
山本 直樹

ヤマモト ナオキ  (Naoki Yamamoto)


自治医科大学 医学部生理学講座 生物物理学部門 講師



  • Hiroshi Nakagawa, Naoki Yamamoto
    Life 13(2) 318-318 2023年1月23日  査読有り
    Incoherent inelastic and quasi-elastic neutron scattering (INS) and terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) are spectroscopy methods that directly detect molecular dynamics, with an overlap in the measured energy regions of each method. Due to the different characteristics of their probes (i.e., neutron and light), the information obtained and the sample conditions suitable for each method differ. In this review, we introduce the differences in the quantum beam properties of the two methods and their associated advantages and disadvantages in molecular spectroscopy. Neutrons are scattered via interaction with nuclei; one characteristic of neutron scattering is a large incoherent scattering cross-section of a hydrogen atom. INS records the auto-correlation functions of atomic positions. By using the difference in neutron scattering cross-sections of isotopes in multi-component systems, some molecules can be selectively observed. In contrast, THz-TDS observes the cross-correlation function of dipole moments. In water-containing biomolecular samples, the absorption of water molecules is particularly large. While INS requires large-scale experimental facilities, such as accelerators and nuclear reactors, THz-TDS can be performed at the laboratory level. In the analysis of water molecule dynamics, INS is primarily sensitive to translational diffusion motion, while THz-TDS observes rotational motion in the spectrum. The two techniques are complementary in many respects, and a combination of the two is very useful in analyzing the dynamics of biomolecules and hydration water.
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Rintaro Inoue, Yoshiteru Makino, Hiroshi Sekiguchi, Naoya Shibayama, Akira Naito, Masaaki Sugiyama, Eri Chatani
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 126(51) 10797-10812 2022年12月29日  
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Rintaro Inoue, Ikuo Kurisaki, Tatsuhito Matsuo, Yuki Hishikawa, Wenyang Zhao, Hiroshi Sekiguchi
    Biophysics and Physicobiology 19 n/a-n/a 2022年9月8日  
  • Yuki Yoshikawa, Keisuke Yuzu, Naoki Yamamoto, Ken Morishima, Rintaro Inoue, Masaaki Sugiyama, Tetsushi Iwasaki, Masatomo So, Yuji Goto, Atsuo Tamura, Eri Chatani
    Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 27(13) 2022年6月21日  
    Amyloid fibrils have been an important subject as they are involved in the development of many amyloidoses and neurodegenerative diseases. The formation of amyloid fibrils is typically initiated by nucleation, whereas its exact mechanisms are largely unknown. With this situation, we have previously identified prefibrillar aggregates in the formation of insulin B chain amyloid fibrils, which have provided an insight into the mechanisms of protein assembly involved in nucleation. Here, we have investigated the formation of insulin B chain amyloid fibrils under different pH conditions to better understand amyloid nucleation mediated by prefibrillar aggregates. The B chain showed strong propensity to form amyloid fibrils over a wide pH range, and prefibrillar aggregates were formed under all examined conditions. In particular, different structures of amyloid fibrils were found at pH 5.2 and pH 8.7, making it possible to compare different pathways. Detailed investigations at pH 5.2 in comparison with those at pH 8.7 have suggested that the evolution of protofibril-like aggregates is a common mechanism. In addition, different processes of evolution of the prefibrillar aggregates have also been identified, suggesting that the nucleation processes diversify depending on the polymorphism of amyloid fibrils.
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Jiro Kikuchi, Yusuke Furukawa, Naoya Shibayama
    PLOS ONE 17(5) e0261699-e0261699 2022年5月5日  査読有り
    We report expression and purification of a FLT3 protein with ITD mutation (FLT3-ITD) with a steady tyrosine kinase activity using a silkworm-baculovirus system, and its application as a fast screening system of tyrosine kinase inhibitors. The FLT3-ITD protein was expressed in Bombyx mori L. pupae infected by gene-modified nucleopolyhedrovirus, and was purified as an active state. We performed an inhibition assay using 17 kinase inhibitors, and succeeded in screening two inhibitors for FLT3-ITD. The result has paved the way for screening FLT3-ITD inhibitors in a fast and easy manner, and also for structural studies.
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Eri Chatani
    Biophysics and Physicobiology 19 e190017 2022年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Masahiro Nakanishi, Robin Rajan, Hiroshi Nakagawa
    Biophysics and Physicobiology 18 284-288 2021年11月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Maiko Kofu, Kenji Nakajima, Hiroshi Nakagawa, Naoya Shibayama
    The journal of physical chemistry letters 12(8) 2172-2176 2021年2月25日  査読有り
    Hydration water plays a crucial role for activating the protein dynamics required for functional expression. Yet, the details are not understood about how hydration water couples with protein dynamics. A temperature hysteresis of the ice formation of hydration water is a key phenomenon to understand which type of hydration water, unfreezable or freezable hydration water, is crucial for the activation of protein dynamics. Using neutron scattering, we observed a temperature-hysteresis phenomenon in the diffraction peaks of the ice of freezable hydration water, whereas protein dynamics did not show any temperature hysteresis. These results show that the protein dynamics is not coupled with freezable hydration water dynamics, and unfreezable hydration water is essential for the activation of protein dynamics. Decoupling of the dynamics between unfreezable and freezable hydration water could be the cause of the distinct contributions of hydration water to protein dynamics.
  • Keisuke Yuzu, Naoki Yamamoto, Masahiro Noji, Masatomo So, Yuji Goto, Tetsushi Iwasaki, Motonari Tsubaki, Eri Chatani
    Biophysical Journal 120(2) 284-295 2020年12月  査読有り
    Amyloid fibrils are aberrant protein aggregates associated with various amyloidoses and neurodegenerative diseases. It is recently indicated that structural diversity of amyloid fibrils often results in different pathological phenotypes, including cytotoxicity and infectivity. The diverse structures are predicted to propagate by seed-dependent growth, which is one of the characteristic properties of amyloid fibrils. However, much remains unknown regarding how exactly the amyloid structures are inherited to subsequent generations by seeding reaction. Here, we investigated the behaviors of self- and cross-seeding of amyloid fibrils of human and bovine insulin in terms of thioflavin T fluorescence, morphology, secondary structure, and iodine staining. Insulin amyloid fibrils exhibited different structures, depending on species, each of which replicated in self-seeding. In contrast, gradual structural changes were observed in cross-seeding, and a new type of amyloid structure with distinct morphology and cytotoxicity was formed when human insulin was seeded with bovine insulin seeds. Remarkably, iodine staining tracked changes in amyloid structure sensitively, and singular value decomposition analysis of the ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra of the fibril-bound iodine has revealed the presence of one or more intermediate metastable states during the structural changes. From these findings, we propose a propagation scheme with multistep structural changes in cross-seeding between two heterologous proteins, which is accounted for as a consequence of the rugged energy landscape of amyloid formation.
  • Takato Hiramatsu, Naoki Yamamoto, Seongmin Ha, Yuki Masuda, Mitsuru Yasuda, Mika Ishigaki, Keisuke Yuzu, Yukihiro Ozaki, Eri Chatani
    Scientific Reports 10(1) 16741-16741 2020年12月  査読有り
    <title>Abstract</title> It is recently suggested that amyloid polymorphism, i.e., structural diversity of amyloid fibrils, has a deep relationship with pathology. However, its prompt recognition is almost halted due to insufficiency of analytical methods for detecting polymorphism of amyloid fibrils sensitively and quickly. Here, we propose that iodine staining, a historically known reaction that was firstly found by Virchow, can be used as a method for distinguishing amyloid polymorphs. When insulin fibrils were prepared and iodine-stained, they exhibited different colors depending on polymorphs. Each of the colors was inherited to daughter fibrils by seeding reactions. The colors were fundamentally represented as a sum of three absorption bands in visible region between 400 and 750 nm, and the bands showed different titration curves against iodine, suggesting that there are three specific iodine binding sites. The analysis of resonance Raman spectra and polarization microscope suggested that several polyiodide ions composed of I3 and/or I5 were formed on the grooves or the edges of β-sheets. It was concluded that the polyiodide species and conformations formed are sensitive to surface structure of amyloid fibrils, and the resultant differences in color will be useful for detecting polymorphism in a wide range of diagnostic samples.
  • Yu Kadomura, Naoki Yamamoto, Keisuke Tominaga
    The European Physical Journal E 42(10) 2019年10月  
  • YAMAMOTO Naoki, AKAI Taiki, INOUE Rintaro, SUGIYAMA Masaaki, TAMURA Atsuo, CHATANI Eri
    Biochemistry 58(24) 2769-2781 2019年3月  査読有り
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Shoko Tsuhara, Atsuo Tamura, Eri Chatani
    Scientific Reports 8(1) 62 2018年12月1日  査読有り
    Non-fibrillar protein aggregates that appear in the earlier stages of amyloid fibril formation are sometimes considered to play a key role in amyloid nucleation however, the structural features of these aggregates currently remain unclear. We herein identified a characteristic pathway of fibril formation by human insulin B chain, in which two major species of prefibrillar aggregates were identified. Based on the time-resolved tracking of this pathway with far-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and 1H-NMR spectroscopy, the first prefibrillar aggregate with a hydrodynamic diameter of approximately 70 nm accumulated concomitantly with the formation of a β-sheet structure, and the size further evolved to 130 nm with an additional structural development. These prefibrillar aggregates were metastable and survived at least 24 hours as long as they were maintained under quiescent conditions. The energy barrier for nucleation was overcome by shaking or even by applying a single short ultrasonic pulse. Furthermore, an investigation where nucleation efficiency was monitored by fibrillation rates with varying the timing of the ultrasonic-pulse treatment revealed that the second prefibrillar aggregate specifically produced amyloid nuclei. These results suggest that the second form of the prefibrillar aggregates acts as a direct precursor for the amyloid nucleation.
  • Yu Kadomura, Naoki Yamamoto, Keisuke Tominaga
    International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2018- 2018年10月25日  
    We have performed broadband dielectric spectral measurements on 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) to investigate dynamics of phospholipid bilayer in the terahertz (THz) frequency region. Measurements were performed with changing hydration level and temperature of the sample in the frequency region of 0.50 gigahertz (GHz) to 2.0 THz. By analyzing the obtained spectra of the hydrated sample, we observed relaxational modes in the GHz region. The tail of the relaxational mode spreads to the THz region and overlaps with the low-frequency vibrational modes.
  • Eri Chatani, Naoki Yamamoto
    Biophysical Reviews 10(2) 527-534 2018年4月1日  査読有り
    Amyloid fibrils are supramolecular protein assemblies with a fibrous morphology and cross-β structure. The formation of amyloid fibrils typically follows a nucleation-dependent polymerization mechanism, in which a one-step nucleation scheme has widely been accepted. However, a variety of oligomers have been identified in early stages of fibrillation, and a nucleated conformational conversion (NCC) mechanism, in which oligomers serve as a precursor of amyloid nucleation and convert to amyloid nuclei, has been proposed. This development has raised the need to consider more complicated multi-step nucleation processes in addition to the simplest one-step process, and evidence for the direct involvement of oligomers as nucleation precursors has been obtained both experimentally and theoretically. Interestingly, the NCC mechanism has some analogy with the two-step nucleation mechanism proposed for inorganic and organic crystals and protein crystals, although a more dramatic conformational conversion of proteins should be considered in amyloid nucleation. Clarifying the properties of the nucleation precursors of amyloid fibrils in detail, in comparison with those of crystals, will allow a better understanding of the nucleation of amyloid fibrils and pave the way to develop techniques to regulate it.
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Shota Ito, Masahiro Nakanishi, Eri Chatani, Keiichi Inoue, Hideki Kandori, Keisuke Tominaga
    Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122(4) 1367-1377 2018年2月1日  査読有り
    To investigate the effects of temperature and hydration on the dynamics of purple membrane (PM), we measured the broadband complex dielectric spectra from 0.5 GHz to 2.3 THz using a vector network analyzer and terahertz time-domain spectroscopy from 233 to 293 K. In the lower temperature region down to 83 K, the complex dielectric spectra in the THz region were also obtained. The complex dielectric spectra were analyzed through curve fitting using several model functions. We found that the hydrated states of one relaxational mode, which was assigned as the coupled motion of water molecules with the PM surface, began to overlap with the THz region at approximately 230 K. On the other hand, the relaxational mode was not observed for the dehydrated state. On the basis of this result, we conclude that the protein-dynamical-transition-like behavior in the THz region is due to the onset of the overlap of the relaxational mode with the THz region. Temperature hysteresis was observed in the dielectric spectrum at 263 K when the hydration level was high. It is suggested that the hydration water behaves similarly to supercooled liquid at that temperature. The third hydration layer may be partly formed to observe such a phenomenon. We also found that the relaxation time is slower than that of a globular protein, lysozyme, and the microscopic environment in the vicinity of the PM surface is suggested to be more heterogeneous than lysozyme. It is proposed that the spectral overlap of the relaxational mode and the low-frequency vibrational mode is necessary for the large conformational change of protein.
  • Tsung-Han Liu, Ken-ichi Yuyama, Takato Hiramatsu, Naoki Yamamoto, Eri Chatani, Hiroshi Miyasaka, Teruki Sugiyama, Hiroshi Masuhara
    LANGMUIR 33(33) 8311-8318 2017年8月  査読有り
    Femtosecond (fs)-laser-induced crystallization as a novel crystallization technique was proposed for the first time by our group, where the crystallization time can be significantly shortened under fs laser irradiation. Similarly, we have further extended our investigation to amyloid fibril formation, also known as a nucleation-dependence process. Here we demonstrate that the necessary time for amyloid fibril formation can be signifiCantly shortened by fs laser irradiation, leading to favorable enhancement. The enhancement was confirmed by both spectral measurements and direct observations of amyloid fibrils. The thioflavin T fluorescence intensity of laser-irradiated solution increased earlier than that of the control solution, and such a difference was simultaneously revealed by ellipticity changes. At the same time before intensity Saturation in fluorescence, the number of amykid fibrils obtained under laser irradiation was generally mote than that in the control. Solution. Besides, such an enhancement is correlated to the laser power threshold of cavitation bubbling. Possible mechanisms are proposed by referring to fs-laser-induced crystallization and ultrasonication-induced amyloid fibril formation.
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Kaoru Ohta, Atsuo Tamura, Keisuke Tominaga
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 120(21) 4743-4755 2016年6月  査読有り
    We have performed dielectric spectral measurements of lysozyme in a solid state to understand the effects of hydration and thermal excitation on the low-frequency dynamics of protein. Dielectric measurements were performed under changing hydration conditions at room temperature in the frequency region of 0.5 GHz to 1.8 THz. We also studied the temperature dependence (83 to 293 K) of the complex dielectric spectra in the THz frequency region (0.3 THz to 1.8 THz). Spectral analyses were performed using model functions for the complex dielectric constant. To reproduce the spectra, we found that two relaxational modes and two underdamped modes are necessary together with an ionic conductivity term in the model function. At room temperature, the two relaxational modes have relaxation times of similar to 20 ps and similar to 100 ps. The faster component has a major spectral intensity and is suggested to be due to coupled water-protein motion. The two underdamped modes are necessary to reproduce the temperature dependence of the spectra in the THz region satisfactorily. The protein dynamical transition is a well-known behavior in the neutron-scattering experiment for proteins, where the atomic mean-square displacement shows a sudden change in the temperature dependence at approximately 200 K, when the samples are hydrated. A similar behavior has also been observed in the temperature dependence of the absorption spectra of protein in the THz frequency region. From our broadband dielectric spectroscopic measurements, we conclude that the increase in the spectral intensities in the THz region at approximately 200 K is due to a spectral blue-shift of the fast relaxational mode.
  • 山本 直樹, 太田 薫, 田村 厚夫, 富永 圭介
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2016.1 162-162 2016年3月3日  
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Tomoyo Andachi, Atsuo Tamura, Keisuke Tominaga
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 119(29) 9359-9368 2015年7月  査読有り招待有り
    We have studied temperature and hydration dependent low-frequency spectra of lipid bilayers of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoryl-3'-rac-glycerol (DMPG) and 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). We measured X-ray diffraction patterns and mid-infrared spectra of these lipid bilayers and found that the lipid bilayers have two different types of phases, i.e., the gel phase and the crystalline phase, depending on the preparation methods of the samples. In both phases, a few distinct bands were observed in the THz region. For DMPG, the peak wavenumbers of the absorption bands did not change upon hydration, while the bandwidth in the crystalline phase was smaller than that in the gel phase. We performed spectral analyses for the complex dielectric spectra for DMPG and DMPC with a model function, mainly to determine the peak wavenumbers of the absorption bands. In contrast to the case of the DMPG bilayers, the peak wavenumber of the absorption band of the DMPC bilayer shifts upon hydration. In the hydrated DMPC bilayer, it was suggested fast reorienting water molecules exist with a relaxation time of sub-picoseconds. It is suggested that the THz absorption patterns reflect the lipid packing pattern in the bilayers. The temperature dependence of the absorption band was analyzed by an empirical equation, and the anharmonicity of the vibrational potential of the low-frequency mode was quantitatively evaluated.
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Atsuo Tamura
    BIOMACROMOLECULES 15(2) 512-523 2014年2月  査読有り
    We have designed a-helical peptides de novo that can induce aggregation of various kinds of cells by focusing on physicochemical properties such as hydrophobicity, net charges, and amphipathicity. It is shown that peptide hydrophobicity is the key factor to determine capabilities for cell aggregation while peptide net charges contribute to nonspecific electrostatic interactions with cells. On the other hand, amphipathic peptides tend to exhibit cytotoxicity such as antimicrobial activity and hemolysis, which are competitive with cell-aggregation capabilities. Different from the cases of living cells, aggregation of artificial anionic liposomes appears to be mainly determined by electrostatic interactions. This discrepancy might be due to the complex structure of surfaces of cell membranes consisting of macromolecular chains such as peptidoglycans, polysaccharides, or glycocalyx, which coexist with lipid bilayers. design peptides that lead aggregation of living cells without cytotoxicity. Our design strategy would pave the Way to design peptides that lead aggregation of living cells without cytotoxicity.
  • Tomoyo Andachi, Naoki Yamamoto, Atsuo Tamura, Keisuke Tominaga
    We have investigated the low-frequency spectra of a phospholipid bilayer composed of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). We focused on the temperature and hydration dependence of the low-frequency spectra of a gel-phase sample. The spectra of the dehydrated and hydrated samples showed shoulder bands at 45 and 30 cm(-1), respectively. In contrast to the dehydrated sample, in the hydrated sample spectra the slope of the temperature change of the absorption coefficient increased sharply around 240 K. This result suggests that water molecules affect the change in the low-frequency dynamics. We obtained the absorption coefficient difference spectra for different hydration levels to clarify the mechanism of the spectral change.
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Ohki Kambara, Kohji Yamamoto, Atsuo Tamura, Shinji Saito, Keisuke Tominaga
    SOFT MATTER 8(6) 1997-2006 2012年  査読有り
    We have investigated low-frequency spectra of poly-L-glutamic acid (polyE) in the powder state by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). Samples with three different secondary structures (alpha-helix, beta-sheet, and random-coil) and different chain lengths were prepared to investigate the dependence of the THz spectra on temperature and hydration. The temperature dependence of the THz absorption spectra clearly shows that polyE, regardless of its secondary structure, undergoes dynamical transition between 190 and 240 K. We have estimated the apparent activation energy and transition temperature by phenomenological spectral analysis. We also have estimated the effective dipole moment of the amino acid residue from the real part of the dielectric permittivity at zero frequency. Both results show that the transition temperature is lower when the secondary structure undergoes a transition from a random-coil structure to an alpha-helix or beta-sheet structure. Furthermore, both hydrating water molecules and peptide hydrogen bonds contribute to induce anharmonicity in the low-frequency vibrational motions. Meanwhile, hydration, not peptide hydrogen bonds, is crucial for the dynamical transition to occur because the onset of anharmonicity was observed only when the polypeptide is hydrated. An apparent intermolecular vibrational mode in the beta-sheet structure, which suggests a highly ordered structure in the sample, did not exhibit anharmonicity at the tested temperatures and humidity levels. This result suggests that short-range or inter-strand hydrogen bonds of the alpha-helix or low-ordered beta-sheet structures gave rise to the lower transition temperatures and the smaller effective activation energies compared with those of the random-coil structure.
  • Fumi Shima, Yuichi Ijiri, Shin Muraoka, Jingling Liao, Min Ye, Mitsugu Araki, Kousuke Matsumoto, Naoki Yamamoto, Takeshi Sugimoto, Yoko Yoshikawa, Takashi Kumasaka, Masaki Yamamoto, Atsuo Tamura, Tohru Kataoka
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 285(29) 22696-22705 2010年7月  査読有り
    Ras family small GTPases assume two interconverting conformations, "inactive" state 1 and "active" state 2, in their GTP-bound forms. Here, to clarify the mechanism of state transition, we have carried out x-ray crystal structure analyses of a series of mutant H-Ras and M-Ras in complex with guanosine 5&apos;-(beta,gamma-imido) triphosphate (GppNHp), representing various intermediate states of the transition. Crystallization of H-RasT35S-GppNHp enables us to solve the first complete tertiary structure of H-Ras state 1 possessing two surface pockets unseen in the state 2 or H-Ras-GDP structure. Moreover, determination of the two distinct crystal structures of H-RasT35S-GppNHp, showing prominent polysterism in the switch I and switch II regions, reveals a pivotal role of the guanine nucleotide-mediated interaction between the two switch regions and its rearrangement by a nucleotide positional change in the state 2 to state 1 transition. Furthermore, the (31)P NMR spectra and crystal structures of the GppNHp-bound forms of M-Ras mutants, carrying various H-Ras-type amino acid substitutions, also reveal the existence of a surface pocket in state 1 and support a similar mechanism based on the nucleotide-mediated interaction and its rearrangement in the state 1 to state 2 transition. Intriguingly, the conformational changes accompanying the state transition mimic those that occurred upon GDP/GTP exchange, indicating a common mechanistic basis inherent in the high flexibility of the switch regions. Collectively, these results clarify the structural features distinguishing the two states and provide new insights into the molecular basis for the state transition of Ras protein.
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Atsuo Tamura
    PEPTIDES 31(5) 794-805 2010年5月  査読有り
    Although several low amphipathic peptides have been known to exhibit antimicrobial activity, their mode of action has not been completely elucidated. In this study, using designed low amphipathic peptides that retain different alpha-helical content and hydrophobicity, we attempted to investigate the mechanism of these properties. Calorimetric and thermodynamic analyses demonstrated that the peptides induce formation of two lipid domains in an anionic liposome at a high peptide-to-lipid ratio. On the other hand, even at a low peptide-to-lipid ratio, they caused minimal membrane damage, such as flip-flop of membrane lipids or leakage of calcein molecules from liposomes, and never translocated across membranes. Interaction energies between the peptides and anionic liposomes showed good correlation with antimicrobial activity for both Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. We thus propose that the domain formation mechanism in which antimicrobial peptides exhibit activity solely by forming lipid domains without membrane damage is a major determinant of the antimicrobial activity of low amphipathic peptides. These peptides appear to stiffen the membrane such that it is deprived of the fluidity necessary for biological functions. We also showed that to construct the lipid domains, peptides need not form stable and cooperative structures. Rather, it is essential for peptides to only interact tightly with the membrane interface via strong electrostatic interactions, and slight differences in binding strength are invoked by differences in hydrophobicity. The peptides thus designed might pave the way for "clean" antimicrobial reagents that never cause release of membrane elements and efflux of their inner components. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Tomohiro Imamura, Naoki Yamamoto, Atsuo Tamura, Shinji Murabayashi, Shigeki Hashimoto, Hiroaki Shimada, Selichi Taguchi
    Activity improvement of an antimicrobial peptide, thanatin, has been achieved up to 4-fold higher than natural original one by site-specific chemical modifications with tert-butyl group at two cysteine residues which form an intramoleular disulfide bridge. The chemically modified thanatin (C11tBu/C18tBu) exhibited improved antimicrobial activity toward Gram-positive bacteria, Micrococcus luteus, whereas lowered activity toward Gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli. This finding suggests that disulfide-bridge formation is not only indispensable for exhibition of antimicrobial activity of thanatin but also closely related to the activity specificity towards bacteria. NMR analysis indicates that thanatin acts against Ecoli stereospecifically by taking advantage of its C-terminal beta-hairpin structure, while the activity against M. luteus does not relate to structures and correlates very well to side-chain hydrophobicity. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Jingling Liao, Fumi Shima, Mitsugu Araki, Min Ye, Shin Muraoka, Takeshi Sugimoto, Mei Kawamura, Naoki Yamamoto, Atsuo Tamura, Tohru Kataoka
    Previous P-31 NMR studies revealed that small GTPases H-Ras and K-Ras in complex with GTP assume two interconverting conformational states, state I and state 2. While state 2 corresponds to an active conformation, little is known about the function of state 1, an inactive conformation incapable of effector binding. To address the biochemical properties of state 1, we measured the P-31 NMR spectra of five Ras family small GTPases; H-Ras, M-Ras, Rap1A, Rap2A and Ra1A, and find that they exhibit distinctive state 2/state 1 populations with the ratios ranging from 0.072 for M-Ras to 16 for Rap2A. Further, we show that GTPases with higher populations of state I exhibit higher dissociation and association rate constants for GTP. These results imply that GTP loading to the nucleotide-free small GTPases preferentially yields state 1, which is subsequently converted to state 2, rendering the GTP-bound form functional. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.









