- 所属
- 自治医科大学 腎臓内科学部門/栃木県南那須地域医療講座 特命教授
- 学位
- 医学博士(東京大学)
- 201901020904598409
- researchmap会員ID
- B000380185
1997年 東京大学医学部医学科卒業、医師免許取得
2004年 東京大学医学系研究科博士課程(内科学) 学位取得
Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 2024年3月4日A 79-year-old male patient with type 2 diabetic nephropathy and hypertension was admitted to our hospital because of acute kidney injury with significantly elevated serum creatinine (8.12 mg/dL) and urinary β2-microglobulin (β2MG, 31,748 μg/L) levels. α-Glucosidase inhibitor (α-GI) miglitol, started two weeks prior to presentation, was discontinued because drug-induced acute interstitial nephritis (AIN) was suspected. Renal biopsy revealed AIN and diabetic nephropathy. The drug-induced lymphocyte stimulation test for miglitol was also positive. After the discontinuation of miglitol, the urinary β2MG levels decreased to the normal range. This case raises the possibility that α-GI miglitol can worsen the renal function in patients with underlying renal dysfunction.
Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences 49(1) 9-15 2022年7月高血圧治療ガイドラインでは,診察室血圧(OBP)は1-2分間隔で測定を繰り返し,安定した2回の測定値の平均で評価することとされているが,数多い高血圧患者の実地診療において測定を繰り返すことは難しく,1回の測定で評価される場合も多い.本研究では診察室血圧が高値を呈する高血圧患者において,深呼吸後に測定を繰り返すことによる血圧の変化を検討した.外来を受診した高血圧患者で,診察室の収縮期血圧(SBP)140mmHg以上を呈した160名を対象とした.1回目の測定の後,深呼吸を繰り返し1-2分後に2回目の測定を行い,血圧の変化に関係する因子を検討した.1回目のOBPは147/84mmHgであったが,2回目は136/82mmHgと平均11/2mmHg低下し,69%が非高血圧となった.SBPが10mmHg以上低下したR群(91名)と10mmHg未満のN群(69名)の比較では,R群の方が血清クレアチニン(sCr)が低く(1.03 vs 1.36mg/dL,p=0.018)血中ヘモグロビン(Hb)が高値(13.9 vs 13.1g/dL,p=0.012)で,SBPの低下とHbの間には負の相関が認められた(r=-0.157,p=0.046).SBPが140未満に低下した110例ではしなかった50例に比べ,家庭血圧で夜のSBPが低く,HbやeGFR(62.3 vs 52.1mL/分/1.73m2,p=0.021)が高値で,sCrやアルブミン尿(124 vs 425mg/gCr,p=0.025)が低値であった.外来加療中の高血圧患者で診察室血圧が高値である場合,特に腎機能低下や蛋白尿がなければ,多くは深呼吸を繰り返すことにより正常化するため,治療方針を決める際に考慮するべきであると思われる.(著者抄録)
日本高血圧学会総会プログラム・抄録集 26回 182-182 2003年10月
日本高血圧学会総会プログラム・抄録集 26回 185-185 2003年10月
JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 169(4) 314-314 2003年4月
Hypertension Research 26(Suppl.) S79-S84 2003年2月Adrenomedullin (AM) is a potent vascular wall-derived vasorelaxing peptide which induces the release of nitric oxide (NO). To explore the role of endogenous AM in vascular function, we examined the effects of acetylcholine (ACh), AM, and AM receptor antagonists [AM (22-52), and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) (8-37)] on the isometric tension of aortic rings isolated from AM transgenic (TG) and knockout (KO) mice and wild type littermates (WT). ACh and AM caused a dose-dependent reduction of the isometric tension of aortic rings, but the degree of vasodilatation was smaller in TG than in KO or WT (%Δtension [10-6 mol/l ACh]: KO -69±10%, WT -39±8%, TG -29±1%, p <0.01). On the other hand, NG-nitro-L- arginine methyl ester, an NO synthase inhibitor, induced greater vasoconstriction in TG (%Δtension 10-5 mol/l: KO +78±16%, WT +99±27%, TG +184±20%, p <0.01), whereas E-4021, a cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor, caused greater vasodilation in TG mice. Both AM antagonists increased tension in TG to a greater extent than in KO or WT mice (%Δtension [10-6 mol/l CGRP (8-37)]: KO +24±5%, WT +51±6%, TG +75±7%, p <0.01). Endothelial denudation of the aorta diminished the vasoconstriction caused by the AM antagonists. In conclusion, the amounts of AM expressed in the aortic endothelium influenced baseline NO release. AM antagonists increased vascular tone in WT as well as in TG, suggesting that endogenous AM plays a physiological role in the regulation of aortic tone. (Hypertens Res 2003; 26 (Suppl): S79-S84)
CIRCULATION RESEARCH 90(9) 1004-1011 2002年5月It is well known that angiotensin II (Ang II) is implicated in the phenotypic modulation and hypertrophy of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). To study the mechanisms by which Ang II contributes to the pathological changes of VSMCs, we examined whether Ang II stimulated myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2)- and calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T cell (NFAT)-dependent transcriptional activation of genes in VSMCs. Ang II increased the DNA binding activity of MEF2A and its expression at the protein level. Ang II induced c-jun promoter activity, and this increase was inhibited by dominant-negative mutants of MEF2A and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6 but not by calcineurin inhibitors. Ang II stimulated NFAT DNA binding activity and NFAT-dependent gene transcription, and these effects of Ang II were inhibited by calcineurin inhibitors. Furthermore, Ang II induced the promoter activity of the nonmuscle-type myosin heavy chain B gene, which we used as a marker of the dedifferentiated state of VSMCs, and this increase was inhibited by calcineurin inhibitors but not by the dominant-negative mutants of MEF2A or mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6. Finally, Ang II increased protein synthesis. and this increase was inhibited by infection with an adenovirus construct that expresses the dominant-negative mutant of MEF2A but not by calcineurin inhibitors. These results suggest that Ang II stimulates the MEF2- and calcineurin/NFAT-dependent pathways and that these pathways have distinct roles in VSMCs.
CIRCULATION RESEARCH 90(6) 657-663 2002年4月Adrenomedullin (AM) is a potent depressor peptide whose vascular action is suggested to involve nitric oxide (NO) release. To explore the role of endogenous AM in vascular and renal function, we examined the effects of acetylcholine (ACh), AM, and AM receptor antagonists AM(22-52) and CGRP(8-37) on the renal perfusion pressure (RPP) of kidneys isolated from AM transgenic (TG)/heterozygote knockout (KO) mice and wild-type littermates (WT). Furthermore, we evaluated the renal function and histology 24 hours after bilateral renal artery clamp for 45 minutes in TG, KO, and WT mice. Baseline RPP was significantly lower in TG than in KO and WT mice (KO 93.4 +/- 4.6, WT 85.8 +/- 4.2, TG 72.4 +/- 2.4 mm Hg [mean +/- SE], P < 0.01). ACh and AM caused a dose-related reduction in RPP, but the degree of vasodilatation was smaller in TG than that in KO and WT (%DeltaRPP 10(-7) mol/L ACh: KO -48.1 +/- 3.9%, WT -57.5 +/- 5.6%, TG -22.8 +/- 4.8%, P < 0.01), whereas N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) caused greater vasoconstriction in TG (%DeltaRPP 10(-4) mol/L: KO 33.1 +/- 3.3%, WT 55.5 +/- 7.2%, TG 152.6 +/- 21.2%, P < 0.01). Both AM antagonists increased RPP in TG to a greater extent compared with KO and WT mice (%DeltaRPP 10(-6) mol/L CGRP(8-37): KO 12.8 +/- 2.6%, WT 19.4 +/- 3.6%, TG 41.8 +/- 8.7%, P < 0.01). In mice with ischemic kidneys, serum levels of urea nitrogen and renal damage scores showed smaller values in TG and greater values in KO mice (urea nitrogen: KO 104 +/- 5>WT 98 +/- 15>TG 38 +/- 7 mg/dL, P < 0.05 each). Renal NO synthase activity was also greater in TG mice. However, the differences in serum urea nitrogen and renal damage scores among the 3 groups of mice were not observed in mice pretreated with L-NAME. In conclusion, AM antagonists increased renal vascular tone in WT as well as in TG, suggesting that endogenous AM plays a role in the physiological regulation of the vascular tone. AM is likely to protect renal tissues from ischemia/reperfusion injury through its NO releasing activity.
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2024年4月 - 2027年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2005年 - 2006年