医学部 薬理学講座

東 森生

azuma morio


自治医科大学 医学部薬理学講座分子薬理学部門 講師




  • Kotaro Horiguchi, Takehiro Tsukada, Saishu Yoshida, Ken Fujiwara, Takashi Nakakura, Morio Azuma, Ayano Shindo, Rumi Hasegawa, Shu Takigami
    The Journal of reproduction and development 2024年8月11日  
    The adenohypophysis is composed of the anterior and intermediate lobes (AL and IL, respectively), and secretes hormones that play an important role in reproduction. CD9- and SOX2-double (CD9/SOX2) positive cells located in the marginal cell layer (MCL) facing the Rathke's cleft in the AL and IL form the primary stem cell niche in the adult adenohypophysis of rats. In this study, we successfully obtained 3-dimensional (3D) cell aggregates that closely resembled the primary niche of MCL in vivo. After incubation in a Matrigel containing several growth factors, approximately 20% of the cells in the CD9/SOX2-positive cell aggregates were differentiated into hormone-producing cells. The cell aggregates generated in this study may provide insight into the regulation of the pituitary stem/progenitor cell niche and the turnover of hormone-producing cells.
  • Chortip Sajjaviriya, Fujianti, Morio Azuma, Hiroyoshi Tsuchiya, Taka-Aki Koshimizu
    Peptides 177 171226-171226 2024年7月  
    Close contact between lactating rodent mothers and their infants is essential for effective nursing. Whether the mother's effort to retrieve the infants to their nest requires the vasopressin-signaling via V1b receptor has not been fully defined. To address this question, V1b receptor knockout (V1bKO) and control mice were analyzed in pup retrieval test. Because an exploring mother in a new test cage randomly accessed to multiple infants in changing backgrounds over time, a computer vision-based deep learning analysis was applied to continuously calculate the distances between the mother and the infants as a parameter of their relationship. In an open-field, a virgin female V1bKO mice entered fewer times into the center area and moved shorter distances than wild-type (WT). While this behavioral pattern persisted in V1bKO mother, the pup retrieval test demonstrated that total distances between a V1bKO mother and infants came closer in a shorter time than with a WT mother. Moreover, in the medial preoptic area, parts of the V1b receptor transcripts were detected in galanin- and c-fos-positive neurons following maternal stimulation by infants. This research highlights the effectiveness of deep learning analysis in evaluating the mother-infant relationship and the critical role of V1b receptor in pup retrieval during the early lactation phase.
  • Morio Azuma, Norifumi Konno, Ichiro Sakata, Taka-Aki Koshimizu, Hiroyuki Kaiya
    Cell and tissue research 397(1) 61-76 2024年7月  
    Motilin (MLN) is a peptide hormone originally isolated from the mucosa of the porcine intestine. Its orthologs have been identified in various vertebrates. Although MLN regulates gastrointestinal motility in tetrapods from amphibians to mammals, recent studies indicate that MLN is not involved in the regulation of isolated intestinal motility in zebrafish, at least in vitro. To determine the unknown function of MLN in teleosts, we examined the expression of MLN and the MLN receptor (MLNR) at the cellular level in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Quantitative PCR revealed that mln mRNA was limitedly expressed in the gut, whereas mlnr mRNA was not detected in the gut but was expressed in the brain and kidney. By in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, mlnr mRNA was detected in the dopaminergic neurons of the area postrema in the brain and the noradrenaline-producing cells in the interrenal gland of the kidney. Furthermore, we observed efferent projections of mlnr-expressing dopaminergic neurons in the lobus vagi (XL) and nucleus motorius nervi vagi (NXm) of the medulla oblongata by establishing a transgenic medaka expressing the enhanced green fluorescence protein driven by the mlnr promoter. The expression of dopamine receptor mRNAs in the XL and cholinergic neurons in NXm was confirmed by in situ hybridization. These results indicate novel sites of MLN activity other than the gastrointestinal tract. MLN may exert central and peripheral actions through the regulation of catecholamine release in medaka.
  • Yukitoshi Katayama, Ami Saito, Maho Ogoshi, Yousuke Tsuneoka, Takao Mukuda, Morio Azuma, Makoto Kusakabe, Yoshio Takei, Takehiro Tsukada
    Cell and Tissue Research 388(2) 225-238 2022年2月16日  査読有り
  • Nuttawadee Ngamlertwong, Hiroyoshi Tsuchiya, Yuta Mochimaru, Morio Azuma, Takahiro Kuchimaru, Taka-Aki Koshimizu
    Scientific reports 11(1) 15813-15813 2021年8月4日  
    During the development of analgesic tolerance to morphine, the V1b vasopressin receptor has been proposed to bind to β-arrestin 2 and the µ-opioid receptor to enable their interaction. However, direct evidence of such a high-order complex is lacking. Using bioluminescent resonance energy transfer between a split Nanoluciferase and the Venus fluorescent protein, the NanoBit-NanoBRET system, we found that β-arrestin 2 closely located near the heteromer µ-V1b receptor in the absence of an agonist and moved closer to the receptor carboxyl-termini upon agonist stimulation. An additive effect of the two agonists for opioid and vasopressin receptors was detected on the NanoBRET between the µ-V1b heteromer and β-arrestin 2. To increase the agonist response of NanoBRET, the ratio of the donor luminophore to the acceptor fluorophore was decreased to the detection limit of luminescence. In the first phase of access, β-arrestin 2 was likely to bind to the unstimulated V1b receptor in both its phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms. In contrast, the second-phase access of β-arrestin 2 was agonist dependent, indicating a possible pharmacological intervention strategy. Therefore, our efficient method should be useful for evaluating chemicals that directly target the vasopressin binding site in the µ-V1b heteromer to reduce the second-phase access of β-arrestin 2 and thereby to alleviate tolerance to morphine analgesia.







