
東 森生

azuma morio


自治医科大学 医学部薬理学講座分子薬理学部門 講師




  • Kotaro Horiguchi, Takehiro Tsukada, Saishu Yoshida, Ken Fujiwara, Takashi Nakakura, Morio Azuma, Ayano Shindo, Rumi Hasegawa, Shu Takigami
    The Journal of reproduction and development 2024年8月11日  
    The adenohypophysis is composed of the anterior and intermediate lobes (AL and IL, respectively), and secretes hormones that play an important role in reproduction. CD9- and SOX2-double (CD9/SOX2) positive cells located in the marginal cell layer (MCL) facing the Rathke's cleft in the AL and IL form the primary stem cell niche in the adult adenohypophysis of rats. In this study, we successfully obtained 3-dimensional (3D) cell aggregates that closely resembled the primary niche of MCL in vivo. After incubation in a Matrigel containing several growth factors, approximately 20% of the cells in the CD9/SOX2-positive cell aggregates were differentiated into hormone-producing cells. The cell aggregates generated in this study may provide insight into the regulation of the pituitary stem/progenitor cell niche and the turnover of hormone-producing cells.
  • Chortip Sajjaviriya, Fujianti, Morio Azuma, Hiroyoshi Tsuchiya, Taka-Aki Koshimizu
    Peptides 177 171226-171226 2024年7月  
    Close contact between lactating rodent mothers and their infants is essential for effective nursing. Whether the mother's effort to retrieve the infants to their nest requires the vasopressin-signaling via V1b receptor has not been fully defined. To address this question, V1b receptor knockout (V1bKO) and control mice were analyzed in pup retrieval test. Because an exploring mother in a new test cage randomly accessed to multiple infants in changing backgrounds over time, a computer vision-based deep learning analysis was applied to continuously calculate the distances between the mother and the infants as a parameter of their relationship. In an open-field, a virgin female V1bKO mice entered fewer times into the center area and moved shorter distances than wild-type (WT). While this behavioral pattern persisted in V1bKO mother, the pup retrieval test demonstrated that total distances between a V1bKO mother and infants came closer in a shorter time than with a WT mother. Moreover, in the medial preoptic area, parts of the V1b receptor transcripts were detected in galanin- and c-fos-positive neurons following maternal stimulation by infants. This research highlights the effectiveness of deep learning analysis in evaluating the mother-infant relationship and the critical role of V1b receptor in pup retrieval during the early lactation phase.
  • Morio Azuma, Norifumi Konno, Ichiro Sakata, Taka-Aki Koshimizu, Hiroyuki Kaiya
    Cell and tissue research 397(1) 61-76 2024年7月  
    Motilin (MLN) is a peptide hormone originally isolated from the mucosa of the porcine intestine. Its orthologs have been identified in various vertebrates. Although MLN regulates gastrointestinal motility in tetrapods from amphibians to mammals, recent studies indicate that MLN is not involved in the regulation of isolated intestinal motility in zebrafish, at least in vitro. To determine the unknown function of MLN in teleosts, we examined the expression of MLN and the MLN receptor (MLNR) at the cellular level in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Quantitative PCR revealed that mln mRNA was limitedly expressed in the gut, whereas mlnr mRNA was not detected in the gut but was expressed in the brain and kidney. By in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, mlnr mRNA was detected in the dopaminergic neurons of the area postrema in the brain and the noradrenaline-producing cells in the interrenal gland of the kidney. Furthermore, we observed efferent projections of mlnr-expressing dopaminergic neurons in the lobus vagi (XL) and nucleus motorius nervi vagi (NXm) of the medulla oblongata by establishing a transgenic medaka expressing the enhanced green fluorescence protein driven by the mlnr promoter. The expression of dopamine receptor mRNAs in the XL and cholinergic neurons in NXm was confirmed by in situ hybridization. These results indicate novel sites of MLN activity other than the gastrointestinal tract. MLN may exert central and peripheral actions through the regulation of catecholamine release in medaka.
  • Yukitoshi Katayama, Ami Saito, Maho Ogoshi, Yousuke Tsuneoka, Takao Mukuda, Morio Azuma, Makoto Kusakabe, Yoshio Takei, Takehiro Tsukada
    Cell and Tissue Research 388(2) 225-238 2022年2月16日  査読有り
  • Nuttawadee Ngamlertwong, Hiroyoshi Tsuchiya, Yuta Mochimaru, Morio Azuma, Takahiro Kuchimaru, Taka-Aki Koshimizu
    Scientific reports 11(1) 15813-15813 2021年8月4日  
    During the development of analgesic tolerance to morphine, the V1b vasopressin receptor has been proposed to bind to β-arrestin 2 and the µ-opioid receptor to enable their interaction. However, direct evidence of such a high-order complex is lacking. Using bioluminescent resonance energy transfer between a split Nanoluciferase and the Venus fluorescent protein, the NanoBit-NanoBRET system, we found that β-arrestin 2 closely located near the heteromer µ-V1b receptor in the absence of an agonist and moved closer to the receptor carboxyl-termini upon agonist stimulation. An additive effect of the two agonists for opioid and vasopressin receptors was detected on the NanoBRET between the µ-V1b heteromer and β-arrestin 2. To increase the agonist response of NanoBRET, the ratio of the donor luminophore to the acceptor fluorophore was decreased to the detection limit of luminescence. In the first phase of access, β-arrestin 2 was likely to bind to the unstimulated V1b receptor in both its phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms. In contrast, the second-phase access of β-arrestin 2 was agonist dependent, indicating a possible pharmacological intervention strategy. Therefore, our efficient method should be useful for evaluating chemicals that directly target the vasopressin binding site in the µ-V1b heteromer to reduce the second-phase access of β-arrestin 2 and thereby to alleviate tolerance to morphine analgesia.


  • 堀口 幸太郎, 新藤 綾乃, 東 森生, 中倉 敬, 長谷川 瑠美, 瀧上 周
    日本内分泌学会雑誌 100(1) 305-305 2024年5月  
  • 堀口 幸太郎, 藤原 研, 塚田 岳大, 中倉 敬, 吉田 彩舟, 東 森生, 長谷川 瑠美, 瀧上 周
    日本内分泌学会雑誌 99(5) 1435-1435 2024年4月  
  • 立原 瞭, 東 森生, 中町 智哉, 戸村 秀明
    日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集 96回 [1P-563] 2023年10月  
  • 藤原 研, 藤原 葉子, 東 森生, 大野 伸彦
    組織細胞化学 2023 41-51 2023年7月  
  • 稲垣健志, 山崎礼二, 長内康幸, 東森生, 鈴木秀人, 大野伸彦, 大野伸彦
    日本臨床分子形態学会総会・学術集会講演プログラム・要旨集 55th 2023年  
  • 土屋 裕義, 東 森生, 持丸 雄太, 輿水 崇鏡
    日本薬理学会年会要旨集 95 3-P-242 2022年  
    Vasopressin (VP), which is one of the neurohypophyseal hormone, can play diverse roles via specific receptors belonging to a family of GPCRs. There are three subtypes of VP receptors–V1aR, V1bR, and V2R. Previous our studies reported that V1aR-KO female mice showed various reproductive abnormalities. In this analysis, we focused on the mechanism of the decrease of litter size and tried to identify the period when the fetuses drop out. First, we performed the staining of the implantation site (IS) at the day 5 of pregnancy (E5). However, the number of IS were not different. This observation suggests that the decrease of litter size observed in the V1aR-KO mice occurred after implantation. We next measured the litter size and the weights of fetuses and placentas at E14, E18, and E19. As a result, the weights of fetuses and placentas were smaller in the V1aR-KO mice compared with the wild-type. Intriguingly, aberrant fetuses are frequently observed at E14, E18, and E19 in the V1aR-KO mice and the litter sizes of the normal fetuses were smaller. Especially, omphalocele was observed in 13.5 % of E19 V1aR-KO fetuses. In general, fetuses with omphalocele die after birth. Therefore, the significant decrease in the number of litters observed in V1aR-KO mice may be due to the abnormal growth of the fetus in utero, such as omphalocele.
  • Sajjaviriya Chortip, Casmad Fujianti, 東 森生, 土屋 裕義, 輿水 崇鏡
    日本薬理学会年会要旨集 95 1-SS-16 2022年  
    【Background】Oxytocin, a neurohypophysial hormone from the posterior pituitary, is known as an important factor for childcare and breastfeeding. Also, vasopressin has been reportedly involved in maternal behaviors through the vasopressin receptors of V1A and V1B subtypes. Previous studies demonstrated that the V1A receptor antagonist given into the median preoptic area of rat resulted in significant reduction of caregiving behavior of the mother. Although the studies on the oxytocin hormone and vasopressin/V1A receptor have been extensively conducted, our knowledge on the V1B receptor in maternal behavior is still limited.【Purpose】We intended to clarify a role of the V1B receptor in mother-child interaction during lactating period.【Methods】We compared exploratory behavior between nonpregnant females of control mice and those of the V1B knockout mice in open field test. After giving a birth, the mothers were examined on their behavior in pup retrieval test. Moreover, massive amounts of data from behavioral recordings were visualized and mother-infant relationship was analyzed by deep learning strategy.【Results and discussion】After training about 3000 images, our deep learning model successfully classified mother and babies with 99% accuracy. The analysis results by deep learning model were in good agreement with the observational results by an investigator. Together, we propose that this new method can be applied further to other areas of behavioral study to overcome the limitations and increase the efficiency for analyzing complex behaviors.
  • 輿水 崇鏡, 東 森生, Chortip Sajjaviriya, 土屋 裕義
    日本薬理学会年会要旨集 96 4-B-S42-4 2022年  
    【Background】The basic principle of G-protein-coupled receptor signal involves G-protein-dependent and -independent, beta-arrestin-dependent pathways. Recent progress in structural study of chimeric beta-adrenaline receptor and beta-arrestin 2 complex proposed that the interaction went through two sequential steps. However, such steps in living cells and the practical application have not been provided, because these steps are difficult to analyze separately. Here, we report V1b vasopressin receptor as a valuable model to tackle this question.【Methods】Bioluminescent resonance energy transfer (BRET) between receptor-nanoluciferase and Venus-beta-arrestin 2 was employed to monitor interaction. Receptor dimers were further monitored by connecting two parts of split nanoluciferase to the receptor carboxyl terminus.【Results and Discussion】We detected two-step increases of BRET signal in the V1b receptor-beta-arrestin 2 interaction. Non-stimulated V1b receptor associated with beta-arrestin 2 and vasopressin further increased BRET. Heteromer formation between beta-arrestin 2-V1b receptor and mu-opioid receptor promoted morphine-induced analgesic tolerance in mice and in reconstituted cellular model. Our data indicates two-step interactions between V1b receptor and beta-arrestin 2 are the molecular target for alleviating morphine tolerance.
  • 東 森生, 持丸 雄太, 輿水 崇鏡
    日本薬理学会年会要旨集 95 3-P-257 2022年  
    Melanin concentrating hormone (MCH) is a peptide conserved from fish to mammal, and well known as an orexigenic neuropeptide in mammals. Recently, we found MCH-immunopositive fibers in the median eminence of a basal actinopterygian fish, Polypterus senegalus, that is located in the phylogenetic branch of fishes and tetrapod. However, the functions of MCH on the endocrine cells in the adenohypophysis are unknown. In this study, we examined the expression of MCH receptors in the gland of this fish, and their intracellular signal transductions. Phylogenetic analysis showed that P. senegalus has two types of MCH receptor 1 (MCHR1) and two types of MCH receptor 2 (MCHR2), that are close to the MCH receptors of mammal or teleost. In situ hybridization showed that mammal-like MCHR2 (m-MCHR2) and teleost-like MCHR2 (t-MCHR2) are expressed in the endocrine cells of the pars distalis of the gland, that is homologous to the anterior pituitary gland of mammal. HEK293 cells, which were transfected with these receptors separately, showed that both MCHR2s increase intracellular Ca2+, and that t-MCHR2, but not m-MCHR2, inhibits the activity of the adenylate cyclase in a concentration-dependent manner. These findings suggest that two types of the MCH receptor 2 regulate release and/or production of adenohypophyseal hormone in this fish.
  • 土屋 裕義, 東 森生, 持丸 雄太, 輿水 崇鏡
    医学教育 52(Suppl.) 154-154 2021年7月  
  • 神永 洋彰, 持丸 雄太, 東 森生, 土屋 裕義, 輿水 崇鏡
    日本薬理学会年会要旨集 94 2-P2-19 2021年  
    [Background] Drinking behavior after diuretics administration involves complex neuronal processes, in which participating hormonal signal is not well delineated. [purpose] To gain insight into frequency and timing of drinking behavior after diuretics, we employed the advantage and power of deep learning. [Method] Male mice with or without intraperitoneal injection of tolvaptan (20 mg/kg) were placed in metabolic cages and their behavior was monitored by video recording for six hours. Individual video frames were obtained using ffmpeg program. Mice were detected as an object and labelled as “drinking” or “away from water”. Labeled images were used to develop learning models of deep neural network (DNN) in Tensorflow and pyhton program. The trained model was evaluated its accuracy and further used to detect drinking behaviors of new mouse group in conda virtual environment. [Result] Our DNN model successfully detected a series of mouse behavior. We found a marked increase in the drinking behavior after diuretics treatment. [Discussion] Water-taking behaviors, which were composed of tens of thousands of images per mouse, can be automatically analyzed using trained DNN with high accuracy. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of deep learning in a pharmacological study of animal behavior.
  • 土屋 裕義, 東 森生, 持丸 雄太, 輿水 崇鏡
    日本繁殖生物学会 講演要旨集 114 P-66-P-66 2021年  
    【目的】バソプレッシン(VP)はオキシトシン(OT)に類縁の下垂体後葉ホルモンで,3種類のVP受容体サブタイプ(V1a,V1b,V2)を介して,その機能を発揮する。我々のこれまでの解析からV1a受容体欠損(KO)マウスでは有意な分娩遅延と産仔数の減少,そして分娩時の子宮収縮の減弱が示され,生殖生理にバソプレッシン受容体が重要な役割を持つことが示唆されている。本研究ではV1a KOマウスで観察された産仔数の減少がいつどのようにして生じるのかについて,さらなる解析を行った。【方法】産仔数減少の時期を特定するため,妊娠5日目に着床部位の染色,妊娠14日目,18日目,19日目に胎仔数と胎仔重量,胎盤重量の計測を行った。また,胎仔の組織異常を明らかにするために,妊娠19日目の胎仔の組織切片を作成し,観察を行った。【結果および考察】妊娠5日目の子宮の着床部位の染色からV1a KOと野生型マウスでは着床数に有意な差は見られなかった。妊娠14日目,18日目,19日目の胎仔数の比較からはV1a KOマウスで正常胎仔の減少が観察された。胎仔重量と胎盤重量は,妊娠14日目ではV1a KOマウスの胎仔のみで有意に小さかったが,18日目と19日目ではV1a KOマウスの胎仔と胎盤の両方で有意に小さかった。しかしながら,その差は18日目をピークとして縮まる傾向にあり,出産後には体重に有意差は見られない。さらに興味深いことに,V1a KOマウスでは子宮内で観察された異常胎仔の数が多いことがわかった。特に19日目の胎仔ではV1a KOマウスの総胎仔数の13.5%で臍帯ヘルニアが観察された。これまでの報告から臍帯ヘルニアを呈する遺伝子欠損マウスの多くが口蓋裂を伴うことが報告されているが,V1a KOマウスでは口蓋裂は観察されなかった。一般的に臍帯ヘルニアを患う胎仔は出産時に死んでしまう。このことから,V1a KOマウスで観察された有意な産仔数減少は臍帯ヘルニアなどの子宮内での胎仔の成長異常に起因すると考えられる。
  • Fujianti Casmad, 東 森生, Chortip Sajjaviriya, 土屋 裕義, 輿水 崇鏡
    日本薬理学会年会要旨集 94 2-Y-E1-2 2021年  
    Deposition of age-related fluorescent pigment in tissues was initially discovered by A. Hanover in 1842 and the pigments were subsequently called lipofuscin by W. Hueck in 1912 and M. Borst in 1922. It has been known for decades that the lipofuscin is found in several aged organs such as the eyes, brain and adrenal cortex of humans and rodents. However, how these normal aging processes proceed is not known. In a preliminary study, we found that in the adrenal gland of V1a vasopressin receptor-deficient mice (V1aKO), more lipofuscin deposits were accumulated with age compared with wild-type (WT) mice. To quantitatively examine lipofuscin deposits, we have collected 60 adrenal glands from V1aKO and WT mice of both sexes at 2, 6 and 12 months of age. The sections were stained to visualize nucleus and plasma membrane and examined by using confocal microscope. We found lipofuscin fluorescent signals in the adrenal gland of both V1aKO and WT mice. However, the amount of lipofuscin in V1a-deficient adrenal gland was significantly increased compared with the adrenal gland of WT mice in both sexes at all ages. In particular, at 6 month of age, lipofuscin deposition in WT and V1aKO males occupied 3.9 and 5.6 % of entire adrenal cortex areas. Also, we found that lipofuscin accumulation started in the cytoplasm. The mechanism of an increase in this deposit formation, especially its relationship to the V1a receptor, needs to be further examined.
  • Nuttawadee Ngamlertwong, 土屋 裕義, 東 森生, 輿水 崇鏡
    日本薬理学会年会要旨集 94 3-S25-4 2021年  
    Previous our work suggested that V1b receptor for neuropituitary hormone vasopressin enhances cellular signal leading to morphine tolerance by functionally interacting with mu-opioid receptor (MOR) and beta-arrestin 2. However, it has not been clarified how these three signaling molecules are arranged. Here, we explored a possibility of formation of three-molecule complex using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) among split nanoluciferase and Venus fluorescent protein. To this end, two pieces of a split nanoliciferase were connected to carboxyl termini of V1b or MOR, and Venus to beta-arrestin2. We successfully detected BRET between V1b-MOR heteromer receptor and beta-arrestin 2-Venus. Importantly, this interaction was enough high at basal, indicating constitutive interaction without agonist. Furthermore, unlike the receptor tagged with a whole nanoluciferase, BRET signal from interaction among V1b-MOR heteromer with split nanolucifarese and beta-arrestin 2-Venus increased further after agonist treatment. These results indicated that we successfully developed screening method to search for a chemical that could suppress morphine tolerance by acting at V1b receptor in the V1b-MOR heteromer.
  • Chortip Sajjaviriya, 東 森生, 土屋 裕義, 輿水 崇鏡
    日本薬理学会年会要旨集 94 1-Y-F3-3 2021年  
    Parental behavior is widely preserved in living animals. A caregiving of mother is needed for behavioral and emotional development of child. Various responsive hormones have been identified to play the important roles on maternal behavior. One of neurohypophyseal hormone, arginine vasopressin, has been known to regulate maternal behavior mainly through activation of vasopressin V1a subtype receptors in the central nervous system. Moreover, administration of antagonist of another vasopressin receptor subtype, V1b receptor, into lateral ventricle changed maternal care. However, the knowledge of V1b receptors on maternal behavior is limited. Recently, machine learning algorithms have been applied in several scientific studies, in which the computer vision and deep learning are a brunch of this intelligence algorithm. Taking the advantage of computer science into account, we had employed this method to investigate a possible role of vasopressin in maternal behavior in mother and pup interaction during lactation period. In each image from video recording, one or more objects can be analyzed and classified by deep learning models. We found that intimal relationship between dam and pups can be analyzed in detail. Furthermore, our method can be applied to a large scale of dataset. In summary, we have successfully developed deep learning models to study the relationships between dam and pups of wildtype and gene knockout mice in free moving conditions. Furthermore, our developed method effectively analyzes the complex behavior of laboratory animals with increasing efficiency and consistency.
  • 田中 保平, 山黒 友丘, 伊澤 祥光, 米川 力, 東 森生, 輿水 崇鏡, 間藤 卓
    日本救急医学会雑誌 31(8) 317-320 2020年8月  
    症例は患者が飼育中のアマゾン産淡水エイPotamotrygon leopoldiの水替え中に手背を刺されて来院したもので,刺傷後から疼痛が激しく,創部の洗浄と消毒に加え,海産エイ毒の解毒方法に準じて40℃の湯に創部を浸漬したところ,疼痛の軽減を図ることができた。その後,疼痛が数日の間は継続したが,広範な壊死を来すことはなく細菌感染などの併発もなく治癒した。エイ毒は複数の蛋白毒で構成され,疼痛・腫脹・壊死を来すほか,ショック症状・呼吸困難を来し,ときに死に至ることもある。一部の海産タンパク毒と同様に高温に弱く,患部を温水に浸漬することで症状を軽減できるといわれるが,種差・性差・成熟度による毒性・毒量を含めて不明な点が多い。本邦では淡水エイによる刺傷の報告が少なく,今回の症例のように後遺症を認めずに治癒する症例がある一方で,後遺症や手術を要した症例も報告されている。淡水エイの毒性については不確定なことが多く,症例および治療経験の蓄積が重要であると考えられた。(著者抄録)
  • 原口 省吾, 東 森生, 馬谷 千恵
    比較内分泌学 45(166) 36-36_1 2019年  
  • 藤原 研, 東 森生, 堀口 幸太郎, 塚田 岳大, 大野 伸彦, 屋代 隆
    日本内分泌学会雑誌 94(4) 1327-1327 2018年12月  
  • 大野伸彦, 大野伸彦, 東森生, 藤原研, 齊藤百合花, 志茂聡
    組織細胞化学 2018 33‐46-46 2018年7月10日  
  • 東森生, 矢田部恵, CASMAD Fujianti, 藤原研, 大野伸彦, 菊地元史, 菊地元史, 屋代隆
    日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会講演プログラム・抄録集 123rd 160 2018年  
  • 東森生, 屋代隆
    日本下垂体研究会学術集会プログラム・講演要旨集 33rd 32 2018年  
  • 藤原研, 東森生, 堀口幸太郎, 塚田岳大, 大野伸彦, 屋代隆
    日本神経内分泌学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 45th 36 2018年  
  • 藤原研, 東森生, 堀口幸太郎, 塚田岳大, 大野伸彦, 屋代隆, 屋代隆
    日本下垂体研究会学術集会プログラム・講演要旨集 33rd 42 2018年  
  • 藤原研, MLIZA Rita, 東森生, 屋代隆
    日本内分泌学会雑誌 93(1) 273 2017年4月1日  
  • 東森生, 菊地元史, 菊地元史, 屋代隆
    日本下垂体研究会学術集会プログラム・講演要旨集 32nd 57 2017年  
  • 東森生, 屋代隆
    日本臨床内分泌病理学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集 21st 49 2017年  
  • 藤原研, MLIZA Rita, 東森生, 屋代隆
    日本神経内分泌学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 43rd 65 2016年  
  • 東森生, 塚田岳大, 藤原研, 菊地元史, 菊地元史, 屋代隆
    日本比較内分泌学会大会及びシンポジウムプログラム・講演要旨 41st 55 2016年  
  • 東 森生
    比較内分泌学 41(156) 134-135 2015年  
  • Takehiro Tsukada, Mono Azuma, Dini Ramadhani, Khongorzul Batchuluun, Takashi Yashiro
    ENDOCRINE REVIEWS 35(3) 2014年6月  
  • 東森生, BATCHULUUN Khongorzul, 堀口幸太郎, 屋代隆
    日本下垂体研究会学術集会プログラム・講演要旨集 29th 2014年  
  • 藤原研, 塚田岳大, 東森生, RAMADHANI Dini, BIN ALIMUDDIN Tofrizal, MALIZA Rita, BATCHULUUN Khongorzul, 菊地元史, 屋代隆
    日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会講演プログラム・抄録集 119th 172 2014年  
  • 屋代隆, JINDATIP Depicha, TOFRIZAL Alimuddin, 幸喜富, 東森生, 菊地元史, 菊地元史, 堀口幸太郎
    日本下垂体研究会学術集会プログラム・講演要旨集 28th 2013年  
  • 藤原研, 東森生, 屋代隆
    日本神経内分泌学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 40th 172 2013年  
  • Kouhei Matsuda, Morio Azuma, Norifumi Konno, Minoru Uchiyama
  • Morio Azuma, Norifumi Konno, Minoru Uchiyama, Kouhei Matsuda
  • 東 森生
    比較内分泌学 = Comparative endocrinology 37(142) 178-179 2011年8月31日  
  • Morio Azuma, Mio Tanaka, Yumiko Saito, Minoru Uchiyama, Akiyoshi Takahashi, Seiji Shioda, Kouhei Matsuda
    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 42(3) 308-308 2010年11月  
  • Kouhei Matsuda, Morio Azuma, Akiyoshi Takahashi
    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 42(3) 286-286 2010年11月  
  • 東 森生, 田中 爾織, 内山 実, 高橋 明義, 松田 恒平
    日本内分泌学会雑誌 84(2) 526-526 2008年9月  
  • Tanaka M, Azuma M, Nejigaki Y, Uchiyama M, Takahashi A, Matsuda K
    Proc. Jpn. Soc. Comp. Endocrinol. (22) 59-59 2007年10月  査読有り





