
園田 洋史



自治医科大学 外科学講座 消化器一般移植外科部門 講師



  • 佐々木 和人, 江本 成伸, 阿部 真也, 野澤 宏彰, 室野 浩司, 横山 雄一郎, 松崎 裕幸, 永井 雄三, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A52-A52 2023年9月  
  • 江本 成伸, 野澤 宏彰, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 園田 洋史, 品川 貴秀, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A54-A54 2023年9月  
  • 渡邉 達己, 佐々木 和人, 野澤 宏彰, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史, 小林 英津子, 佐久間 一郎, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A59-A59 2023年9月  
  • 品川 貴秀, 小松 更一, 江本 成伸, 園田 洋史, 永井 雄三, 阿部 真也, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 室野 浩司, 佐々木 和人, 野澤 宏彰, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A62-A62 2023年9月  
  • 野澤 宏彰, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 横山 雄一郎, 松崎 裕幸, 永井 雄三, 阿部 真也, 園田 洋史, 品川 貴秀, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A92-A92 2023年9月  
  • 小松 更一, 村上 恵太, 黒川 憲, 坪井 真代, 青木 智則, 園田 洋史, 品川 貴秀, 井原 聡三郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 江本 成伸, 室野 浩司, 佐々木 和人, 赤松 延久, 野澤 宏彰, 藤城 光弘, 長谷川 潔, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A97-A97 2023年9月  
  • 菊池 亮佑, 佐々木 和人, 坂元 慧, 野澤 宏彰, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 横山 雄一郎, 松崎 裕幸, 永井 雄三, 阿部 真也, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A103-A103 2023年9月  
  • 阿部 真也, 野澤 宏彰, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 永井 雄三, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A176-A176 2023年9月  
  • 野澤 宏彰, 横山 雄一郎, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 松崎 裕幸, 永井 雄三, 阿部 真也, 園田 洋史, 品川 貴秀, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A219-A219 2023年9月  
  • 岡本 憲明, 野澤 宏彰, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 園田 洋史, 品川 貴秀, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A224-A224 2023年9月  
  • 佐々木 和人, 江本 成伸, 阿部 真也, 野澤 宏彰, 室野 浩司, 横山 雄一郎, 松崎 裕幸, 永井 雄三, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A52-A52 2023年9月  
  • 江本 成伸, 野澤 宏彰, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 園田 洋史, 品川 貴秀, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A54-A54 2023年9月  
  • 渡邉 達己, 佐々木 和人, 野澤 宏彰, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史, 小林 英津子, 佐久間 一郎, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A59-A59 2023年9月  
  • 品川 貴秀, 小松 更一, 江本 成伸, 園田 洋史, 永井 雄三, 阿部 真也, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 室野 浩司, 佐々木 和人, 野澤 宏彰, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A62-A62 2023年9月  
  • 野澤 宏彰, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 横山 雄一郎, 松崎 裕幸, 永井 雄三, 阿部 真也, 園田 洋史, 品川 貴秀, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A92-A92 2023年9月  
  • 小松 更一, 村上 恵太, 黒川 憲, 坪井 真代, 青木 智則, 園田 洋史, 品川 貴秀, 井原 聡三郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 江本 成伸, 室野 浩司, 佐々木 和人, 赤松 延久, 野澤 宏彰, 藤城 光弘, 長谷川 潔, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A97-A97 2023年9月  
  • 菊池 亮佑, 佐々木 和人, 坂元 慧, 野澤 宏彰, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 横山 雄一郎, 松崎 裕幸, 永井 雄三, 阿部 真也, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A103-A103 2023年9月  
  • 阿部 真也, 野澤 宏彰, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 永井 雄三, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A176-A176 2023年9月  
  • 野澤 宏彰, 横山 雄一郎, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 松崎 裕幸, 永井 雄三, 阿部 真也, 園田 洋史, 品川 貴秀, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A219-A219 2023年9月  
  • 岡本 憲明, 野澤 宏彰, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 園田 洋史, 品川 貴秀, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A224-A224 2023年9月  
  • Koichi Komatsu, Hiroaki Nozawa, Hirofumi Sonoda, Shinya Abe, Shigenobu Emoto, Koji Murono, Kazuhito Sasaki, Soichiro Ishihara
    ANZ journal of surgery 2023年8月28日  
  • Hiroaki Nozawa, Kazuto Sasaki, Shigenobu Emoto, Koji Murono, Yuichiro Yokoyama, Hirofumi Sonoda, Yuzo Nagai, Shinya Abe, Soichiro Ishihara
    BMC surgery 23(1) 216-216 2023年8月4日  
    BACKGROUND: A laparoscopic approach generally provides several benefits in patients who undergo colon or rectal surgery without jeopardizing oncological outcomes. However, there is a paucity of studies on comparative outcomes of laparoscopic versus open approaches for second primary colorectal lesions after colectomy or proctectomy. METHODS: From patients with colorectal disease who underwent surgery between 2008 and 2022 at our hospital, we collected 69 consecutive patients who had previous colorectal surgery for this retrospective study. Based on the second surgery approach (laparoscopic or open), patients were classified into the Lap (n = 37) or Op group (n = 32). Patients' baseline data and perioperative and postoperative outcomes were compared between the two groups. RESULTS: Four patients (11%) of the Lap group needed conversion to laparotomy. The intraoperative blood loss was lower in the Lap group than the Op group (median: 45 ml vs. 205 ml, p = 0.001). The time to first bowel movement was shorter in the Lap group than the Op group (median: 2.8 days vs. 3.6 days, p = 0.007). The operative time, frequencies of postoperative morbidities, and overall survival did not differ between the two groups. CONCLUSION: Laparoscopic surgery appeared feasible and beneficial for selected patients undergoing second colorectal resection after colectomy or proctectomy regarding blood loss and bowel function recovery without affecting other outcomes.
  • 江本 成伸, 野澤 宏彰, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 園田 洋史, 石原 聡一郎
    日本消化器外科学会総会 78回 PD4-4 2023年7月  
  • 園田 洋史, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 野澤 宏彰, 石原 聡一郎
    日本消化器外科学会総会 78回 WS18-4 2023年7月  
  • 佐々木 和人, 野澤 宏彰, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 横山 雄一郎, 松崎 裕幸, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 園田 洋史, 石原 聡一郎
    日本消化器外科学会総会 78回 O19-5 2023年7月  
  • Kazuaki Okamoto, Hiroaki Nozawa, Hirofumi Sonoda, Manabu Kaneko, Soichiro Ishihara
    Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 149(8) 4689-4699 2023年7月  
    PURPOSE: Banoxantrone is a topoisomerase II inhibitor that is selectively activated in hypoxia. Although it has exhibited anti-tumor activity against several types of cancers in preclinical models, its efficacy against colorectal cancer (CRC) remains unclear. METHODS: We examined the antitumor effects of 1,4-bis[2-(dimethylamino)ethylamino]-5,8-dihydroxyanthracene-9,10-dione (AQ4), an activated metabolite of banoxantrone, in CRC cell lines (HT-29, CaR-1) using in vitro experiments under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. The inhibition of cell growth was assessed using a proliferation assay. The induction of apoptosis and changes in the cell cycle were measured using flow cytometry. Signaling pathways involved in apoptosis and hypoxia were analyzed. The anti-tumor activity of temsirolimus, an inhibitor of mammalian target of rapamycin, and the combined effects of temsirolimus and AQ4 were also evaluated. RESULTS: Regardless of the oxygen condition, a single drug treatment with AQ4 or temsirolimus inhibited proliferation and induced apoptosis in both cell lines, accompanied by a reduction in the phosphorylation of S6. AQ4 induced G2/M cell cycle arrest, whereas temsirolimus induced G0/G1 arrest. Moreover, the combined treatment markedly reduced the proportion of cells in the S phase and enhanced apoptosis, as evidenced by an increased Bax/Bcl-2 ratio. The hypoxia-induced activation of the HIF-1α pathway was suppressed by AQ4 and temsirolimus. CONCLUSION: Based on the cooperative anti-tumor activity of AQ4 and temsirolimus in vitro, the combination of banoxantrone plus temsirolimus has potential as a treatment option for CRC in preclinical and clinical settings.
  • Shinya Abe, Kazushige Kawai, Hiroaki Nozawa, Kazuhito Sasaki, Koji Murono, Shigenobu Emoto, Yuichiro Yokoyama, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Yuzo Nagai, Yuichiro Yoshioka, Takahide Shinagawa, Hirofumi Sonoda, Yoko Yamamoto, Koji Oba, Soichiro Ishihara
    BMC cancer 23(1) 450-450 2023年5月17日  
    BACKGROUND: Total neoadjuvant therapy (TNT) is a novel treatment strategy that is an alternative to preoperative chemoradiotherapy (CRT) for locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). However, an optimal protocol for TNT has not yet been established. The present study will be an open-label, single-arm, single-center trial to develop a new protocol. METHODS: Thirty LARC patients at high risk of distant metastasis will receive CRT consisting of long-course radiation, concurrent with tegafur/uracil, oral leucovorin, irinotecan (TEGAFIRI), followed by mFOLFOX-6 or CAPOX before undergoing surgery. DISCUSSION: Since previous findings showed a high percentage of grade 3-4 adverse events with the TEGAFIRI regimen for CRT and TNT, the primary outcome of this study will be safety and feasibility. Our regimen for CRT consists of the biweekly administration of irinotecan for good patient compliance. The novel combination approach of this treatment may improve the long-term outcomes of LARC. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Japan Registry of Clinical Trials jRCTs031210660.
  • 野澤 宏彰, 阿部 真也, 阿部 健太郎, 横田 有美, 矢可部 満隆, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 横山 雄一郎, 松崎 裕幸, 永井 雄三, 園田 洋史, 品川 貴秀, 秋下 雅弘, 石原 聡一郎
    日本外科系連合学会誌 48(3) 272-272 2023年5月  
  • 室野 浩司, 野澤 宏彰, 佐々木 和人, 江本 成伸, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史, 石原 聡一郎
    日本外科系連合学会誌 48(3) 301-301 2023年5月  
  • Shin Murai, Kazushige Kawai, Hiroaki Nozawa, Kazuhito Sasaki, Koji Murono, Shigenobu Emoto, Yuichiro Yokoyama, Shinya Abe, Yuzo Nagai, Hirofumi Sonoda, Soichiro Ishihara
    Surgery today 53(5) 614-620 2023年5月  
    PURPOSE: The second Houston valve is used as a surrogate for estimating the position of the peritoneal reflection; however, the concordance between the positions of the valve and peritoneal reflection has not been investigated. This study aimed to clarify this positional relationship. METHODS: The second Houston valve and peritoneal reflection positions were assessed using tomographic colonography and magnetic resonance imaging. In total, 117 patients were enrolled in this study. RESULTS: The positions of the second Houston valve and peritoneal reflection were nearly concordant, although the space between them ranged from - 20.7 to 33.9 mm. A peritoneal reflection located further from the anal verge than the second Houston valve was defined as a shallow peritoneal reflection. Male sex, high body weight, and a high body mass index were significantly correlated with a shallower peritoneal reflection, as determined by a univariate analysis (sex: P = 0.0138, weight: P = 0.0097, body mass index: P = 0.0311). A multivariate analysis revealed a significantly shallower peritoneal reflection in males than in females (odds ratio: 2.75, 95% confidence interval: 1.15-6.56, P = 0.023). CONCLUSIONS: The second Houston valve located near the peritoneal reflection can be a useful surrogate marker for estimating its position. In relatively heavy males, the peritoneal reflection is located more cranially than the second Houston valve.
  • Keigo Matsunaga, Kazuhito Sasaki, Keisuke Hata, Hiroaki Nozawa, Kazushige Kawai, Koji Murono, Shigenobu Emoto, Yuichiro Yokoyama, Hirofumi Sonoda, Koji Ueda, Sho Kuriyama, Takeshi Yamada, Hiroshi Yoshida, Soichiro Ishihara
    Oncology letters 25(5) 192-192 2023年5月  
    The genetic risk factors for anastomotic recurrence (AR) after curative surgery for colorectal cancer (CRC) are unclear. The present study is a single-center retrospective observational study that aimed to elucidate the association between the KRAS G13D mutation and AR in CRC. The present study included 21 patients with AR and 67 patients with non-anastomotic local recurrence (NALR) following curative surgery for CRC between January 2005 and December 2019. KRAS G13D mutation status was examined by droplet digital polymerase chain reaction. Data of clinicopathological findings and oncological outcomes were analyzed and compared between the AR group and the matched NALR group. The prevalence of the KRAS G13D mutation was significantly higher in the AR group (AR vs. NALR, 33.3 vs. 4.8%; P=0.047). Comparing the KRAS G13D mutation-positive and KRAS G13D mutation-negative patients in the AR group, there was no significant difference in the time from initial surgery to AR or resection rate of AR; however, all patients with KRAS G13D mutation who underwent resection of AR had subsequent recurrence within 2 years after resection, and overall survival was poor (3-year survival rate: Positive vs. negative, 68.6 vs. 90.9%; P=0.02). The prevalence of the KRAS G13D mutation was significantly higher in patients with AR, and KRAS G13D-mutant patients with AR had a poorer prognosis than those that were negative for the KRAS G13D mutation. In conclusion, postoperative surveillance and treatment strategies should be considered with attention to the possibility of AR and subsequent recurrence in KRAS G13D-mutant patients.
  • Shigenobu Emoto, Kazushige Kawai, Hiroaki Nozawa, Kazuhito Sasaki, Koji Murono, Yuichiro Yokoyama, Shinya Abe, Yuzo Nagai, Hirofumi Sonoda, Soichiro Ishihara
    Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland 2023年4月23日  
    AIM: The preoperative prediction of lymph node metastasis of well-differentiated rectal neuroendocrine tumours is highly desirable and useful in defining surgical indication more accurately. We aimed to evaluate lymph node metastasis in rectal neuroendocrine neoplasms using multiple imaging modalities. METHODS: The clinical records and radiological images of 70 patients with well-differentiated rectal neuroendocrine tumours who received treatment at the University of Tokyo Hospital between 2010 and 2022 were retrospectively analysed. The relationship between evaluation by multiple imaging modalities and pathological lymph node metastasis was analysed. RESULTS: The receiver operating characteristic curves showed that a maximum lymph node diameter ≥4 mm on computed tomography and ≥8 mm on magnetic resonance imaging were the optimal predictive factors for lymph node metastasis. Accumulation in the lymph nodes on somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (P = 0.058) and Delle's findings on colonoscopy (P = 0.014) were also significant predictors of pathological lymph node positivity, and combination of multiple modalities was useful. Pathologically, lymphatic (P = 0.0030)/venous (P = 0.0007) invasion were risk factors for lymph node metastasis. CONCLUSIONS: In addition to pathological risk factors, a combination of multiple radiological imaging modalities is useful for predicting lymph node metastasis in well-differentiated rectal neuroendocrine tumours.
  • Yumi Yokota, Hiroyuki Anzai, Yuzo Nagai, Hirofumi Sonoda, Takahide Shinagawa, Yuichiro Yoshioka, Shinya Abe, Yuichiro Yokoyama, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Shigenobu Emoto, Koji Murono, Kazuhito Sasaki, Hiroaki Nozawa, Tetsuo Ushiku, Soichiro Ishihara
    Annals of coloproctology 2023年4月19日  
    Adenocarcinoma is a common histological type of ulcerative colitis-associated cancer (UCAC), whereas neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) is extremely rare. UCAC is generally diagnosed at an advanced stage, even with regular surveillance colonoscopy. A 41-year-old man with a 17-year history of UC began receiving surveillance colonoscopy at the age of 37 years; 2 years later, dysplasia was detected in the sigmoid colon, and he underwent colonoscopy every 3 to 6 months. Approximately 1.5 years thereafter, a flat adenocarcinoma lesion occurred in the rectum. Flat lesions with high-grade dysplasia were found in the sigmoid colon and surrounding area. The patient underwent laparoscopic total proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis with ileostomy. Adenocarcinoma was diagnosed in the sigmoid colon and NEC in the rectum. One year postoperation, recurrence or metastasis was not evident. Regular surveillance colonoscopy is important in patients with long-term UC. A histological examination of UCAC might demonstrate NEC.
  • 吉岡 佑一郎, 野澤 宏彰, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史, 石原 聡一郎
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 PD-3 2023年4月  
  • 室野 浩司, 佐々木 和人, 野澤 宏彰, 江本 成伸, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 吉岡 佑一郎, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史, 石原 聡一郎
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 PD-2 2023年4月  
  • 横山 雄一郎, 野澤 宏彰, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 松崎 裕幸, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 吉岡 佑一郎, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 PD-4 2023年4月  
  • 江本 成伸, 野澤 宏彰, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 吉岡 佑一郎, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史, 石原 聡一郎
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 WS-1 2023年4月  
  • 坂元 慧, 佐々木 和人, 野澤 宏彰, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 吉岡 佑一郎, 園田 洋史, 品川 貴秀, 石原 聡一郎
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 SF-1 2023年4月  
  • 野澤 宏彰, 阿部 真也, 佐々木 和人, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 横山 雄一郎, 松崎 裕幸, 永井 雄三, 園田 洋史, 品川 貴秀, 阿部 健太郎, 横田 有美, 石原 聡一郎
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 SF-6 2023年4月  
  • 佐々木 和人, 野澤 宏彰, 室野 浩司, 江本 成伸, 横山 雄一郎, 松崎 裕幸, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 吉岡 佑一郎, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史, 石原 聡一郎
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 SF-6 2023年4月  
  • 永井 雄三, 品川 貴秀, 吉岡 佑一郎, 園田 洋史, 阿部 真也, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 江本 成伸, 室野 浩司, 佐々木 和人, 野澤 宏彰, 石原 聡一郎
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 SF-4 2023年4月  
  • 品川 貴秀, 小松 更一, 江本 成伸, 園田 洋史, 吉岡 佑一郎, 永井 雄三, 阿部 真也, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 室野 浩司, 佐々木 和人, 野澤 宏彰, 石原 聡一郎
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 DP-8 2023年4月  
  • So Kasuga, Shinya Abe, Hiroaki Nozawa, Kazuhito Sasaki, Koji Murono, Shigenobu Emoto, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Yuichiro Yokoyama, Yuzo Nagai, Yuichiro Yoshioka, Takahide Shinagawa, Hirofumi Sonoda, Tetsuo Ushiku, Soichiro Ishihara
    Journal of surgical case reports 2023(4) rjad179 2023年4月  
    A 71-year-old man was diagnosed with advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma and treated with chemotherapy developed ileocecal diverticulitis three times over the last 2 months of receiving second-line treatment. During the fourth diverticulitis event, the patient presented with fever and abdominal pain, worsening after 5 days. Abdominal computed tomography showed ascites and intra-abdominal free air, suggesting bowel perforation with acute diffuse peritonitis. We performed emergency surgery; the surgical findings showed diverticulosis with perforated diverticula in the ileocecal region. We performed ileocecal resection, an ileostomy and a mucous fistula of the ascending colon. Histopathological examinations revealed pseudodiverticula at the perforation, where the mucosa was depressed through the muscularis propria. Hence, we diagnosed perforated ileal diverticulitis. Repeated diverticulitis triggered by chemotherapy might have resulted in perforation. Small bowel diverticula are rare, but diverticulitis can occur in patients receiving chemotherapy and with cases of unexplained fever and abdominal pain.
  • 室野 浩司, 野澤 宏彰, 佐々木 和人, 江本 成伸, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 阿部 真也, 永井 雄三, 吉岡 佑一郎, 品川 貴秀, 園田 洋史, 石原 聡一郎
    癌の臨床 67(1) 9-16 2023年3月  
  • Shinya Abe, Hiroaki Nozawa, Kazuhito Sasaki, Koji Murono, Shigenobu Emoto, Yuichiro Yokoyama, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Yuzo Nagai, Yuichiro Yoshioka, Takahide Shinagawa, Hirofumi Sonoda, Soichiro Ishihara
    Clinical colorectal cancer 22(1) 143-152 2023年3月  
    OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the clinical implications of sarcopenia for patients with rectal cancer according to cancer progression. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: The negative impact of body composition on long-term outcome has been demonstrated for various malignancies. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 708 patients with rectal cancer who underwent curative resection at our institution between 2003 and 2020. Factors contributing to long-term outcomes and the incidence of secondary cancer (ISC) were analyzed. Psoas muscle mass index (PMI) was assessed using preoperative computed tomography. Sarcopenia was defined using the PMI cut-off values for Asian adults (6.36 cm2/m2 for males and 3.92 cm2/m2 for females). RESULTS: Sarcopenia was identified in 306 patients (43.2%). Sarcopenia was associated with advanced age, low body mass index, smoking history, and advanced T-stage. Multivariate analysis showed sarcopenia was an independent poor prognostic factor for OS (HR 1.71; P = .0102) and cancer-specific survival (HR 1.64; P = .0490). Patients with sarcopenia had significantly higher mortality due to cancer-related death in stages III and IV, whereas non-rectal cancer-related death, including secondary cancer, was markedly increased in stage 0-II sarcopenic rectal patients. Five-year cumulative ISC in patients with and without sarcopenia was 11.8% and 5.9%, respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that sarcopenia was an independent predictive factor for ISC (HR 2.05; P = .0063). CONCLUSIONS: Sarcopenia helps predict survival outcomes and cause of death according to cancer stage for patients with middle/lower rectal cancer who underwent radical surgery. Furthermore, sarcopenia increased the development of secondary cancer in those patients.
  • Yuzo Nagai, Kazushige Kawai, Hiroaki Nozawa, Kazuhito Sasaki, Koji Murono, Shigenobu Emoto, Yuichiro Yokoyama, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Shinya Abe, Hirofumi Sonoda, Yuichiro Yoshioka, Takahide Shinagawa, Soichiro Ishihara
    Scientific reports 13(1) 2130-2130 2023年2月6日  
    Total mesorectal excision (TME) for rectal cancer is often technically challenging. We aimed to develop a method for three-dimensional (3D) visualization of the TME dissection plane and to evaluate its ability to predict surgical difficulty. Sixty-six patients with lower rectal cancer who underwent robot-assisted surgery were retrospectively analyzed. A 3D TME dissection plane image for each case was reconstructed using Ziostation2. Subsequently, a novel index that reflects accessibility to the deep pelvis during TME, namely, the TME difficulty index, was defined and measured. Representative bony pelvimetry parameters and clinicopathological factors were also analyzed. The operative time for TME was used as an indicator of surgical difficulty. Univariate regression analysis revealed that sex, body mass index, mesorectal fat area, and TME difficulty index were associated with the operative time for TME, whereas bony pelvimetry parameters were not. Multivariate regression analysis found that TME difficulty index (β = - 0.398, P = 0.0025) and mesorectal fat area (β = 0.223, P = 0.045) had significant predictability for the operative time for TME. Compared with conventional bony pelvimetry parameters, the TME difficulty index and mesorectal fat area might be more useful in predicting the difficulty of rectal cancer surgery.
  • 永井 雄三, 川合 一茂, 品川 貴秀, 吉岡 佑一郎, 園田 洋史, 阿部 真也, 松崎 裕幸, 横山 雄一郎, 江本 成伸, 室野 浩司, 佐々木 和人, 野澤 宏彰, 石原 聡一郎
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(2) 213-213 2023年2月  
  • Shota Yokose, Koji Murono, Hiroaki Nozawa, Kazuhito Sasaki, Shigenobu Emoto, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Yuichiro Yokoyama, Shinya Abe, Yuzo Nagai, Yuichiro Yoshioka, Takahide Shinagawa, Hirofumi Sonoda, Shin Murai, Koichi Komatsu, Soichiro Ishihara
    Inflammatory bowel diseases 2023年1月23日  
    BACKGROUND: During restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal cancer or dysplasia, ileal pouch-anal handsewn anastomosis (IAA) is preferred to avoid the risk of cancer development in the remaining rectal mucosa. However, there is a risk of the ileal pouch not reaching the anus with this procedure. Here, we created deformable 3-dimensional (3D) models for simulation. METHOD: Six patients who underwent IAA without vessel ligation and 5 patients who underwent ileal pouch-anal canal double-stapled anastomosis (IACA) because the ileal pouch did not reach the anus were studied. A 3D printer was used to create deformable 3D models from the data obtained from computed tomography scans. The positional relationship among the mesenteric arteries, pubis, and coccyx were evaluated. RESULT: The distance between the superior mesenteric artery root and the tip of the ileal artery was longer in the IAA group than that in the IACA group (IAA vs IACA: 26.2 ± 2.1 cm vs 20.9 ± 1.6cm). The distance from the tip of the ileal artery to the coccyx (IAA vs IACA: 6.7 ± 1.7 cm vs 12.1 ± 2.1 cm) and the distance from the tip of the ileal artery to the lower edge of the pubis (IAA vs IACA; 8.1 ± 1.3 cm vs 12.7 ± 2.4 cm) were longer in the IACA group than those in the IAA group. CONCLUSIONS: We established a method for creating 3D deformable models of patients with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. These 3D models may be useful for preoperative simulation.
  • Hiroaki Nozawa, Tetsuro Taira, Hirofumi Sonoda, Kazuhito Sasaki, Koji Murono, Shigenobu Emoto, Yuichiro Yokoyama, Yuzo Nagai, Shinya Abe, Soichiro Ishihara
    BMC cancer 23(1) 62-62 2023年1月18日  
    BACKGROUND: Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) is an enzyme that converts tryptophan to kynurenine. IDO1 expression is found not only in tumor cells but also in immune cells and is associated with tumor proliferation and immune responses. IDO1 inhibitors and radiation may cooperatively suppress tumor proliferation through the alterations in the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, cell cycle, and immune response. We investigated the antitumor effects of combination therapy of an IDO1 inhibitor, 1-methyl tryptophan (1-MT), and radiation on colorectal cancer. METHODS: In vitro experiments were conducted using human and murine colon cancer cell lines (HCT116, HT-29, and Colon26). Cell growth inhibition was assessed using a MTS assay and Clonogenic assay. Cells were cultured for 48 h with or without 500 µM 1-MT after exposure to radiation (4 Gy). Cell cycle effects and modulation of Wnt/β-catenin pathway were evaluated using western blot analysis, flow cytometry, RT-PCR. Subcutaneous Colon26 tumors in BALB/c mice were treated by oral 1-MT (6 mg/mL) for 2 weeks and/or local radiation (10 Gy/10 fr). Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation in tumor cells and expression of differentiation markers of immune cells were evaluated using immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: 1-MT and a small interfering RNA against IDO1 suppressed proliferation of all cell lines, which was rescued by kynurenine. Clonogenic assay showed that administration of 1-MT improved radiosensitivity by suppressing the Wnt/β-catenin pathway activated by radiation and enhancing cell cycle arrest induced by radiation. Combination therapy showed a further reduction in tumor burden compared with monotherapies or untreated control, inducing the highest numbers of intratumoral CD3 + and CD8 + T cells and the lowest numbers of Foxp3 + and BrdU-positive tumor cells. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of 1-MT and radiation suppressed colon cancer cells in vitro and in vivo via multiple mechanisms.
  • Ryosuke Kikuchi, Shigenobu Emoto, Hiroaki Nozawa, Kazuhito Sasaki, Koji Murono, Shinya Abe, Hirofumi Sonoda, Aya Shinozaki-Ushiku, Soichiro Ishihara
    Surgical case reports 9(1) 4-4 2023年1月11日  
    BACKGROUND: A muco-submucosal elongated polyp is a non-neoplastic growth composed of mucosa and submucosa. Although muco-submucosal elongated polyps are commonly reported in the large intestine, they are rare in the small intestine, in which they are called enteric muco-submucosal elongated polyps. We herein present a case of jejunal intussusception and perforation due to an enteric muco-submucosal elongated polyp. CASE PRESENTATION: A 46-year-old woman presented with abdominal pain and vomiting. Computed tomography revealed jejunal intussusception, which was reduced via a nasointestinal ileus tube. Oral double-balloon endoscopy showed an elongated polyp in the proximal jejunum. The patient refused surgical resection and thus, the polyp was monitored. Six months later, the patient was readmitted with the recurrence of jejunal intussusception and underwent emergency surgery. Intraoperative findings revealed an intussuscepted bowel with an elongated polyp and multiple perforations in the proximal jejunum. We resected approximately 90 cm of the bowel, including the intussuscepted segment and perforated sites. The pedunculated polyp, which was 60 mm in length, was located on the oral side of the resected specimen. Histopathologically, the polyp was covered by normal mucosa and the submucosa consisted of edematous loose connective tissue. The histopathological diagnosis confirmed an enteric muco-submucosal elongated polyp. CONCLUSIONS: Symptomatic patients with enteric muco-submucosal elongated polyps may be at risk of complications, as observed in the present case, and need to undergo timely resection.



