
佐々木 彩加

ササキ アヤカ  (sasaki ayaka)


自治医科大学 看護学部 講師
(兼任)看護学部 講師
東北大学医学系研究科 非常勤講師
博士(医学)(2016年3月 東北大学)







  • 長谷川 直人, 古島 幸江, 渡邉 賢治, 村上 礼子, 佐々木 彩加, 小川 晴香, 佐藤 幹代, 古内 三基子
    日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集 41回 P12-04 2021年12月  
  • 古島 幸江, 長谷川 直人, 村上 礼子, 佐藤 幹代, 古内 三基子, 渡邉 賢治, 佐々木 彩加, 小川 晴香
    日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集 41回 P12-05 2021年12月  
  • 古島 幸江, 長谷川 直人, 村上 礼子, 佐藤 幹代, 古内 三基子, 渡邉 賢治, 佐々木 彩加, 小川 晴香
    日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集 41回 P12-05 2021年12月  
  • 佐々木彩加, 谷島晴香, 長谷川直人, 小林真穂, 福田怜加, 村上礼子, 佐藤幹代, 古島幸江, 渡邉賢治, 荒井泉, 古内三基子, 軽部真粧美, 福田佳代子, 筒井咲頼, 宿村香織, 野口康子
    自治医科大学看護学ジャーナル 18 27-34 2021年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 佐々木 彩加, 小原 泉, 鹿野 浩子, 江角 伸吾, 永井 優子, 半澤 節子, 成田 伸, 中村 美鈴, 春山 早苗
    自治医科大学看護学ジャーナル 17 3-8 2020年3月  査読有り
  • 佐々木彩加, 小原泉, 鹿野浩子, 江角伸吾, 永井優子, 半澤節子, 成田伸, 中村美鈴, 春山早苗
    自治医科大学看護学ジャーナル 17 3-8 2020年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Mariko Nakano, Misuzu Nakamura, Sachie Furushima, Mikiyo Sato, Naoto Hasegawa, Ayaka Sasaki
    Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 9(8) 91-98 2019年5月  査読有り
  • 庄司 知隆, 矢神 里紗, 中谷 直樹, 中村 智洋, 遠藤 由香, 佐藤 康弘, 町田 知美, 町田 貴胤, 鹿野 理子, 金澤 素, 中谷 久美, 村椿 智彦, 相澤 祐一, 小室 葉月, 佐々木 彩加, 竹下 尚男, 水野 智仁, 渡辺 卓也, 福土 審
    心身医学 59(3) 267-267 2019年4月  査読有り
  • 矢神 里紗, 庄司 知隆, 中谷 直樹, 中村 智洋, 遠藤 由香, 佐藤 康弘, 町田 知美, 町田 貴胤, 鹿野 理子, 金澤 素, 中谷 久美, 村椿 智彦, 相澤 祐一, 小室 葉月, 佐々木 彩加, 竹下 尚男, 水野 智仁, 渡辺 卓也, 福土 審
    心身医学 59(3) 267-267 2019年4月  査読有り
  • 小原 泉, 中村 美鈴, 永井 優子, 佐々木 彩加, 江角 伸吾, 鹿野 浩子, 半澤 節子, 成田 伸, 春山 早苗
    自治医科大学看護学ジャーナル 16 3-8 2019年3月  査読有り
  • 小原 泉, 中村 美鈴, 永井 優子, 成田 伸, 春山 早苗, 半澤 節子, 江角 伸吾, 佐々木 彩加, Dorjee Chencho, Wangro Neyzang
    自治医科大学看護学ジャーナル 16 20-20 2019年3月  査読有り
  • 中野 真理子, 中村 美鈴, 佐藤 幹代, 長谷川 直人, 佐々木 雅史, 佐々木 彩加, 古島 幸江, 宮田 直美, 相賀 美幸, 小畑 美加子, 渡辺 道子
    自治医科大学看護学ジャーナル 15 31-31 2018年3月  
  • 小原 泉, 中村 美鈴, 成田 伸, 半澤 節子, 北田 志郎, 江角 伸吾, 永井 優子, 春山 早苗, 宮林 幸江, 青木 さぎ里, 佐々木 彩加, Chencho Dorjee, Neyzang Wangro
    自治医科大学看護学ジャーナル 15 38-38 2018年3月  
  • 小原 泉, 中村 美鈴, 成田 伸, 半澤 節子, 北田 志郎, 江角 伸吾, 永井 優子, 春山 早苗, 宮林 幸江, 青木 さぎ里, 佐々木 彩加, Chencho Dorjee, Neyzang Wangro
    自治医科大学看護学ジャーナル 15 38-38 2018年3月  
  • 古島 幸江, 中野 真理子, 中村 美鈴, 佐々木 雅史, 佐々木 彩加, 長谷川 直人, 佐藤 幹代
    日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集 37回 [O16-1] 2017年12月  
  • 遠藤由香, 佐藤 康弘, 佐々木 彩加, 庄司 知隆, 田村 太作, 町田 知美, 町田 貴胤, 菅井 千奈美, 福土 審
    心身医学 56(6) 603 2016年6月  査読有り
  • 村椿 智彦, 鹿野 理子, 石垣 泰, 関口 敦, 澤田 正二郎, 近藤 敬一, 事崎 由佳, 佐々木 彩加, 森下 城, 金澤 素, 片桐 秀樹, 川島 隆太, 福土 審
    心身医学 56(6) 607-607 2016年6月  査読有り
  • 矢神 里紗, 庄司 知隆, 中谷 直樹, 中村 智洋, 遠藤 由香, 佐藤 康弘, 町田 知美, 町田 貴胤, 鹿野 理子, 金澤 素, 中谷 久美, 村椿 智彦, 相澤 祐一, 小室 葉月, 佐々木 彩加, 竹下 尚男, 水野 智仁, 渡辺 卓也, 福土 審
    心身医学 56(6) 628-628 2016年6月  査読有り
  • 小室葉月, 佐藤菜保子, 佐々木彩加, 鈴木直輝, 鹿野理子, 田中由佳里, 山口由美, 金澤素, 割田仁, 青木正志, 福土審
    心身医学 56(6) 636-636 2016年6月  査読有り
  • Yagami Risa, Shoji Tomotaka, Nakaya Naoki, Nakamura Tomohiro, Endo Yuka, Sato Yasuhiro, Machida Tomomi, Machida Takatsugu, Kano Michiko, Kanazawa Motoyori, Nakaya Kumi, Muratsubaki Tomohiko, Aizawa Yuuichi, Komuro Hazuki, Sasaki Ayaka, Takeshita Masao, Mizuno Tomohito, Watanabe Takuya, Fukudo Shin
    GASTROENTEROLOGY 150(4) S352 2016年4月  査読有り
  • Hazuki Komuro, Naoko Sato, Ayaka Sasaki, Naoki Suzuki, Michiko Kano, Yukari Tanaka, Yumi Yamaguchi-Kabata, Motoyori Kanazawa, Hitoshi Warita, Masashi Aoki, Shin Fukudo
    PloS one 11(1) e0147817 2016年  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) plays an important role in the pathophysiology of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and regulates the stress response through two CRH receptors (R1 and R2). Previously, we reported that a CRHR1 gene polymorphism (rs110402, rs242924, and rs7209436) and haplotypes were associated with IBS. However, the association between the CRHR2 gene and IBS was not investigated. We tested the hypothesis that genetic polymorphisms and haplotypes of CRHR2 are associated with IBS pathophysiology and negative emotion in IBS patients. METHODS: A total of 142 IBS patients and 142 healthy controls participated in this study. Seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the CRHR2 gene (rs4722999, rs3779250, rs2240403, rs2267710, rs2190242, rs2284217, and rs2284220) were genotyped. Subjects' psychological states were evaluated using the Perceived-Stress Scale, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Self-Rating Depression Scale. RESULTS: We found that rs4722999 and rs3779250, located in intronic region, were associated with IBS in terms of genotype frequency (rs4722999: P = 0.037; rs3779250: P = 0.017) and that the distribution of the major allele was significantly different between patients and controls. There was a significant group effect (controls vs. IBS), and a CRHR2 genotype effect was observed for three psychological scores, but the interaction was not significant. We found a haplotype of four SNPs (rs4722999, rs3779250, rs2240403, and rs2267710) and two SNPs (rs2284217 and rs2284220) in strong linkage disequilibrium (D' > 0.90). We also found that haplotypes of the CRHR2 gene were significantly different between IBS patients and controls and that they were associated with negative emotion. CONCLUSION: Our findings support the hypothesis that genetic polymorphisms and haplotypes of CRHR2 are related to IBS. In addition, we found associations between CRHR2 genotypes and haplotypes and negative emotion in IBS patients and controls. Further studies on IBS and the CRH system are warranted.
  • Ayaka Sasaki, Naoko Sato, Naoki Suzuki, Michiko Kano, Yukari Tanaka, Motoyori Kanazawa, Masashi Aoki, Shin Fukudo
    PloS one 11(2) e0149322 2016年  査読有り
    UNLABELLED: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional disorder with distinct features of stress-related pathophysiology. A key mediator of the stress response is corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). Although some candidate genes have been identified in stress-related disorders, few studies have examined CRH-related gene polymorphisms. Therefore, we tested our hypothesis that single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in CRH-related genes influence the features of IBS. METHODS: In total, 253 individuals (123 men and 130 women) participated in this study. They comprised 111 IBS individuals and 142 healthy controls. The SNP genotypes in CRH (rs28364015 and rs6472258) and CRH-binding protein (CRH-BP) (rs10474485) were determined by direct sequencing and real-time polymerase chain reaction. The emotional states of the subjects were evaluated using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Perceived Stress Scale, and the Self-rating Depression Scale. RESULTS: Direct sequencing of the rs28364015 SNP of CRH revealed no genetic variation among the study subjects. There was no difference in the genotype distributions and allele frequencies of rs6472258 and rs10474485 between IBS individuals and controls. However, IBS subjects with diarrhea symptoms without the rs10474485 A allele showed a significantly higher emotional state score than carriers. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the CRH and CRH-BP genes have no direct effect on IBS status. However, the CRH-BP SNP rs10474485 has some effect on IBS-related emotional abnormalities and resistance to psychosocial stress.
  • 佐々木 彩加, 小室 葉月, 佐藤 菜保子, 金澤 素, 青木 正志, 福土 審
    心身医学 55(6) 728-728 2015年6月  
  • Motoyori Kanazawa, Michiko Kano, Tomohiko Muratsubaki, Mao Yagihashi, Ayaka Sasaki, Yukari Tanaka, Joe Morishita, Shin Fukudo
    GASTROENTEROLOGY 146(5) S540-S540 2014年5月  査読有り
  • Naoko Sato, Naoki Suzuki, Ayaka Sasaki, Emiko Aizawa, Takeshi Obayashi, Motoyori Kanazawa, Tomoko Mizuno, Michiko Kano, Masashi Aoki, Shin Fukudo
    PloS one 7(9) e42450 2012年  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) acts mainly via the CRH receptor 1 (CRH-R1) and plays a crucial role in the stress-induced pathophysiology of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Several studies have demonstrated that variants of the CRH-R1 gene carry a potential risk for depression, but evidence for an association between CRH-R1 genotypes and IBS is lacking. We tested the hypothesis that genetic polymorphisms and haplotypes of CRH-R1 moderate the IBS phenotype and negative emotion in IBS patients. METHODS: A total of 103 patients with IBS and 142 healthy controls participated in the study. Three single-nucleotide polymorphisms of the CRH-R1 gene (rs7209436, rs242924, and rs110402) were genotyped. Subjects' emotional states were evaluated using the Perceived-Stress Scale, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Self-rating Depression Scale. RESULTS: The TT genotype of rs7209436 (P = 0.01) and rs242924 (P = 0.02) was significantly more common in patients with IBS than in controls. Total sample analysis showed significant association between bowel pattern (normal, diarrhea, constipation, or mixed symptoms) and the T allele of rs7209436 (P = 0.008), T allele of rs242924 (P = 0.019), A allele of rs110402 (P = 0.047), and TAT haplocopies (P = 0.048). Negative emotion was not associated with the examined CRH-R1 SNPs. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that genetic polymorphisms and the CRH-R1 haplotypes moderate IBS and related bowel patterns. There was no clear association between CRH-R1 genotypes and negative emotion accompanying IBS. Further studies on the CRH system are therefore warranted.





