2010年 - 2011年
Journal of arrhythmia 40(2) 363-373 2024年4月BACKGROUND: The precise details of atrial activation around the triangle of Koch (ToK) remain unknown. We evaluated the relationship between the atrial-activation pattern around the ToK and success sites for slow-pathway (SP) modification ablation in slow-fast atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT). METHODS: Thirty patients with slow-fast AVNRT who underwent successful ablation were enrolled. Atrial activation around the ToK during sinus rhythm was investigated using ultra-high-density mapping pre-ablation. The relationships among features of atrial-activation pattern and success sites were examined. RESULTS: Of 30 patients (22 cryoablation; 8 radiofrequency ablation), 26 patients had a collision site of two wavefronts of delayed atrial activation within ToK, indicating a success site. The activation-search function of Lumipoint software, which highlights only atrial activation with a spatiotemporal consistency, showed non-highlighted area on the tricuspid-annulus side of ToK. In 23 of the patients, a spiky potential was recorded at that collision site outside the Lumipoint-highlighted area. Fifteen cryoablation patients with a success site coincident with a collision site outside the Lumipoint-highlighted area had significantly more frequent disappearances of SP after initial cryoablation (46.7% vs. 0%, p = .029), fewer cryoablations (3.7 ± 1.8 vs. 5.3 ± 1.3, p = .045), and shorter procedure times (170 ± 57 vs. 228 ± 91 min, p = .082) compared to the seven cryoablation patients without such sites. Four patients had transient AV block by ablation inside the Lumipoint-highlighted area with fractionated signals, but no patient developed permanent AV block or recurrence post-procedure (median follow-up: 375 days). CONCLUSIONS: SP modification ablation at the collision site of atrial activation of the tricuspid-annulus side along with a spiky potential could provide a better outcome.
Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension 2024年3月26日Lack of the typical nocturnal blood pressure (BP) fall, i.e non-dipper, has been known as a cardiovascular risk. However, the influence of non-dipper on atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence after pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) has been unclear. We investigated the clinical impact of non-dipping as evaluated by 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring on the long-term outcome of AF recurrence post-PVI in 76 AF patients with a history of increased BP. The PVI procedure was successful in all 76 patients (mean age, 66±9years; antihypertensive medication, 89%; non-paroxysmal AF, 24%). Twenty patients had AF recurrence during a median follow-up of 1138 days. There was no difference in BP levels between the AF recurrence and non-recurrence groups (average 24 h systolic BP:126 ± 17 vs.125 ± 14 mmHg; P = 0.84). On the other hand, the patients with non-dipper had a higher AF recurrence than those with dipper (38.9% vs.15.0%; P = 0.018). In Cox hazard analysis adjusted by age, non-paroxysmal AF and average 24-hr systolic BP level, the non-dipper was an independent predictor of AF recurrence (HR 2.78 [95%CI:1.05-7.34], P = 0.039). Non-dipper patients had a larger left atrial (LA) volume index than the dipper patients (45.9 ± 17.3 vs.38.3 ± 10.2 ml/m2, P = 0.037). Among the 58 patients who underwent high-density voltage mapping in LA, 11 patients had a low-voltage area (LVA) defined as an area with a bipolar voltage < 0.5 mV. However, there was no association of LVA with non-dipper or dipper (22.2% vs.16.1%, P = 0.555). Non-dipper is an independent predictor of AF recurrence post-PVI. Management of abnormal diurnal BP variation post-PVI may be important.
Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology 25(9) 2023年8月2日AIMS: The relationship between local unipolar voltage (UV) in the pulmonary vein (PV)-ostia and left atrial wall thickness (LAWT) and the utility of these parameters as indices of outcome after atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation remain unclear. METHODS AND RESULTS: Two-hundred seventy-two AF patients who underwent AF ablation were enrolled. Unipolar voltage of PV-ostia was measured using a CARTO system, and LAWT was measured using computed tomography. The primary endpoint was atrial tachyarrhythmia (ATA) recurrence including AF. The ATA recurrence was documented in 74 patients (ATA-Rec group). The UV and LAWT of the bilateral superior PV roof to posterior and around the right-inferior PV in the ATA-Rec group were significantly greater than in patients without ATA recurrence (ATA-Free group) (P < 0.001). The UV had a strong positive correlation with LAWT (R2 = 0.446, P < 0.001). The UV 2.7 mV and the corresponding LAWT 1.6 mm were determined as the cut-off values for ATA recurrence (P < 0.001, respectively). Multisite LA high UV (HUV, ≥4 areas of >2.7 mV) or multisite LA wall thickening (≥5 areas of >1.6 mm), defined as LA hypertrophy (LAH), was related to higher ATA recurrence. Among 92 LAH patients, 66 had HUV (LAH-HUV) and the remaining 26 had low UV (LAH-LUV), characterized by history of non-paroxysmal AF and heart failure, reduced LV ejection fraction, or enlarged LA. In addition, LAH-LUV showed the worst ablation outcome, followed by LAH-HUV and No LAH (log-rank P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Combining UV and LAWT enables us to stratify recurrence risk and suggest a tailored ablation strategy according to LA tissue properties.
Journal of arrhythmia 39(4) 574-579 2023年8月BACKGROUND: While most VVI pacemakers in bradycardic patients are set to a low limit of 60/min, the optimal lower limit rate for VVI pacemakers in atrial fibrillation has not been established. Although an increase in heart rate within the normal range in the setting of a VVI pacemaker might be expected to lead to an increase in cardiac output with the shortening of the diastolic time, the changes in cardiac output at different pacemaker settings have not been fully clarified. METHODS: We included 11 patients with bradycardic atrial fibrillation who had VVI pacemakers implanted. Stroke volume was measured using the electrical cardiometry method (AESCULONⓇ mini; Osypka Medical) without pacing and at ventricular pacings of 60, 70, 80, and 90/min. RESULTS: Stroke volume decreased stepwise at ventricular pacing rates of 60, 70, 80, and 90/min (63.6 ± 11.2, 61.9 ± 10.6, 59.3 ± 12.2, and 57.5 ± 12.2 mL, p < .001), but cardiac output increased (3.81 ± 0.67, 4.33 ± 0.74, 4.74 ± 0.97, and 5.17 ± 1.09 L/min, p < .001). The rate of increase in cardiac output at a pacing rate of 70/min compared to 60/min correlated with left ventricular end-systolic volume (r = 0.711, p = .014). CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac output increased at a pacing rate of 70 compared to 60 in bradycardic atrial fibrillation patients, and the rate of increase in cardiac output was greater in those with larger left ventricular end-systolic volume.
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 34(4) 849-859 2023年4月INTRODUCTION: Beyond pulmonary vein isolation (PVI), additional therapeutic strategies for atrial fibrillation (AF) have not been established. Remodeling of the left atrium (LA) could impact AF recurrence post-PVI. We investigated the impact of unipolar voltage (UV) criteria for the LA posterior wall (LA-PW) on AF recurrence post-PVI. METHODS: We reviewed the cases of 106 AF patients (mean age 63.8 years, nonparoxysmal AF: 59%) who underwent extensive encircling PVI by radiofrequency ablation guided by a 3-dimension mapping system, investigating the impact on AF recurrence of the UV criteria of the LA. RESULTS: Out of all patients, 26 patients had AF recurrence during post-PVI follow-up [median 603 days]. They showed a higher percentage of nonparoxysmal AF (80.8 vs. 52.5%, p = .011), longer AF duration (2.9 ± 2.7 vs. 1.0 ± 1.7 years, p = .002), and larger area size of UV < 2.0 mV in LA-PW (2.8 ± 1.8 vs. 1.0 ± 1.5 cm2 , p < .001) than those without recurrence. Cox Hazard analysis for AF recurrence adjusted by age, gender, AF duration, body mass index and left atrial volume index revealed that an area size over 2.0 cm2 of UV < 2.0 mV in LA-PW (HR 6.9 [95% CI:1.3-35.5], p = .021) posed independent risks for AF recurrence post-PVI. The atrial arrhythmia-free survival rate was higher in those with no area of UV < 3.0 mV in LA-PW compared to those with a sizable area (>2.0 cm2 ) of UV < 3.0 mV and <2.0 mV (95.0% vs. 74.2% vs. 57.1%, Log-Rank: p < .001). In the AF etiology of patients with AF recurrence, 9 of 14 patients who underwent the 2nd procedure had no PV reconnection, and 8 patients required the LA-PW isolation for their non-PV AF. CONCLUSION: UV criteria of LA-PW is a useful parameter for AF-recurrence post-PVI. Lower UV in LA-PW as an indication of electrical remodeling could indicate a higher risk of AF recurrence and the need for further therapeutic strategies.
Circulation Journal 85(11) 2120 2021年
循環器専門医 24(1) 116-122 2016年2月症例は68歳女性で、小学6年時に健診で雑音を指摘されたが経済的理由で精査をしなかった。問題なく運動は可能で、同年代と比べ息切れしやすい自覚もなかった。60歳頃から下腿浮腫、口唇チアノーゼを認め、入院半年前から、徐々に労作性息切れ、下腿浮腫増悪を自覚して受診し、心不全の診断で入院した。意識レベルJCS0、血圧164/77mmHg、心拍数76拍/分・整、呼吸数16回/分、体温37.1℃、経皮的酸素飽和度(自発呼吸、酸素鼻カヌラ4L/分)82%であった。眼瞼結膜に貧血なく、眼球結膜に黄疸なく、顔面浮腫あり、頸静脈怒張ありであった。心音不整、IIp音亢進、頸部への放散を伴わない胸骨左縁第3肋間を最強点とするLevine III/IVの収縮期駆出性雑音を聴取し、呼吸音は両側で減弱していた。入院時検査から重症肺動脈弁狭窄症および三尖弁狭窄兼閉鎖不全症による慢性心不全の急性増悪、および心拡大に伴う肺容積減少によるII型呼吸不全と診断し、フロセミド、ドパミン静注を開始し、NIPPV装着を行った。NIPPVはBiPAPモードで、IPAP/EPAP 8/4mmHg、FiO2 1.0の設定で経皮的酸素濃度90%前半をどうにか維持できた。治療開始後、利尿反応は良好で、約1週間で体重は3kg減少し、下腿浮腫は消失した。酸素化の改善は乏しかったためスピロノラクトン25mg/日内服を追加しさらに利尿を図ったが、低拍出量症候群となり腎機能障害の悪化、肝機能障害の出現を認めた。内科的治療は限界と判断し、外科手術しかないと考え、患者も希望したため、第58病日に手術を行った。術後1日目には抜管でき、その後内服調整、リハビリを行い全身状態が徐々に改善した。第82病日、酸素投与なしで経皮的酸素濃度95%前後を保てるようになり、独歩で退院し、外来通院中である。
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日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2020年4月 - 2025年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2019年4月 - 2023年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2017年4月 - 2022年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2016年4月 - 2019年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2015年4月 - 2018年3月