperative days 1 and 2 and post-transplantation clinical outcomes after living donor kidney transplantation. METHODS: Clinical data of patients who underwent living donor kidney transplantation at Jichi Medical University Hospital, Tochigi, Japan, between 2006 and 2019 were retrieved. The creatinine reduction ratio between postoperative days 1 and 2 was calculated based on the formula: (Cre1 - Cre2) × 100/Cre1; patients were then classified into either the slow graft function (creatinine reduction ratio between postoperative days 1 and 2 ≤30%) or immediate graft function (creatinine reduction ratio between postoperative days 1 and 2 >30%) group. We carried out the log-rank test and multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression analyses to assess graft survival and rejection-free survival, and the unpaired t-test and multivariate linear regression to assess post-transplantation estimated glomerular filtration rates. Multivariate analyses used age, sex, dialysis duration, ABO compatibility, donor-specific antibody positivity and medically complex living donors as explanatory variables. RESULTS: Of the 272 patients, 30 and 242 were in the slow graft function and immediate graft function groups, respectively. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression analyses showed a significantly higher incidence of overall and death-censored graft loss in the slow graft function group than the immediate graft function group. The frequency of rejection after 1 week post-transplantation did not differ within the groups. Post-transplantation estimated glomerular filtration rates tended to decline earlier in the slow graft function group than in the immediate graft function group; however, the difference was not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: The creatinine reduction ratio between postoperative days 1 and 2 could potentially predict long-term outcomes after living donor kidney transplantation. Using the creatinine reduction ratio between postoperative days 1 and 2 and other conventional indicators might allow accurate risk classification and appropriate therapeutic interventions.
  • Toshihiro Shimizu, Saki Katano, Sho Nishida, Yoshitaka Kinoshita, Takahiro Shinzato, Yasunaru Sakuma, Daiki Iwami
    IJU case reports 4(5) 307-309 2021年9月  
    Introduction: After kidney transplantation, patients should be treated with caution and monitored for surgical complications. Among the possible surgical complications, strangulation ileus after kidney transplantation is rare. Case presentation: A 59-year-old woman who had undergone kidney transplantation at 41 years of age presented to our hospital with lower abdominal pain. She was diagnosed with strangulation ileus and underwent emergency surgery. In the lower right abdomen, the small intestine was compressed by cord-like tissue running from the intraperitoneal space to the retroperitoneal space. We confirmed that the cord-like tissue was the ureter of the transplanted kidney. The necrotic small intestine was resected, and ureter-ureteral anastomosis of the ureter of the transplanted kidney was performed. Conclusion: All surgical procedures, including ureteroneocystostomy, require careful attention. The occurrence of some postoperative surgical complications can be prevented by carefully performing the kidney transplantation procedure.
  • Tatsu Tanabe, Kiyohiko Hotta, Naoya Iwahara, Daiki Iwami, Sachiyo Murai, Nobuo Shinohara
    International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 28(8) 872-873 2021年8月  
  • Yoshitsugu Obi, Naotsugu Ichimaru, Yusuke Sakaguchi, Kazuhiro Iwadoh, Daisuke Ishii, Ken Sakai, Daiki Iwami, Hiroshi Harada, Keiichi Sumida, Akinari Sekine, Kosuke Masutani, Naotake Akutsu, Takamitsu Inoue, Morikuni Nishihira, Tatsuo Yoneda, Shinichi Ito, Motoo Araki, Jun‐Ya Kaimori, Katsunori Yoshida, Shigeru Satoh, Yoshifumi Ubara, Yoshitaka Isaka, Kazunari Yoshida, Yoshiharu Tsubakihara, Shiro Takahara, Takayuki Hamano
    Transplant International 34(7) 1212-1225 2021年4月22日  
    Anemia and vitamin D deficiency are associated with allograft failure, and hence, are potential therapeutic targets among kidney transplant recipients (KTRs). We conducted a multicenter, two-by-two factorial, open-label, randomized clinical trial to examine the effects of anemia correction and vitamin D supplementation on 2-year change in eGFR among KTRs (CANDLE-KIT). We enrolled 153 patients with anemia and >1-year history of transplantation across 23 facilities in Japan, and randomly assigned them to either a high or low hemoglobin target (>12.5 vs. <10.5 g/dl) and to either cholecalciferol 1000 IU/day or control. This trial was terminated early based on the planned interim intention-to-treat analyses (α = 0.034). Among 125 patients who completed the study, 2-year decline in eGFR was smaller in the high vs. low hemoglobin group (i.e., -1.6 ± 4.5 vs. -4.0 ± 6.9 ml/min/1.73 m2 ; P = 0.021), but did not differ between the cholecalciferol and control groups. These findings were supported by the fully adjusted mixed effects model evaluating the rate of eGFR decline among all 153 participants. There were no significant between-group differences in all-cause death or the renal composite outcome in either arm. In conclusion, aggressive anemia correction showed a potential to preserve allograft kidney function.
  • Taro Kubo, Tatsuya Takayama, Daiki Iwami
    Japanese Journal of Clinical Urology 75(3) 212-218 2021年  査読有り
  • Yoshitaka Kinoshita, Daiki Iwami, Tetsuya Fujimura, Haruki Kume, Takashi Yokoo, Eiji Kobayashi
    Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira 36(2) e360208 2021年  
    PURPOSE: Although transplanting two kidneys from a single donor to two recipients has some advantages, the right and left kidneys are not anatomically identical; thus, a surgical procedure considering the anatomical features of the donor kidneys is needed when transplanting them into the opposite renal fossae. Based on vast experience, the surgical details of pig orthotopic kidney transplantation from one donor to two recipients was reported. METHODS: When the right kidney was transplanted to the left renal fossa, the graft was inverted upside down, not backwards, thus ensuring that the anteroposterior relationship of the renal vessels was maintained and anatomically natural vascular anastomosis could be performed. RESULTS: Using this technique, we could have developed a pig experimental model that is safe and has a high success rate, even for researchers in the middle of their training. This technique of inverting the graft upside down was reported in human kidney transplantation to make vascular anastomosis easier. CONCLUSIONS: In pig orthotopic kidney transplantation from one donor to two recipients, an anatomically natural vascular anastomosis could be performed via inverted grafting when the right kidney was transplanted into the left renal fossa.
  • Shuhei Yamada, Kiyohiko Hotta, Masahiko Takahata, Daiki Iwami, Yuki Sugito, Tatsu Tanabe, Naoya Iwahara, Nobuo Shinohara
    IJU case reports 3(6) 248-251 2020年11月  
    Introduction: Femoral nerve palsy is a rare but serious complication of kidney transplantation. We report a case of femoral nerve palsy following kidney transplantation and conduct a review of the literature on this complication. Case presentation: A 35-year-old woman with end-stage kidney disease, underwent kidney transplantation in the right iliac fossa. The day after the transplantation, she could not straighten her right leg. Physical examination revealed a paresis of her right quadriceps muscle. The patient's sensation of her right thigh was also impaired. We diagnosed her with femoral nerve palsy caused by inappropriate compression from a self-retaining retractor. Rehabilitation was started immediately. The patient's motor weakness gradually improved, and the patient became able to walk independently 4 weeks later. However, the patient's neuropathic pain sustained 6 months after her kidney transplantation. Conclusion: The improper use of self-retaining retractors can lead to femoral nerve palsy in patients undergoing kidney transplantation.
  • Yusuke Takada, Daisuke Kamimura, Jing-Jing Jiang, Haruka Higuchi, Daiki Iwami, Kiyohiko Hotta, Yuki Tanaka, Mitsutoshi Ota, Madoka Higuchi, Saori Nishio, Tatsuya Atsumi, Nobuo Shinohara, Yoshihiro Matsuno, Takahiro Tsuji, Tatsu Tanabe, Hajime Sasaki, Naoya Iwahara, Masaaki Murakami
    International immunology 32(10) 653-662 2020年9月30日  
    Chronic active antibody-mediated rejection (CAAMR) is a particular problem in kidney transplantation (KTx), and ~25% of grafts are lost by CAAMR. Further, the pathogenesis remains unclear, and there is no effective cure or marker. We previously found that a hyper NFκB-activating mechanism in non-immune cells, called the IL-6 amplifier, is induced by the co-activation of NFκB and STAT3, and that this activation can develop various chronic inflammatory diseases. Here, we show that synaptotagmin-17 (SYT17) is increased in an exosomal fraction of the urine from CAAMR patients, and that this increase is associated with activation of the IL-6 amplifier. Immunohistochemistry showed that SYT17 protein expression was increased in renal tubule cells of the CAAMR group. While SYT17 protein was not detectable in whole-urine samples by western blotting, urinary exosomal SYT17 levels were significantly elevated in the CAAMR group compared to three other histology groups (normal, interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy, and calcineurin inhibitors toxicity) after KTx. On the other hand, current clinical laboratory data could not differentiate the CAAMR group from these groups. These data suggest that urinary exosomal SYT17 is a potential diagnostic marker for CAAMR.
  • 堀田 記世彦, 岩見 大基, 岩原 直也, 篠原 信雄
    日本小児腎不全学会雑誌 40 135-138 2020年7月  
  • 上條 千太, 氏橋 一紘, 堀田 記世彦, 岡田 宏美, 岩見 大基, 岩原 直也, 篠原 信雄
    日本小児腎不全学会雑誌 40 321-324 2020年7月  
    症例は18歳、男性。ネフロン癆による腎不全に対し、11歳時に母をドナーとする血液型不一致生体腎移植を施行した。移植1年目、2年目の定期生検で異常所見は認めなかったが、3年目の定期生検で傍尿細管毛細血管(PTC)炎と糸球体炎を認め、PTCにC4dの沈着を認めた。また、HLA Class I、IIのde novoドナー特異的抗体(DSA)が検出されたが、血清クレアチニンの上昇はなくsubclinical antibody-mediated rejection(AMR)と診断した。タクロリムスとミコフェノール酸モフェチルの増量、ステロイドパルス治療、リツキシマブの投与を行った。4年目生検では病理所見の改善とDSAの陰転化を認めた。現在移植後6年11ヵ月経過し、腎機能に悪化はなくDSAの陰転化を維持している。Subclinical AMRに対する治療介入は有効である可能性があり早期診断が重要である。(著者抄録)
  • 原田 浩, 福澤 信之, 阿部 豊文, 今村 亮一, 正木 紀行, 藤山 信弘, 佐藤 滋, 畠山 真吾, 西村 憲二, 岸川 英史, 岩見 大基, 堀田 記世彦, 三浦 正義, 井手 健太郎, 中村 道郎, 香束 昌宏, 内田 潤次, 村上 卓, 辻 隆裕
    日本臨床腎移植学会雑誌 8(1) 142-150 2020年7月  
    【研究目的】移植腎障害(KGI)を非侵襲的に診断しうるバイオマーカーの探索を尿中のエクソソーム・微小嚢胞(EV)中のmRNA解析により行った。【方法】全国11施設にて計127症例の腎移植後の尿検体を集めた。各尿検体からEV RNAを抽出し定量RT-PCR測定を行い、腎生検を含む病理診断結果と比較しマーカー候補遺伝子ならびに複数候補による診断式の診断性能を検証した。【結果】拒絶反応の鑑別では以前に報告したANXA1の上昇は確認できなかったものの、CXCL9、CXCL10、UMODがT細胞性拒絶反応(TCMR)で上昇し、慢性抗体関連拒絶反応(cABMR)ではSPNS2の上昇が確認された。Sparse Logistic Regression(SLR)解析による複数マーカー候補からなる診断式にてcABMRと他のKGI群とAUC 0.875で鑑別できることを確認した。また、臨床上判定が困難な慢性カルシニューリン毒性に比しても、SLR解析でAUC 0.886でcABMRの鑑別が可能であった。加えて、間質線維化・尿細管萎縮や慢性腎障害重症度と相関がみられるマーカー候補POTEMを確認し、SLR解析による診断式でおのおのAUC 0.830、0.850で鑑別できた。【結論】尿中EV RNA解析によりKGIを非侵襲的に診断できうる可能性を示した。(著者抄録)
  • Haruka Higuchi, Daisuke Kamimura, Jing-Jing Jiang, Toru Atsumi, Daiki Iwami, Kiyohiko Hotta, Hiroshi Harada, Yusuke Takada, Hiromi Kanno-Okada, Kanako C Hatanaka, Yuki Tanaka, Nobuo Shinohara, Masaaki Murakami
    International immunology 32(7) 493-493 2020年6月26日  
  • 山本 啓一朗, 後藤 了一, 深澤 拓夢, 巖築 慶一, 川村 典生, 渡辺 正明, 堀田 記世彦, 岩見 大基, 篠原 信雄, 嶋村 剛, 武冨 紹信
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 81(4) 799-799 2020年4月  
  • 安部 崇重, 菊地 央, 松本 隆児, 大澤 崇宏, 佐澤 陽, 田中 博, 岩見 大基, 篠原 信雄
    日本泌尿器内視鏡学会総会 33回 V-5 2019年11月  
  • 堀田 記世彦, 岩見 大基, 守屋 仁彦, 中村 美智子, 今 雅史, 岩原 直也, 篠原 信雄
    日本小児腎不全学会雑誌 39 92-95 2019年7月  
  • 前田 啓介, 堀田 記世彦, 岩見 大基, 高橋 弘典, 守屋 仁彦, 中村 美智子, 今 雅史, 岩原 直也, 篠原 信雄
    日本小児腎不全学会雑誌 39 200-202 2019年7月  
  • Iwami D
    International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 26(2) 312-312 2019年2月  査読有り
  • Iwami D, Miura M, Chiba Y, Ota M, Matsumoto T, Hotta K, Sasaki H, Hirose T, Harada H, Shinohara N
    Transplantation proceedings 50(10) 3478-3482 2018年12月  査読有り
  • Hirose T, Hotta K, Iwami D, Harada H, Morita K, Tanabe T, Sasaki H, Fukuzawa N, Seki T, Shinohara N
    Journal of endourology 32(12) 1120-1124 2018年12月  査読有り
  • 堀田 記世彦, 守屋 仁彦, 森田 研, 岩見 大基, 篠原 信雄
    臨床透析 34(9) 1149-1154 2018年8月  
  • 堀田 記世彦, 岡田 宏美, 岩見 大基, 樋口 はるか, 高田 祐輔, 篠原 信雄
    日本小児腎不全学会雑誌 38 118-122 2018年7月  
  • Iwami D, Aramaki O, Shinohara N, Niimi M, Shirasugi N
    Transplant immunology 50 60-67 2018年7月  査読有り
  • Hiroyuki Iwano, Shingo Tsujinaga, Daiki Iwami, Naoya Asakawa, Satoshi Yamada, Toshihisa Anzai
    CASE (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2(3) 103-108 2018年6月  査読有り
  • Hajime Sasaki, Daiki Iwami, Kiyohiko Hotta, Ken Morita, Tomoaki Naka, Nobuo Shinohara
    International Journal of Urology 25(5) 513-514 2018年5月1日  査読有り
  • Kanae Takahashi, Teruki Yanagi, Shinya Kitamura, Hiroo Hata, Keisuke Imafuku, Daiki Iwami, Kiyohiko Hotta, Ken Morita, Nobuo Shinohara, Hiroshi Shimizu
    Journal of Dermatology 45(5) e116-e117 2018年5月1日  査読有り
  • Nakano K, Iwami D, Yamada T, Morita K, Yasuda K, Shibuya H, Kahata K, Shinohara N, Shimizu C
    Transplantation direct 4(1) e337 2018年1月  査読有り
  • K. Kawakubo, M. Kuwatani, T. Shimamura, K. Yamashita, R. Goto, M. Watanabe, Y. Koshizuka, N. Kawamura, D. Iwami, K. Hotta, I. Sano, R. Sugiura, S. Kato, N. Shinohara, A. Taketomi, N. Sakamoto
    JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY 32(11) 1791-1791 2017年11月  査読有り
  • 森田 研, 千葉 博基, 広瀬 貴行, 佐々木 元, 田邉 起, 堀田 記世彦, 岩見 大基, 篠原 信雄
    腎移植・血管外科 28(1) 41-44 2017年10月  
  • 広瀬 貴行, 岩見 大基, 森田 研, 堀田 記世彦, 佐々木 元, 樋口 はるか, 高田 祐輔, 篠原 信雄
    日本小児腎不全学会雑誌 37 124-127 2017年7月  
  • 森田 研, 田邉 起, 佐々木 元, 広瀬 貴行, 樋口 はるか, 岩見 大基, 堀田 記世彦, 篠原 信雄
    腎移植・血管外科 27(2) 109-114 2017年4月  
    献腎移植のPrimary non-function(PNF)による移植成績低下を改善するために、北海道では2004年にブタを使用した摘出トレーニングを導入した。このトレーニング導入後の2004年1月から2014年2月までの期間中に北海道で摘出が行われた献腎ドナーは66例(脳死ドナー17例、心停止49例)であった。ドナー年齢は中央値52歳(21-76)、男性35例、女性31例、ドナー搬入時Crは中央値0.9(0.36-1.40)mg/dLで、温阻血時間は中央値2(0-29)分であった。摘出前に無尿となった症例は11例認め、無尿時間は中央値で10(3-19)時間であった。我々は原則として無尿時間が24時間を超えた場合や腎摘出後のベンチでの灌流が不良な場合は、移植適応外と判断している。摘出された132腎のうち、4腎が適応外(萎縮腎1、灌流不良3)で128腎が移植可能であった。また、11腎が膵腎同時移植として道内外の外科系施設へ提供され、117腎が道内施設で移植された。PNFを1例に認めたが、トレーニング導入前に比べPNF症例は減少した。また、摘出時間も有意に短縮された。PNF1例は二次移植小児例でのレシピエントの静脈血栓によるPNFであり、ドナー条件や摘出手術とは無関係であった。当院ではこの117例中38例(32.5%)が移植された。うち11例(脳死6例、心停止5例)において0hr生検と1hr生検を採取し、後日永久標本で移植腎を評価した。病理上、4例で急性尿細管障害を認めたが、尿細管上皮障害の有無や程度にかかわらず11例中10例で術後透析を要しており、ベースライン生検で移植後の経過は予測できなかった。ドナー死戦期のバイタル変動や、温阻血時間、総阻血時間、摘出術自体による腎実質障害など様々な要因が重なるため、迅速のHE染色標本のみで移植の可否を決定することは不可能と思われた。北海道における初期(1980〜2001年)の献腎移植経過と比較し、摘出技術の向上と、無尿時間と灌流状態による腎提供可否判断により、最近の献腎移植成績は良好であった。(著者抄録)
  • 山崎 健史, 高橋 俊行, 林 麻子, 岡本 孝之, 岩見 大基, 森田 研
    日本小児腎臓病学会雑誌 30(1) 90-90 2017年4月  査読有り
  • Kiyohiko Hotta, Masayoshi Miura, Yoshiki Wada, Nobuyuki Fukuzawa, Daiki Iwami, Hajime Sasaki, Toshimori Seki, Hiroshi Harada
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 24(4) 314-319 2017年4月  査読有り
    ObjectivesTo evaluate the risk for urological complications after kidney transplantation at a single medical center in Japan. MethodsIn the present study, 408 kidney recipients (255 men, 153 women) were enrolled. There were 349 living and 59 deceased donors. The average age of the recipients was 42.513.5years, and the average pretransplant dialysis period was 71.888.2months. Ureteroneocystostomy was carried out on 347 patients, and ureteroureterostomy on 61 patients. We investigated the relationship between pretransplant duration of dialysis and bladder capacity, and examined the risk factors for urological complication. We also evaluated the incidence of vesicoureteral reflux in 191 recipients who underwent ureteroneocystostomy during transplantation. ResultsThe preoperative duration of dialysis therapy showed a significant negative correlation with bladder capacity (R-2=0.33, P&lt;0.001). The overall urological complication rate was 3.4% (14 patients), including urinary leakage (12 patients) and ureteral stricture (two patients). Univariate analysis showed that atrophic bladder, long-term dialysis therapy, deceased donor and ureteroureterostomy were associated with a higher incidence of urological complications (odds ratio 8.05, 4.43, 3.42 and 3.35; P&lt;0.01, P=0.01, P=0.04 and P=0.04, respectively). Furthermore, multivariate analysis showed that atrophic bladder was the only significant factor associated with urological complications (odds ratio 10.37; P=0.01). Among 191 recipients, vesicoureteral reflux was observed in 32 (16.8%). The incidence of vesicoureteral reflux was significantly higher in patients with atrophic bladder. ConclusionsBladder atrophy in renal transplant recipients after long-term dialysis therapy is associated with a higher risk of urological complications.
  • A. Nakamura, D. Iwami, H. Miyoshi, K. Morita, M. Taguri, Y. Terauchi, N. Shinohara, T. Atsumi
    DIABETIC MEDICINE 34(4) 569-576 2017年4月  査読有り
    AimsTo investigate changes in glucose tolerance, insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity in Japanese recipients before and 1 year after renal transplantation. MethodsWe conducted a study of Japanese recipients without diabetes who underwent renal transplantation at Hokkaido University Hospital. A 75-g oral glucose tolerance test was performed before and 1 year after renal transplantation in these recipients. Insulin sensitivity was estimated using the Matsuda index and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). Insulin secretion was evaluated based on the insulin secretion sensitivity index-2 (ISSI-2). ResultsOf the 62 renal transplant recipients, 31 were diagnosed as having impaired glucose tolerance before transplantation. Among these 31 recipients, after 1 year, four had developed new-onset diabetes after transplantation, and nine had impaired glucose tolerance. Unexpectedly, 18 changed from impaired to normal glucose tolerance. When these recipients with impaired glucose tolerance were classified into a non-amelioration group and an amelioration group, the ISSI-2 was significantly reduced, with no significant changes in the Matsuda index or HOMA-IR, in the non-amelioration group 1 year after renal transplantation. By contrast, ISSI-2 and Matsuda index values were significantly increased, with no significant changes in HOMA-IR values in the amelioration group. ConclusionsMore than half of Japanese renal transplant recipients with impaired glucose tolerance had normal glucose tolerance 1 year after renal transplantation. These results suggest that an increase in insulin secretion and whole insulin sensitivity was associated with improvement in glucose tolerance in these recipients.
  • 岩見 大基, 田邉 起, 堀田 記世彦, 樋口 はるか, 森田 研, 篠原 信雄
    腎移植・血管外科 29(2) 115-119 2017年  
  • D. Iwami, K. Hotta, H. Sasaki, T. Hirose, H. Higuchi, Y. Takada, N. Shinohara
    TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 49(1) 84-87 2017年1月  査読有り
    Background. De novo donor-specific antibody (dnDSA), especially against class II HLA, correlates with chronic active antibody-mediated rejection (CAAMR), which eventually leads to graft loss. It would be helpful if we could identify the patients at high risk of dnDSA development in terms of histocompatibility. Structure-based matching strategy assessing mismatched epitopes/eplets by comparing polymorphic amino acid sequences can predict the risk of development of dnDSA and CAAMR. However, it has not been evaluated in Japanese patients whose diversity in HLA is limited. Patients and Methods. We retrospectively studied 55 living related kidney transplant patients and ascertained donor and recipient HLA-A,-B,-DRB1, and-DQB1. The number of mismatched eplets was determined using an algorithm, HLAMatchmaker version 3. The relationship between characteristics of mismatched eplets and development of CAAMR was evaluated. Results. There were 8 patients in the CAAMR group and 47 in the control group. The numbers of mismatched HLAs (3.6 +/- 1.2 in CAAMR and 3.7 +/- 2.0 in control groups), mismatched eplets (32.2 +/- 10.4 in CAAMR and 34.4 +/- 19.8 in control groups), mismatched DRB1 eplets (11.2 +/- 4.3 in CAAMR and 11.5 +/- 7.9 in control groups), and mismatched DQB1 eplets (9.2 +/- 4.3 in CAAMR and 10.5 +/- 7.3 in control groups) were not significantly different. Significantly more patients had at least one highly immunogenic mismatched eplet (62.5% in CAAMR and 25.5% in control groups; P = .024 by chi(2) test). Conclusions. The presence of highly immunogenic mismatched eplets is associated with development of CAAMR.



