
脇屋 太一

ワキヤ タイイチ  (Wakiya Taiichi)


自治医科大学 医学部外科学講座 消化器一般移植外科学部門 講師
博士(医学)(2012年 弘前大学)

Researcher ID


  • Taishu Kanda, Taiichi Wakiya, Keinosuke Ishido, Norihisa Kimura, Hayato Nagase, Eri Yoshida, Junichi Nakagawa, Masashi Matsuzaka, Takenori Niioka, Yoshihiro Sasaki, Kenichi Hakamada
    Pancreas 2023年11月27日  
    OBJECTIVES: We aimed to predict in vitro chemosensitivity assay results from computed tomography (CT) images by applying deep learning (DL) to optimize chemotherapy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Preoperative enhanced abdominal CT images and the histoculture drug response assay (HDRA) results were collected from 33 PDAC patients undergoing surgery. Deep learning was performed using CT images of both the HDRA-positive and HDRA-negative groups. We trimmed small patches from the entire tumor area. We established various prediction labels for HDRA results with 5-fluorouracil (FU), gemcitabine (GEM), and paclitaxel (PTX). We built a predictive model using a residual convolutional neural network and used 3-fold cross-validation. RESULTS: Of the 33 patients, effective response to FU, GEM, and PTX by HDRA was observed in 19 (57.6%), 11 (33.3%), and 23 (88.5%) patients, respectively. The average accuracy and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of the model for predicting the effective response to FU were 93.4% and 0.979, respectively. In the prediction of GEM, the models demonstrated high accuracy (92.8%) and AUC (0.969). Likewise, the model for predicting response to PTX had a high performance (accuracy, 95.9%; AUC, 0.979). CONCLUSIONS: Our CT patch-based DL model exhibited high predictive performance in projecting HDRA results. Our study suggests that the DL approach could possibly provide a noninvasive means for the optimization of chemotherapy.
  • Shunsuke Kubota, Takuya Miura, Taiichi Wakiya, Tadashi Yoshizawa, Shintaro Goto, Hajime Morohashi, Yoshiyuki Sakamoto, Yota Tatara, Hiroshi Kijima, Kenichi Hakamada
    Annals of surgical oncology 2023年8月7日  
    BACKGROUND: Extramural vascular invasion (EMVI) and tumor deposits (TD) are poor prognostic factors in rectal cancer (RC), especially when resistant to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). We aimed to define differential expression in NAC responders and non-responders with concomitant EMVI and TD. METHODS: From 52 RC surgical patients, post-NAC resected specimens were extracted, comprising two groups: cases with residual EMVI and TD (NAC-resistant) and cases without (NAC-effective). Proteomic analysis was conducted to define differential protein expression in the two groups. To validate the findings, immunohistochemistry was performed in another cohort that included 58 RC surgical patients. Based on the findings, chemosensitivity and prognosis were compared. RESULTS: The NAC-resistant group was associated with a lower 3-year disease-free survival rate than the NAC-effective group (p = 0.041). Discriminative proteins in the NAC-resistant group were highly associated with the sulfur metabolism pathway. Among these pathway constituents, selenium-binding protein 1 (SELENBP1) expression in the NAC-resistant group decreased to less than one-third of that of the NAC-effective group. Immunohistochemistry in another RC cohort consistently validated the relationship between decreased SELENBP1 and poorer NAC sensitivity, in both pre-NAC biopsy and post-NAC surgery specimens. Furthermore, decrease in SELENBP1 was associated with a lower 3-year disease-free survival rate (p = 0.047). CONCLUSIONS: We defined one of the differentially expressed proteins in NAC responders and non-responders, concomitant with EMVI and TD. SELENBP1 was suspected to contribute to NAC resistance and poor prognosis in RC.
  • Kotaro Umemura, Hiroshi Shimoda, Keinosuke Ishido, Norihisa Kimura, Taiichi Wakiya, Takuji Kagiya, Kentaro Sato, Yuto Mitsuhashi, Seiji Watanabe, Hirokazu Narita, Tomohiro Chiba, Kenichi Hakamada
    PLOS ONE 18(5) e0286316-e0286316 2023年5月25日  
    Lymphatic fluid drains from the liver via the periportal lymphatic, hepatic venous lymphatic, and superficial lymphatic systems. We performed a postmortem study to clarify the three-dimensional structure and flow dynamics of the human hepatic venous lymphatic system, as it still remains unclear. Livers were excised whole from three human cadavers, injected with India ink, and sliced into 1-cm sections from which veins were harvested. The distribution of lymphatic vessels was observed in 5 μm sections immunostained for lymphatic and vascular markers (podoplanin and CD31, respectively) using light microscopy. Continuity and density of lymphatic vessel distribution were assessed in en-face whole-mount preparations of veins using stereomicroscopy. The structure of the external hepatic vein wall was assessed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The lymphatic dynamics study suggested that lymphatic fluid flows through an extravascular pathway around the central and sublobular veins. A lymphatic vessel network originates in the wall of sublobular veins, with a diameter greater than 110 μm, and the peripheral portions of hepatic veins and continues to the inferior vena cava. The density distribution of lymphatic vessels is smallest in the peripheral portion of the hepatic vein (0.03%) and increases to the proximal portion (0.22%, p = 0.012) and the main trunk (1.01%, p < 0.001), correlating positively with increasing hepatic vein diameter (Rs = 0.67, p < 0.001). We revealed the three-dimensional structure of the human hepatic venous lymphatic system. The results could improve the understanding of lymphatic physiology and liver pathology.
  • Akiko Suto, Keinosuke Ishido, Norihisa Kimura, Taiichi Wakiya, Hidezumi Kikuchi, Chikara Iino, Go Igarashi, Satoshi Sato, Hirotake Sakuraba, Kenichi Hakamada
    Clinical journal of gastroenterology 2023年5月11日  
    A 65-year-old woman underwent living-donor liver transplantation (left-lobe graft: GWRW ratio, 0.54) for cirrhosis caused by autoimmune hepatitis. At 68 years, she was diagnosed with obstructive cholangitis due to stricture during a hepaticojejunostomy following impaired liver function. Endoscopic balloon dilation of anastomosis and placement of a plastic stent resulted in improved liver function. However, at 72 years, the patient experienced a flare-up of liver damage. The plastic stent had fallen out, and although endoscopic stenotic dilation was attempted, the anastomotic site was obstructed completely. Therefore, recanalization of the hepaticojejunostomy was attempted using a rendezvous technique. A percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage tube was inserted through the B3 bile duct, and the complete obstructed anastomosis was confirmed by percutaneous transhepatic and transjejunal approaches. The anastomosis was reopened by excising the scarred tissues from the jejunal side using a 1.5-mm high-frequency knife. A 14-Fr. catheter for the internal fistula tube was percutaneously placed at the opened anastomosis to achieve anastomotic site recanalization. The patient's liver damage improved after the re-internalization, and no symptom recurrence such as obstructive cholangitis developed for 1 year. There are few reports of recanalization of the hepaticojejunostomy with a high-frequency knife. Herein, we report the case with a literature review.
  • 小笠原 健太, 脇屋 太一, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 長瀬 勇人, 内田 知顕, 山本 健, 藤田 博陽, 神田 大周, 佐々木 賀広, 袴田 健一
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 WS-4 2023年4月  
  • 木村 憲央, 石戸 圭之輔, 脇屋 太一, 長瀬 勇人, 袴田 健一
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 SF-5[T] 2023年4月  
  • 脇屋 太一, 藤田 博陽, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 長瀬 勇人, 内田 知顕, 山本 健, 神田 大周, 松坂 方士, 佐々木 賀広, 袴田 健一
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 SF-7 2023年4月  
  • 神田 大周, 脇屋 太一, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 長瀬 勇人, 内田 知顕, 藤田 博陽, 山本 健, 松本 駿太郎, 袴田 健一
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 DP-4 2023年4月  
  • Keisuke Yamazaki, Taiichi Wakiya, Keinosuke Ishido, Norihisa Kimura, Daichi Ichinohe, Yoshiya Takahashi, Tadashi Yoshizawa, Hiroshi Kijima, Kenichi Hakamada
    Clinical journal of gastroenterology 16(2) 289-296 2023年4月  
    Serous cystic neoplasm (SCN) is a potentially malignant and invasive disease. However, there are no established guidelines regarding the surgical management of SCN. Here, we report a case of SCN with jejunal invasion that ultimately required a distal pancreatectomy with partial resection of the jejunum. The patient was a 65-year-old female who was referred to our department after a diagnosis of SCN in the pancreatic tail. CT and MRI showed a 75-mm multifocal cystic mass with calcifications; the splenic vein and left adrenal vein were entrapped within the tumor. Furthermore, the tumor was in contact with the beginning of the jejunum. Finally, she underwent a posterior radical antegrade modular pancreatosplenectomy with a partial wedge-shaped resection of the jejunum. Histological findings indicated serous cystadenoma. In addition, the tumor cells were found to have infiltrated the jejunal muscularis propria in some areas, suggesting that the tumor had malignant potential. Currently, 14 months have passed since surgery and there is no evidence of metastasis or recurrence. Surveillance and the decision to perform surgical resection should be made based on tumor size and growth rate to avoid malignant transformation as well as to provide SCN patients with organ-sparing, less invasive surgery.
  • Hirokazu Ogasawara, Tadashi Yoshizawa, Kiyoko Oshima, Kenta Ogasawara, Shunsuke Kubota, Shintaro Goto, Satoko Morohashi, Taiichi Wakiya, Norihisa Kimura, Keinosuke Ishido, Hiroshi Kijima, Kenichi Hakamada
    Pathology oncology research : POR 29 1611284-1611284 2023年  
    Perineural invasion (PNI) is a characteristic invasion pattern of distal cholangiocarcinoma (DCC). Conventional histopathologic examination is a challenging approach to analyze the spatial relationship between cancer and neural tissue in full-thickness bile duct specimens. Therefore, we used a tissue clearing method to examine PNI in DCC with three-dimensional (3D) structural analysis. The immunolabeling-enabled 3D imaging of solvent-cleared organs method was performed to examine 20 DCC specimens from five patients and 8 non-neoplastic bile duct specimens from two controls. The bile duct epithelium and neural tissue were labeled with CK19 and S100 antibodies, respectively. Two-dimensional hematoxylin/eosin staining revealed only PNI around thick nerve fibers in the deep layer of the bile duct, whereas PNI was not identified in the superficial layer. 3D analysis revealed that the parts of DCC closer to the mucosa exhibited more nerves than the normal bile duct. The nerve fibers were continuously branched and connected with thick nerve fibers in the deep layer of the bile duct. DCC formed a tubular structure invading from the epithelium and extending around thin nerve fibers in the superficial layer. DCC exhibited continuous infiltration around the thick nerve fibers in the deep layer. This is the first study using a tissue clearing method to examine the PNI of DCC, providing new insights into the underlying mechanisms.
  • Hiroaki Fujita, Taiichi Wakiya, Keinosuke Ishido, Norihisa Kimura, Hayato Nagase, Taishu Kanda, Masashi Matsuzaka, Yoshihiro Sasaki, Kenichi Hakamada
    Annals of gastroenterological surgery 6(6) 823-832 2022年11月  
    BACKGROUND: The differential diagnosis between gallbladder cancer (GBC) and xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis (XGC) remains quite challenging, and can possibly lead to improper surgery. This study aimed to distinguish between XGC and GBC by combining computed tomography (CT) images and deep learning (DL) to maximize the therapeutic success of surgery. METHODS: We collected a dataset, including preoperative CT images, from 28 cases of GBC and 21 XGC patients undergoing surgery at our facility. It was subdivided into training and validation (n = 40), and test (n = 9) datasets. We built a CT patch-based discriminating model using a residual convolutional neural network and employed 5-fold cross-validation. The discriminating performance of the model was analyzed in the test dataset. RESULTS: Of the 40 patients in the training dataset, GBC and XGC were observed in 21 (52.5%), and 19 (47.5%) patients, respectively. A total of 61 126 patches were extracted from the 40 patients. In the validation dataset, the average sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were 98.8%, 98.0%, and 98.5%, respectively. Furthermore, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was 0.9985. In the test dataset, which included 11 738 patches, the discriminating accuracy for GBC patients after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) (n = 3) was insufficient (61.8%). However, the discriminating model demonstrated high accuracy (98.2%) and AUC (0.9893) for cases other than those receiving NAC. CONCLUSION: Our CT-based DL model exhibited high discriminating performance in patients with GBC and XGC. Our study proposes a novel concept for selecting the appropriate procedure and avoiding unnecessary invasive measures.
  • Kohei Chida, Keinosuke Ishido, Yoshiyuki Sakamoto, Norihisa Kimura, Hajime Morohashi, Takuya Miura, Taiichi Wakiya, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Hayato Nagase, Daichi Ichinohe, Akiko Suto, Daisuke Kuwata, Aika Ichisawa, Akie Nakamura, Daiki Kasai, Kenichi Hakamada
    Surgical case reports 8(1) 183-183 2022年9月27日  
    BACKGROUND: Emphysematous pancreatitis is acute pancreatitis associated with emphysema based on imaging studies and has been considered a subtype of necrotizing pancreatitis. Although some recent studies have reported the successful use of conservative treatment, it is still considered a serious condition. Computed tomography (CT) scan is useful in identifying emphysema associated with acute pancreatitis; however, whether the presence of emphysema correlates with the severity of pancreatitis remains controversial. In this study, we managed two cases of severe acute pancreatitis complicated with retroperitoneal emphysema successfully by treatment with lavage and drainage. CASE PRESENTATION: Case 1: A 76-year-old man was referred to our hospital after being diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. At post-admission, his abdominal symptoms worsened, and a repeat CT scan revealed increased retroperitoneal gas. Due to the high risk for gastrointestinal tract perforation, emergent laparotomy was performed. Fat necrosis was observed on the anterior surface of the pancreas, and a diagnosis of acute necrotizing pancreatitis with retroperitoneal emphysema was made. Thus, retroperitoneal drainage was performed. Case 2: A 50-year-old woman developed anaphylactic shock during the induction of general anesthesia for lumbar spine surgery, and peritoneal irritation symptoms and hypotension occurred on the same day. Contrast-enhanced CT scan showed necrotic changes in the pancreatic body and emphysema surrounding the pancreas. Therefore, she was diagnosed with acute necrotizing pancreatitis with retroperitoneal emphysema, and retroperitoneal cavity lavage and drainage were performed. In the second case, the intraperitoneal abscess occurred postoperatively, requiring time for drainage treatment. Both patients showed no significant postoperative course problems and were discharged on postoperative days 18 and 108, respectively. CONCLUSION: Acute pancreatitis with emphysema from the acute phase highly indicates severe necrotizing pancreatitis. Surgical drainage should be chosen without hesitation in necrotizing pancreatitis with emphysema from early onset.
  • Taishu Kanda, Taiichi Wakiya, Keinosuke Ishido, Norihisa Kimura, Hiroaki Fujita, Tadashi Yoshizawa, Shintaro Goto, Yota Tatara, Hiroshi Kijima, Kenichi Hakamada
    Journal of gastroenterology 57(10) 798-811 2022年7月3日  
    BACKGROUND: Evolutionary cancer has a supply mechanism to satisfy higher energy demands even in poor-nutrient conditions. Metabolic reprogramming is essential to supply sufficient energy. The relationship between metabolic reprogramming and the clinical course of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) remains unclear. We aimed to clarify the differences in metabolic status among PDAC patients. METHODS: We collected clinical data from 128 cases of resectable PDAC patients undergoing surgery. Sixty-three resected tissues, 15 tissues from the low carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), 38-100 U/mL, and high CA19-9, > 500 U/mL groups, and 33 non-tumor control parts, were subjected to tandem mass spectrometry workflow to systematically explore metabolic status. Clinical and proteomic data were compared on the most used PDAC biomarker, preoperative CA19-9 value. RESULTS: Higher CA19-9 levels were clearly associated with higher early recurrence (p < 0.001), decreased RFS (p < 0.001), and decreased DSS (p = 0.025). From proteomic analysis, we discovered that cancer evolution-related as well as various metabolism-related pathways were more notable in the high group. Using resected tissue immunohistochemical staining, we learned that high CA19-9 PDAC demonstrated aerobic glycolysis enhancement, yet no decrease in protein synthesis. We found a heterogeneity of various metabolic processes, including carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, lipids, and nucleic acids, between the low and the high groups, suggesting differences in metabolic adaptive capacity. CONCLUSIONS: Our study found metabolic adaptation differences among PDAC cases, pertaining to both cancer evolution and the prognosis. CA19-9 can help estimate the metabolic adaptive capacity of energy supply for PDAC evolution.
  • 小笠原 宏一, 吉澤 忠司, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 脇屋 太一, 久保田 隼介, 小笠原 健太, 中村 明恵, 鬼島 宏, 袴田 健一
    日本消化器外科学会総会 77回 P126-2 2022年7月  
  • 市澤 愛郁, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 脇屋 太一, 須藤 亜希子, 袴田 健一
    日本消化器外科学会総会 77回 P127-3 2022年7月  
  • 脇屋 太一, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 長瀬 勇人, 神田 大周, 藤田 博陽, 須藤 亜希子, 市澤 愛郁, 佐々木 賀広, 袴田 健一
    日本消化器外科学会総会 77回 P143-1 2022年7月  
  • Taiichi Wakiya, Keinosuke Ishido, Norihisa Kimura, Hayato Nagase, Taishu Kanda, Sotaro Ichiyama, Kenji Soma, Masashi Matsuzaka, Yoshihiro Sasaki, Shunsuke Kubota, Hiroaki Fujita, Takeyuki Sawano, Yutaka Umehara, Yusuke Wakasa, Yoshikazu Toyoki, Kenichi Hakamada
    Scientific reports 12(1) 8428-8428 2022年5月19日  
    Preoperatively accurate evaluation of risk for early postoperative recurrence contributes to maximizing the therapeutic success for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA) patients. This study aimed to investigate the potential of deep learning (DL) algorithms for predicting postoperative early recurrence through the use of preoperative images. We collected the dataset, including preoperative plain computed tomography (CT) images, from 41 patients undergoing curative surgery for iCCA at multiple institutions. We built a CT patch-based predictive model using a residual convolutional neural network and used fivefold cross-validation. The prediction accuracy of the model was analyzed. We defined early recurrence as recurrence within a year after surgical resection. Of the 41 patients, early recurrence was observed in 20 (48.8%). A total of 71,081 patches were extracted from the entire segmented tumor area of each patient. The average accuracy of the ResNet model for predicting early recurrence was 98.2% for the training dataset. In the validation dataset, the average sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were 97.8%, 94.0%, and 96.5%, respectively. Furthermore, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.994. Our CT-based DL model exhibited high predictive performance in projecting postoperative early recurrence, proposing a novel insight into iCCA management.
  • 長瀬 勇人, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 脇屋 太一, 小笠原 宏一, 吉澤 忠司, 袴田 健一
    日本外科系連合学会誌 47(3) 460-460 2022年5月  
  • 須藤 亜希子, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 脇屋 太一, 長瀬 勇人, 袴田 健一
    日本外科系連合学会誌 47(3) 461-461 2022年5月  
  • 小笠原 宏一, 吉澤 忠司, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 脇屋 太一, 久保田 隼介, 小笠原 健太, 中村 明恵, 袴田 健一
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 122回 SF-5 2022年4月  
  • 木村 憲央, 石戸 圭之輔, 脇屋 太一, 長瀬 勇人, 一戸 大地, 袴田 健一
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 122回 SF-5 2022年4月  
  • 脇屋 太一, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 長瀬 勇人, 桑田 大輔, 市澤 愛都, 千田 航平, 神田 大周, 松坂 方士, 佐々木 賀広, 袴田 健一
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 122回 DP-8 2022年4月  
  • 梅村 孝太郎, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 脇屋 太一, 千葉 智博, 下田 浩, 袴田 健一
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 122回 DP-2 2022年4月  
  • 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 脇屋 太一, 長瀬 勇人, 梅村 孝太郎, 小笠原 宏一, 原 裕太郎, 袴田 健一
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 122回 DP-8 2022年4月  
  • 久保田 隼介, 脇屋 太一, 諸橋 一, 三浦 卓也, 神田 大周, 坂本 義之, 佐々木 賀広, 袴田 健一
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 122回 SF-7 2022年4月  
  • Hajime Morohashi, Yoshiyuki Sakamoto, Takuya Miura, Daichi Ichinohe, Shunsuke Kubota, Keisuke Yamazaki, Aika Ichisawa, Yuto Mitsuhashi, Taiichi Wakiya, Kenichi Hakamada
    Asian journal of endoscopic surgery 15(3) 577-584 2022年3月18日  
    INTRODUCTION: There have been reports about robotic surgery for rectal cancer with chemoradiotherapy (CRT), but only a few studies have compared the use of robotic surgery with and without neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). The aim of our study was to compare the perioperative outcomes of robotic surgery with and without NAC for lower rectal cancer and to examine the effects of NAC on robotic surgery. METHODS: From January 2016 to July 2021, we compared the short-term outcomes of 45 patients who did not undergo NAC and 55 patients who underwent NAC. RESULTS: The rate of sphincter-preserving surgeries was higher in the NAC group than in the non-NAC group (P = .024). The total operative time was significantly longer in the NAC group than in the non-NAC group (P < .001). The rate of lateral lymph node dissection was significantly higher in the NAC group than in the non-NAC group (P < .001). No significant differences were identified in the rate of incisional surgical site infections (SSI), organ/space SSI postoperative bleeding, small bowel obstruction, anastomotic leakage, urinary dysfunction, or urinary infections between the groups. There were eight incidences of lateral lymph node metastasis (15%) and two cases with positive resection margins (4.0%) in the NAC group. CONCLUSIONS: Robotic surgery after NAC has few complications and a higher sphincter-preserving rate that without NAC.
  • 小笠原 健太, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 脇屋 太一, 長瀬 勇人, 一戸 大地, 山崎 慶介, 高橋 義也, 袴田 健一
    弘前医学 72(1-4) 102-102 2022年3月  
  • 山崎 慶介, 一戸 大地, 高橋 義也, 脇屋 太一, 木村 憲央, 石戸 圭之輔, 袴田 健一
    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 42(2) 276-276 2022年2月  
  • 丹場 太陽, 赤坂 治枝, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 室谷 隆裕, 脇屋 太一, 横山 拓史, 鶴田 覚, 小笠原 健太, 袴田 健一
    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 42(2) 289-289 2022年2月  
  • Keinosuke Ishido, Norihisa Kimura, Taiichi Wakiya, Hayato Nagase, Yutaro Hara, Taishu Kanda, Hiroaki Fujita, Kenichi Hakamada
    Annals of surgical oncology 29(2) 1281-1293 2022年2月  
    BACKGROUND: Resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (R-PDAC) often recurs early after radical resection, which is associated with poor prognosis. Predicting early recurrence preoperatively is useful for determining the optimal treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One hundred and seventy-eight patients diagnosed with R-PDAC on computed tomography (CT) imaging and undergoing radical resection at Hirosaki University Hospital from 2005 to 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients with recurrence within 6 months after resection formed the early recurrence (ER) group, while other patients constituted the non-early recurrence (non-ER) group. Early recurrence prediction score (ERP score) was developed using preoperative parameters. RESULTS: ER was observed in 45 patients (25.3%). The ER group had significantly higher preoperative CA19-9 (p = 0.03), serum SPan-1 (p = 0.006), and CT tumor diameter (p = 0.01) compared with the non-ER group. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis identified cutoff values for CA19-9 (133 U/mL), SPan-1 (78.2 U/mL), and preoperative tumor diameter (23 mm). When the parameter exceeded the cutoff level, 1 point was given, and the total score of the three factors was defined as the ERP score. The group with an ERP score of 3 had postoperative recurrence-free survival (RFS) of 5.5 months (95% CI 3.02-7.98). Multivariate analysis for ER-related perioperative and surgical factors identified ERP score of 3 [odds ratio (OR) 4.63 (95% CI 1.82-11.78), p = 0.0013] and R1 resection [OR 3.20 (95% CI 1.01-10.17), p = 0.049] as independent predictors of ER. CONCLUSIONS: For R-PDAC, ER could be predicted by the scoring system using preoperative serum CA19-9 and SPan-1 levels and CT tumor diameter, which may have great significance in identifying patients with poor prognoses and avoiding unnecessary surgery.
  • Keinosuke Ishido, Norihisa Kimura, Taiichi Wakiya, Hayato Nagase, Yutaro Hara, Taishu Kanda, Hiroaki Fujita, Kenichi Hakamada
    Annals of surgical oncology 29(2) 1294-1295 2022年2月  
  • 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 脇屋 太一, 袴田 健一
    日本消化器病学会東北支部例会・日本消化器内視鏡学会東北支部例会プログラム・抄録集 212回・167回 79-79 2022年1月  
  • 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 脇屋 太一, 長瀬 勇人, 袴田 健一
    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌 26(7) WS13-7 2021年12月  
  • 神田 大周, 脇屋 太一, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 長瀬 勇人, 山田 貴大, 袴田 健一
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 54(Suppl.2) 254-254 2021年11月  
  • 脇屋 太一, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 長瀬 勇人, 神田 大周, 藤田 博陽, 山田 貴大, 松坂 方士, 佐々木 賀広, 袴田 健一
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 54(Suppl.2) 262-262 2021年11月  
  • 神田 大周, 脇屋 太一, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 長瀬 勇人, 山田 貴大, 袴田 健一
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 54(Suppl.2) 254-254 2021年11月  
  • 脇屋 太一, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 長瀬 勇人, 神田 大周, 藤田 博陽, 山田 貴大, 松坂 方士, 佐々木 賀広, 袴田 健一
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 54(Suppl.2) 262-262 2021年11月  
  • Taiichi Wakiya, Keinosuke Ishido, Norihisa Kimura, Hayato Nagase, Tadashi Yoshizawa, Satoko Morohashi, Hiroaki Fujita, Taishu Kanda, Yota Tatara, Junji Saruwatari, Hiroshi Kijima, Kenichi Hakamada
    Scientific reports 11(1) 21197-21197 2021年10月27日  
    Perineural invasion (PNI) is a typical poor prognostic factor in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). The mechanisms linking PNI to poor prognosis remain unclear. This study aimed to clarify what changes occurred alongside PNI in PDAC. A 128-patient cohort undergoing surgery for early-stage PDAC was evaluated. Subdivided into two groups, according to pathological state, a pancreatic nerve invasion (ne) score of less than three (from none to moderate invasion) was designated as the low-grade ne group. The high-grade (marked invasion) ne group (74 cases, 57.8%) showed a higher incidence of lymphatic metastasis (P = 0.002), a higher incidence of early recurrence (P = 0.004), decreased RFS (P < 0.001), and decreased DSS (P < 0.001). The severity of lymphatic (r = 0.440, P = 0.042) and venous (r = 0.610, P = 0.002) invasions was positively correlated with the ne score. Tumors having abundant stroma often displayed severe ne. Proteomics identified eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (EIF2) signaling as the most significantly enriched pathway in high-grade ne PDAC. Additionally, EIF2 signaling-related ribosome proteins decreased according to severity. Results showed that PNI is linked with lymphatic and vascular invasion in early-stage PDAC. Furthermore, the dysregulation of proteostasis and ribosome biogenesis can yield a difference in PNI severity.
  • 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 脇屋 太一, 長瀬 勇人, 袴田 健一
    膵臓 36(5) 293-300 2021年10月  
    ロボット支援下手術は,拡大立体視効果と多関節機能がもたらす動作制限からの解放によって,精緻で安全な低侵襲手術を可能にする技術として期待されている.特に膵体尾部切除では,低侵襲手術の開腹術に対する短期成績の優位性が高いエビデンスレベルで示され,ロボット支援下手術は精緻性や開腹移行の回避による長期成績の改善,さらに腹腔鏡下手術困難例への適応拡大が期待されている.一方,膵頭十二指腸切除では,腹腔鏡手術に比べて再建操作に有利との蓋然性を有しており,現在エビデンスが集積されつつある.進行膵癌治療が強力な全身化学療法やtotal neoadjuvant therapyと膵切除との集学的治療へ大きく変化する中,精緻で低侵襲なロボット支援下手術はこれらの戦略との親和性が高いと期待される.今後はRCTを含めたエビデンスレベルの高い臨床研究によって,腫瘍学的長期成績を検証する必要がある.(著者抄録)
  • Taishu Kanda, Taiichi Wakiya, Keinosuke Ishido, Norihisa Kimura, Hayato Nagase, Shunsuke Kubota, Hiroaki Fujita, Yusuke Hagiwara, Kenichi Hakamada
    Pancreas 50(9) 1314-1325 2021年10月1日  
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the real impact of allogeneic red blood cell transfusion (ABT) on postoperative outcomes in resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients. METHODS: Of 128 patients undergoing resectable PDAC surgery at our facility, 24 (18.8%) received ABT. Recurrence-free survival (RFS) and disease-specific survival (DSS), before and after propensity score matching (PSM), were compared among patients who did and did not receive ABT. RESULTS: In the entire cohort, ABT was significantly associated with decreased RFS (P = 0.002) and DSS (P = 0.014) before PSM. Cox regression analysis identified ABT (risk ratio, 1.884; 95% confidence interval, 1.015-3.497; P = 0.045) as an independent prognostic factor for RFS. Univariate and multivariate analysis identified preoperative hemoglobin value, preoperative total bilirubin value, and intraoperative blood loss as significant independent risk factors for ABT. Using these 3 variables, PSM analysis created 16 pairs of patients. After PSM, the ABT group had significantly poorer RFS rates than the non-ABT group (median, 9.8 vs 15.8 months, P = 0.022). Similar tendencies were found in DSS rates (median, 19.4 vs 40.0 months, P = 0.071). CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed certain negative effects of intraoperative ABT on postoperative survival outcomes in patients with resectable PDAC.
  • 長瀬 勇人, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 脇屋 太一, 赤坂 治枝, 室谷 隆裕, 三浦 卓也, 諸橋 一, 坂本 義之, 袴田 健一
    消化器外科 44(10) 1565-1575 2021年9月  
  • 盛 和行, 對馬 優子, 脇屋 太一, 石戸 圭之輔, 鳴海 俊治, 袴田 健一, 大山 力
    MHC: Major Histocompatibility Complex 28(2Suppl.) 98-98 2021年9月  
  • Taiichi Wakiya, Keinosuke Ishido, Tadashi Yoshizawa, Taishu Kanda, Kenichi Hakamada
    Annals of gastroenterological surgery 5(5) 623-633 2021年9月  
    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), with its extremely poor prognosis, presents a substantial health problem worldwide. Outcomes have improved thanks to progress in surgical technique, chemotherapy, pre-/postoperative management, and centralization of patient care to high-volume centers. However, our goals are yet to be met. Recently, exome sequencing using PDAC surgical specimens has demonstrated that the most frequently altered genes were the axon guidance genes, indicating involvement of the nervous system in PDAC carcinogenesis. Moreover, perineural invasion has been widely identified as one poor prognostic factor. The combination of innovative technologies and extensive clinician experience with the nervous system come together here to create a new treatment option. However, evidence has emerged that suggests that the relationship between cancer and nerves in PDAC, the underlying mechanism, is not fully understood. In an attempt to tackle this lethal cancer, this review summarizes the anatomy and physiology of the pancreas and discusses the role of the nervous system in the pathophysiology of PDAC.
  • 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 脇屋 太一, 長瀬 勇人, 袴田 健一
    膵臓 36(3) A341-A341 2021年8月  
  • 脇屋 太一, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 長瀬 勇人, 神田 大周, 藤田 博陽, 山田 貴大, 袴田 健一
    膵臓 36(3) A386-A386 2021年8月  
  • 木村 憲央, 袴田 健一, 石戸 圭之輔, 脇屋 太一, 長瀬 勇人, 菊池 英純, 福田 眞作
    胆道 35(3) 414-414 2021年8月  
  • 三橋 佑人, 木村 憲央, 石戸 圭之輔, 脇屋 太一, 長瀬 勇人, 若狭 悠介, 袴田 健一
    胆道 35(3) 487-487 2021年8月  
  • 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 脇屋 太一, 長瀬 勇人, 袴田 健一
    日本消化器外科学会総会 76回 P072-2 2021年7月  
  • 神田 大周, 脇屋 太一, 石戸 圭之輔, 木村 憲央, 長瀬 勇人, 藤田 博陽, 山田 貴大, 袴田 健一
    日本消化器外科学会総会 76回 P091-3 2021年7月  
  • 山田 貴大, 石戸 圭之輔, 長瀬 勇人, 脇屋 太一, 木村 憲央, 袴田 健一
    日本消化器外科学会総会 76回 P129-7 2021年7月  



