- 所属
- 自治医科大学 医学部感染・免疫学講座ウイルス学部門 客員教授 (名誉教授)
- 学位
- 医学博士(自治医科大学(JMU))
- 200901036866152058
- researchmap会員ID
- 1000063749
- 外部リンク
2020年4月 - 現在
2020年4月 - 現在
2003年4月 - 2020年3月
1998年 - 2003年
1987年 - 1998年
1973年4月 - 1979年3月
Clinical journal of gastroenterology 17(5) 1001-1002 2024年10月
Virus research 348 199438-199438 2024年7月19日Previous studies have emphasized the necessity of surveillance and control measures for hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in wild boars, an important reservoir of HEV. To assess the current situation of HEV infection in wild boars in Japan, this study investigated the prevalence and genetic diversity of HEV among wild boars captured in 16 prefectures of Japan during 2018-2023. Serum samples from 968 wild boars were examined for anti-HEV IgG antibodies and HEV RNA. The prevalence of anti-HEV IgG varied geographically from 0 % to 35.0 %. HEV RNA was detected in 3.6 % of boars, with prevalence varying by prefecture from 0 % to 22.2 %. Genotype 3 was the most prevalent genotype (91.9 %), followed by genotype 4 (5.4 %), with one strain closely related to genotype 6. The prevalence of HEV infection among wild boars decreased from 2018/2019 to 2022/2023 with significant declines in levels of anti-HEV IgG antibodies (14.5 % vs. 6.2 %, P < 0.0001) and HEV RNA (7.6 % vs. 1.5 %, P < 0.0001). Regional analysis showed varying trends, with no HEV RNA-positive boars found in several regions in recent years. A plausible factor contributing to the decline in HEV infection is the application of countermeasures, including installing fences to prevent intrusion into pig farms, implemented in response to the emergence of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) infection in wild boars and domestic pigs, with incidents reported annually since 2018. Further investigation is warranted to explore the association between countermeasures to CSFV infection and the decrease in HEV infection among wild boars.
Clinical journal of gastroenterology 2024年5月15日Spontaneous reactivation of the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is rare in individuals with previously resolved infections. This report presents the case of a 71 year-old Japanese woman who experienced HBV reactivation without any prior immunosuppressive therapy or chemotherapy. Before the onset of liver injury, the patient was negative for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) but positive for hepatitis B surface antibody. She subsequently developed liver injury, with the reappearance of HBsAg and HBV DNA. The patient was successfully treated with tenofovir alafenamide, and prednisolone. Full-genome sequencing of HBV revealed subgenotype B1 without hepatitis B e-negative mutations in the precore and core promoter regions and 12 amino acid alterations in the pre-S1/S, P, and X genes. Notably, the S gene mutations D144A and K160N, which alter the antigenicity of HBsAg and potentially contribute to its reactivation, were identified. This case emphasizes the importance of vigilance for spontaneous reactivation of resolved HBV, highlighting the need for comprehensive genomic analysis to understand the associated virological intricacies.
Medicine International 4(3) 2024年3月7日 査読有り
Reports 6(4) 55-55 2023年11月17日Hepatitis E virus (HEV) genotypes 3 and 4 are zoonotic strains that are primarily transmitted through the consumption of undercooked pork or game meat. They also cause asymptomatic infections, acute hepatitis, acute-on-chronic liver failure, chronic hepatitis, and extrahepatic manifestations. Here, we report a man in his 80s who had chronic hepatitis B, took entecavir for it, and presented with higher levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and jaundice. An abdominal computed tomography scan revealed choledocholithiasis with cholecystolithiasis. Although endoscopic papillary balloon dilatation was performed for the removal of a common bile duct stone, the abnormal liver function tests, including jaundice, were prolonged. After other viral hepatitis and other causes of the liver injury were ruled out, as his serum was positive for immunoglobulin A anti-HEV and HEV genotype 3b RNA, we diagnosed him as having acute hepatitis E. In this case, with chronic hepatitis B and a common bile duct stone, the prolonged abnormal results for the liver function tests seemed to be caused by HEV infection. In conclusion, in cases with high ALT levels after removing choledocholithiasis, other factors, including HEV infection, should be considered to determine the cause of abnormal liver function test results. The further examination of hepatitis D virus infection and high ALT levels may be needed in HBV-infected individuals.
VIRUSES-BASEL 13(5) 2021年5月Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the leading cause of acute hepatitis worldwide. While the transmission in developing countries is dominated by fecal-oral route via drinking contaminated water, the zoonotic transmission is the major route of HEV infection in industrialized countries. The discovery of new HEV strains in a growing number of animal species poses a risk to zoonotic infection. However, the exact mechanism and the determinant factors of zoonotic infection are not completely understood. This review will discuss the current knowledge on the mechanism of cross-species transmission of HEV infection, including viral determinants, such as the open reading frames (ORFs), codon usage and adaptive evolution, as well as host determinants, such as host cellular factors and the host immune status, which possibly play pivotal roles during this event. The pathogenesis of hepatitis E infection will be briefly discussed, including the special forms of this disease, including extrahepatic manifestations, chronic infection, and fulminant hepatitis in pregnant women.
VIRUSES-BASEL 11(5) 2019年5月Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus. HEV can cause both acute and chronic hepatitis, with the latter usually occurring in immunocompromised patients. Modes of transmission range from the classic fecal-oral route or zoonotic route, to relatively recently recognized but increasingly common routes, such as via the transfusion of blood products or organ transplantation. Extrahepatic manifestations, such as neurological, kidney and hematological abnormalities, have been documented in some limited cases, typically in patients with immune suppression. HEV has demonstrated extensive genomic diversity and a variety of HEV strains have been identified worldwide from human populations as well as growing numbers of animal species. The genetic variability and constant evolution of HEV contribute to its physiopathogenesis and adaptation to new hosts. This review describes the recent classification of the Hepeviridae family, global genotype distribution, clinical significance of HEV genotype and genomic variability and evolution of HEV.
移植 52(4-5) 390-396 2017年11月症例1は20歳男性で、両側性低形成腎にて慢性腎不全のため16歳時に母親をドナーにpreemptiveでABO血液型不一致移植を行った。導入期、免疫抑制療法としてタクロリムス(FK)、メトトレキサートモフェチル(MMF)、メチルプレドニゾロン(MP)、バシリキシマブ(Bax)の4剤を用いた。移植早期、FKによる白質脳症を認めシクロスポリン(CYA)に変更した。移植後4年急激な肝酵素上昇を認め、家族がイノシシ料理を摂取し患者は摂取しなかったが同じ調理器具で調理した料理を摂取していた。4ヵ月後、肝機能は正常化しHEV RNAも陰性化した。症例2は40歳男性で、原因疾患不明の慢性腎不全で25歳時に透析導入、37歳時に母親をドナーにABO血液型不一致移植を行った。免疫抑制療法はCYA、MMF、MPの3剤で行った。移植後感染症の合併も拒絶反応も認められず、移植腎機能は良好であったが、全身倦怠感を認め、急激な肝酵素上昇を認め緊急入院した。焼肉屋で半生肉摂取の経験があり、輸液と利胆剤で肝胆道系酵素は速やかに改善し2ヵ月後に正常化し、HEV RNAも陰性化した。症例3は25歳男性で、8歳時に両側尿細管逆流症で逆流防止術を行ったが腎機能が低下し、18歳時に慢性腎不全のため、父親をドナーとしてpreemptiveでABO血液型不一致移植を行った。FTY720の治験対象症例で導入期免疫抑制療法はCYA、MMF、MP、FTY720の4剤で、移植後早期にBanff Iaの拒絶反応を認めたがステロイドパルス療法で改善した。治験中止後はFTY720以外の3剤で維持した。複数のウイルス感染症合併でMMF中止、2剤で維持した。肝逸脱酵素の急激な上昇を認め、利胆剤で経過観察したがHEV抗体陽性となり、肝生検を行いアクティブな肝炎所見を認めた。リバビリン投与で改善傾向となった。症例4は33歳男性で、26歳時に原因疾患不明の慢性腎不全で、母親をドナーにABO血液型不一致移植を行った。移植後4年、肝逸脱酵素の軽度上昇を認め、HEV RNA陽性であった。利胆剤で経過観察したが、6ヵ月後、IgG-HEV抗体/IgM-HEV抗体が陽性で、治療について検討する予定となっている。
日本内科学会雑誌 106(3) 433-438 2017年3月10日
肝臓 57(2) 81-88 2016年3月3日三重県北中部地域でE型肝炎ウイルス(HEV)genotype 1a株による2例の急性E型肝炎が発生した.1例目は来日後1週間のネパール人で,2例目は三重県在住の日本人であった.二人の患者間に接触はなく,両者から分離されたHEV株の遺伝子解析でも関連性は認められなかった.前者はネパールで感染し,来日後急性E型肝炎を発症した輸入感染症例と考えられたが,後者は発症前約1年間は海外渡航歴がなく,国内感染例と考えられた.1型株の急性E型肝炎国内感染例報告は本邦初と考えられ,国内感染急性E型肝炎の原因として土着株のgenotype 3型株及び4型株だけでなく1型株も考慮しなければならないことが示唆された.国内で発生した急性E型肝炎例についてはgenotypeを解析し,1型株による国内感染例の存在を把握していく事が,防疫上の観点からも重要であると考えられる.
関東リウマチ 49(49) 96-102 2016年3月症例は63歳女性で、2年前より関節リウマチを発症し、プレドニゾロンとトシリズマブの投与で寛解していた。B型肝炎ウイルス(HBV)抗原陰性、HBs抗体陽性、HBc抗体陽性であった。6日前より全身倦怠感と食思不振の出現を認め、肝機能障害を認めた。トシリズマブ、プレガバリン、エルデカルシトール、テリパラチドを被疑薬とした薬剤性肝炎を考えた。被疑薬を中止し、強力ミノファーゲンシー、ウルソデオキシコール酸を投与した。次第に肝酵素、自覚症状ともに軽快し、1週間で退院した。退院後にHEV-IgA抗体が陽性であることが判明し、さらに精査をすると、抗体価、RNA陽性であり、E型肝炎、ジェノタイプ3と判明した。
JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY 97 537-542 2016年3月The nomenclature of hepatitis E virus (HEV) subtypes is inconsistent and makes comparison of different studies problematic. We have provided a table of proposed complete genome reference sequences for each subtype. The criteria for subtype assignment vary between different genotypes and methodologies, and so a conservative pragmatic approach has been favoured. Updates to this table will be posted on the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses website (http://talk.ictvonline.org/r.ashx?C). The use of common reference sequences will facilitate communication between researchers and help clarify the epidemiology of this important human pathogen. This subtyping procedure might be adopted for other taxa of the genus Orthohepevirus.
肝臓 56(11) 621-624 2015年12月4日To investigate the clinical usefulness in detecting direct-acting antiviral agent (DAA) -resistant mutations, resistant mutations in the hepatitis C virus NS3/NS5A regions were determined by direct sequencing in baseline serum samples obtained from 97 patients with type C chronic liver diseases, who were treatment-naïve or had previously received interferon-based therapy. Various resistant mutatio
肝臓 56(11) 617-620 2015年12月4日In Gifu city, Japan, an acute hepatitis E case occurred in 2012 (previously reported in Kanzo 55: 713-716, 2014) and another hepatitis E case occurred in 2014. Both cases developed hepatitis E after eating raw pig liver and heart at the same restaurant. The patients had no other clear risk factors for hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection. The two HEV strains were totally different, suggesting that th
日本消化機病學會雜誌. 乙 112(8) 1533-1541 2015年8月1日宮崎県内で同時期に2例のE型急性肝炎症例を経験した.2例に交友関係,共通の生活歴はなかった.両症例のE型肝炎ウイルス(HEV)株は,遺伝子配列の解析から近縁ではあるが同一株ではなく,感染源は異なると考えられた.2例のHEV株はともに12年前に同県内の飼育ブタから検出された遺伝子型3型株の子孫と考えられ,このウイルスが宮崎県内で存続していることが証明された.1例は急性末梢性顔面神経麻痺を合併した.
肝臓 56(6) 303-305 2015年6月29日The distribution of hepatitis C virus (HCV) serogroup and possible transmission route was investigated in 445 HCV-infected patients in a city hospital in Mito, Japan, during 2006-2014. The proportion of HCV serogroup 1 (SG1) was higher (65.2%) in the age group of ≥50 years (n=333), while the percentage of HCV serogroup 2 (SG2) was higher (65.2%) in the age group of <50 years (n=112) (p<0.0001). Bl
JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY 62 S195-S195 2015年4月
肝臓 56(11) 625-627 2015年We recently encountered 2 cases of acute hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection occurring within a span of one year. Both patients resided within a radius of several kilometers of each other. Neither patients had eaten wild meat or uncooked pork. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the two HEV strains were 3b/3jp but belonged to different lineages, which indicated that multiple HEV strains could have e
RESPIROLOGY 19 156-156 2014年11月
肝臓 55(6) 349-359 2014年6月2007〜10年の4年間に、函館市内4病院で診療した13例、函館市内で感染し札幌で発症した1例の計14例のE型肝炎ウイルス(HEV)感染者を対象とし、E型肝炎の臨床像、感染経路の解析およびウイルス遺伝子の系統解析を行った。道南地区における有症状の非A非B非C型急性肝炎のうちE型の頻度は24.2%であった。E型肝炎14(男8:女6)例中、4(男1:女3)例が重症化しそのうち3例は劇症肝炎を呈し2例は死亡した。13例から分離されたHEV RNAゲノムのORF1 326塩基に対し遺伝子系統解析を行ったところ、3株はgenotype 3、10株はgenotype 4に属した。genotype 4の7株は既報のKitami/Abashiri strainに、2株は札幌圏小流行を起こしたNew Sapporo strainに属した。患者の職業、食肉嗜好、居住地等は共通点に乏しかった。感染源として、従来から指摘されている動物の内臓肉に加え、生の貝類が疑われた。(著者抄録)
Elsevier/Academic Press 2005年 (ISBN: 0122499514)
Elsevier 2004年 (ISBN: 0444514872)
Viral Hepatitis and Liver Diseases 1994年
国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構 肝炎等克服実用化研究事業・肝炎等克服緊急対策研究事業 2023年4月 - 2026年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2013年4月 - 2015年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2011年 - 2012年
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2010年 - 2012年
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2007年 - 2008年