
遠藤 仁司

エンドウ ヒトシ  (Hitoshi Endo)


自治医科大学 医学部生化学講座機能生化学部門 教授



  • Yusuke Furukawa, Noriko Nishimura, Yutaka Furukawa, Masaaki Satoh, Hitoshi Endo, Satsuki Iwase, Hisashi Yamada, Michio Matsuda, Yasuhiko Kano, Mitsuru Nakamura
    The Journal of biological chemistry 277(42) 39760-8 2002年10月18日  査読有り
    E2F-1 is capable of promoting both cell cycle progression and apoptosis. The latter is important for suppressing untoward expansion of proliferating cells. In this study, we investigated its underlying mechanisms. E2F-1-induced apoptosis was accompanied by caspase-9 activation and inhibited by a specific inhibitor of caspase-9 in K562 sublines overexpressing E2F-1. E2F-1 enhanced the expression of Apaf-1 without the cytosolic accumulation of cytochrome c. Apaf-1-deficient melanoma cell lines were resistant to E2F-1, indicating that Apaf-1 is an essential element of E2F-1-mediated apoptosis. Finally, we isolated the promoter region of the Apaf-1 gene and found a putative binding site for E2F. A chromatin immunoprecipitation assay revealed that E2F-1 bound to Apaf-1 promoter upon E2F-1 overexpression, suggesting that Apaf-1 is under transcriptional regulation of E2F-1. These data demonstrate a novel mechanism of apoptosis in which an increase in Apaf-1 levels results in direct activation of caspase-9 without mitochondrial damage, leading to the initiation of a caspase cascade.
  • Hiroshi Tamada, Eiji Sakashita, Kuniko Shimazaki, Eriko Ueno, Toshiro Hamamoto, Yasuo Kagawa, Hitoshi Endo
    Biochemical and biophysical research communications 297(1) 96-104 2002年9月13日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Neural RNA recognition motif (RRM)-type RNA-binding proteins play essential roles in neural development. To search for a new member of neural RRM-type RNA-binding protein, we screened rat cerebral expression library with polyclonal antibody against consensus RRM sequences. We have cloned and characterized a rat cDNA that belongs to RRM-type RNA-binding protein family, which we designate as drb1. Orthologs of drb1 exist in human and mouse. The predicted amino acid sequence reveals an open reading frame of 476 residues with a corresponding molecular mass of 53kDa and consists of four RNA-binding domains. drb1 gene is specifically expressed in fetal (E12, E16) rat brain and gradually reduced during development. In situ hybridization demonstrated neuron-specific signals in fetal rat brain. RNA-binding assay indicated that human Drb1 protein possesses binding preference on poly(C)RNA. These results indicate that Drb1 is a new member of neural RNA-binding proteins, which expresses under spatiotemporal control.
  • Shoji Yamazaki, Tatuo Morita, Hitoshi Endo, Toshiro Hamamoto, Masaki Baba, Yoshiko Joichi, Sanae Kaneko, Yoshihito Okada, Toru Okuyama, Hoyoku Nishino, Akihiko Tokue
    Cancer letters 183(1) 23-30 2002年9月8日  査読有り
    Isoliquiritigenin is a chalcone isolated from licorice and shallots. The ability of isoliquiritigenin to suppress metastasis was examined in a pulmonary metastasis model of mouse renal cell carcinoma. Isoliquiritigenin significantly reduced pulmonary metastasis, without any weight loss or leukocytopenia. Isoliquiritigenin suppressed in vitro proliferation of carcinoma cells, potentiated nitric oxide production by lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages, and facilitated cytotoxicity of splenic lymphocytes in vitro. These findings suggest activation of macrophages, activation of cytotoxicity of lymphocytes, and direct cytotoxicity as possible mechanisms of metastasis suppression by isoliquiritigenin. In addition, isoliquiritigenin prevented severe leukocytopenia caused by administration of 5-fluorouracil.
  • Keita Kirito, Tomoko Watanabe, Ken-ichi Sawada, Hitoshi Endo, Keiya Ozawa, Norio Komatsu
    The Journal of biological chemistry 277(10) 8329-37 2002年3月8日  査読有り
    Thrombopoietin (TPO), an essential factor for megakaryopoiesis and thrombopoiesis, works as a survival factor for megakaryocytic lineage cells. However, little is known about the molecular mechanism in detail. We show here that TPO supports the survival of TPO-dependent leukemia cell line UT-7/TPO and normal megakaryocytic progenitors via the induction of Bcl-xL, an anti-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family. We further analyzed the signal transduction pathways required for TPO-induced Bcl-xL gene expression. A reporter assay with various lengths of Bcl-x gene promoter revealed that both Stat- and nuclear factor kappa B-binding sites are prerequisites for TPO-induced promoter activity. Consistent with these results, TPO induced the binding of Stat5 and subunits of nuclear factor kappa B, p50, and c-Rel to the Bcl-x gene promoter. AG490, a specific inhibitor for Jak2, and LY294002, a specific inhibitor for phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase, reduced the protein level of Bcl-xL in UT-7/TPO cells, accompanied by an increase in the ratio of apoptotic cells. Interestingly, LY294002 enhanced the TPO-induced DNA binding activity of Stat5 without affecting the Jak2 activation and tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat5. Concomitantly, confocal microscopy revealed that LY294002 clearly inhibited the nuclear export of Stat5, suggesting that PI 3-kinase regulates the subcellular localization of Stat5. Taken together, our results suggest that both Jak-Stat and PI 3-kinase activation pathways regulate the TPO-induced survival of megakaryocytic cells via Bcl-xL gene expression. In addition, our data suggest possible cross-talk between these two signaling pathways.
  • Morisada Hayakawa, Eiji Sakashita, Eriko Ueno, Shin-ichi Tominaga, Toshiro Hamamoto, Yasuo Kagawa, Hitoshi Endo
    The Journal of biological chemistry 277(9) 6974-84 2002年3月1日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Mitochondrial ATP synthase gamma-subunit (F(1)gamma) pre-mRNA undergoes alternative splicing in a tissue- or cell type-specific manner. Exon 9 of F(1)gamma pre-mRNA is specifically excluded in heart and skeletal muscle tissues and in acid-stimulated human fibrosarcoma HT1080 cells, rhabdomyosarcoma KYM-1 cells, and mouse myoblast C2C12 cells. Recently, we found a purine-rich exonic splicing enhancer (ESE) element on exon 9 via transgenic mice bearing F(1)gamma mutant minigenes and demonstrated that this ESE functions ubiquitously with exception of muscle tissue (Ichida, M., Hakamata, Y., Hayakawa, M., Ueno E., Ikeda, U., Shimada, K., Hamamoto, T., Kagawa, Y., Endo, H. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 15992-16001). Here, we identified an exonic negative regulatory element responsible for muscle-specific exclusion of exon 9 using both in vitro and in vivo splicing systems. A supplementation assay with nuclear extracts from HeLa cells and acid-stimulated HT1080 cells was performed for an in vitro reaction of muscle-specific alternative splicing of F(1)gamma minigene and revealed that the splicing reaction between exons 8 and 9 was the key step for regulation of muscle-specific exon exclusion. Polypyrimidine tract in intron 8 requires ESE on exon 9 for constitutive splice site selection. Mutation analyses on the F(1)gammaEx8-9 minigene using a supplementation assay demonstrated that the muscle-specific negative regulatory element is positioned in the middle region of exon 9, immediately downstream from ESE. Detailed mutation analyses identified seven nucleotides (5'-AGUUCCA-3') as a negative regulatory element responsible for muscle-specific exon exclusion. This element was shown to cause exon skipping in in vivo splicing systems using acid-stimulated HT1080 cells after transient transfection of several mutant F(1)gammaEx8-9-10 minigenes. These results demonstrated that the 5'-AGUUCCA-3' immediately downstream from ESE is a muscle-specific exonic splicing silencer (MS-ESS) responsible for exclusion of exon 9 in vivo and in vitro.
  • T Otsuki, Y Furukawa, K Ikeda, H Endo, T Yamashita, A Shinohara, A Iwamatsu, K Ozawa, JM Liu
    HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 10(23) 2651-2660 2001年11月  査読有り
    Fanconi anemia (FA) is a genetic disorder that predisposes to hematopoietic failure, birth defects and cancer. We identified an interaction between the FA protein, FANCA andbrm-related gene 1 (BRG1) product. BRG1 is a subunit of the SWI/SNF complex, which remodels chromatin structure through a DNA-dependent ATPase activity. FANCA was demonstrated to associate with the endogenous SWI/SNF complex. We also found a significant increase in the molecular chaperone, glucose-regulated protein 94 (GRP94) among BRG1-associated factors isolated from a FANCA-mutant cell line, which was not seen in either a normal control cell line or the mutant line complemented by wild-type FANCA. Despite this specific difference, FANCA did not appear to be absolutely required for in vitro chromatin remodeling. Finally, we demonstrated co-localization in the nucleus between transfected FANCA and BRG1. The physiological action of FANCA on the SWI/SNF complex remains to be clarified, but our work suggests that FANCA may recruit the SWI/SNF complex to target genes, thereby enabling coupled nuclear functions such as transcription and DNA repair.
  • Y Kagawa, Y Inoki, H Endo
    Advanced drug delivery reviews 49(1-2) 107-19 2001年7月2日  査読有り最終著者
    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is highly susceptible to mutation. Novel approaches such as those involving cytoplast fusion and mitochondrial microinjection are essential for gene therapy of diseases caused by these mutations, due to the non-Mendelian genetics of these diseases. In this fusion method, mtDNA in the cytoplast is transferred into mutant cells via the formation of cybrids; once inside the cell the mtDNA complement the defect correctly and safely. The genes in cloned animals are composed of nuclear DNA (nDNA) of a mature tissue and mtDNA from an oocyte. Recent advances in transmitochondrial mice depends on the microinjection of mitochondria into the oocyte. Here we present data on in vitro gene therapy using human mtDNA, cybrid formation and microinjection.
  • M Tanaka, K Kirito, Y Kashii, M Uchida, T Watanabe, H Endo, T Endoh, K Sawada, K Ozawa, N Komatsu
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 276(18) 15082-15089 2001年5月  査読有り
    FKHRL1, a member of the Forkhead transcription factor family, is one of the downstream molecules of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt. This molecule is a mammalian homolog of DAF-16, which plays an important role in the longevity of Caenorhabditis elegans. In this study we found that Akt and FKHRL1 proteins were detectable in highly purified normal human megakaryocytes and that these molecules were actually phosphorylated by thrombopoietin (TPO). To clarify the functional role of FKHRL1 in TPO signaling, we established a tetracycline-inducible system in the human TPO-dependent leukemia cell line UT-7/TPO. Induced expression of active FKHRL1 led to cell cycle arrest at G(0)/G(1) phase in this cell line. These results suggest that FKHRL1 plays an important role in the cell cycle of megakaryocytic cells as one of the downstream target molecules of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt, presumably mediated through the activation or inactivation of cell cycle-associated gene(s).
  • S Yoshida, D Ioka, H Matsuoka, H Endo, A Ishii
    Single-chain immunotoxins are ideal tools to selectively kill infectious agents. In applying this technology to block transmission of malaria parasites in the mosquito vector, we have constructed a single-chain immunotoxin composed of a single-chain antibody fragment (scFv) directed to Pbs21 on the surface of Plasmodium berghei ookinetes linked to a lytic peptide, Shiva-l. The single-chain immunotoxin was expressed in Escherichia coli, and the protein was purified by a NI-NTA column. The single-chain immunotoxin was initially shown to exhibit greater killing properties for P. berghei ookinetes in vitro compared with the scFv or synthetic Shiva-l peptide alone. In an attempt to block malaria transmission by genetically engineered bacteria, recombinant E. coli harboring the single-chain immunotoxin gene were introduced into the mosquito midgut by membrane feeding. The number of infected mosquitoes and their oocyst densities were significantly reduced when the mosquitoes were subsequently allowed to feed on P. berghei-infected mice. These results indicate not only that a single-chain immunotoxin with enhanced parasiticidal activity could form a basis for the development of more effective malaria therapeutic agents, but also that introduction of genetically engineered bacteria into anopheline mosquitoes may offer a practical approach to the regulation of malaria transmission. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T Sugo, O Sekine, C Nakamikawa, H Endo, CL Arocha-Pinango, M Matsuda
    FIBRINOGEN 936 223-225 2001年  査読有り
    Steric hindrance by the backbone of extra oligosaccharides at gamma -Asn 308 may cause the repulsive force to widen the junction at the D:D interface, and thus, interfere with the longitudinal elongation and lateral association of protofibrils.
  • Y Inoki, Y Hakamata, T Hamamoto, T Kinouchi, S Yamazaki, Y Kagawa, H Endo
    Colocalization of mitochondria is the first step of intermitochondrial interaction or fusion in a cell. Here, we showed colocalization between exogenous mitochondria and endogenous ones or between exogenous proteoliposomes and endogenous mitochondria in mouse fertilized eggs by confocal laser microscopy. Isolated mitochondria from mouse liver and proteoliposomes containing mitochondrial membrane were directly labeled with red fluorescent aliphatic marker, PKH26, which is incorporated into lipid membrane, and then were microinjected into fertilized mouse eggs. Exogenous mitochondria appeared to be almost colocalized with endogenous mitochondria at the 4- and 8-cell stages, when mitochondria were stained with Rhodamine 123 (green fluorescent marker). On the contrary, when liposomes consisted of soy bean phospholipid were microinjected into the eggs as a control, their localization was different from that of endogenous mitochondria. Next, the submitochondrial particles and proteoliposomes were microinjected. Both the proteoliposomes and the submitochondrial particles appeared to colocalize with endogenous mitochondria at the 4-cell stage. These results suggest the existence of a factor that makes liposomes colocalize with mitochondria. Such a proteoliposome would be useful for the development of mitochondrial gene transfer techniques. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
  • Y Kagawa, T Hamamoto, H Endo
    JOURNAL OF BIOENERGETICS AND BIOMEMBRANES 32(5) 471-484 2000年10月  査読有り
    ATP synthase (FoF1) consists of F-1 (ATP-driven motor) and F-o (H+-driven motor). Fl is a complex of alpha (3)beta (3)gamma delta epsilon subunits, and gamma is the rotating cam in alpha (3)beta (3) Thermophilic F-1 (TF1) is exceptional in that it can be crystallized as a beta monomer and an alpha (3)beta (3) oligomer, and it is sufficiently stable to allow alpha beta refolding and reassembly of hybrid complexes containing 1, 2, and 3 modified ct or beta. The nucleotide dependent open-close conversion of conformation is an inherent property of an isolated beta and energy and signals are transferred through alpha/beta interfaces. The catalytic and noncatalytic interfaces of both mitochondrial F-1 (MFI) and TF1 were analyzed by an atom search within the limits of 0.40 nm across the alpha beta interfaces. Seven (plus thermophilic loop in TF1) contact areas are located at both the catalytic and noncatalytic interfaces on the open beta form. The number of contact areas on closed beta increased to 11 and 9, respectively, in the catalytic and noncatalytic interfaces. The interfaces in the barrel domain are immobile. The torsional elastic strain applied through the mobile areas is concentrated in hinge residues and the P-loop in beta. The notion of elastic energy in FoF1 has been revised. X-ray crystallography of F-1 is a static snap shot of one state and the elastic hypotheses are still inconsistent with the structure, dyamics, and kinetics of FoF1, The domain motion and elastic energy in FoF1 will be elucidated by time-resolved crystallography.
  • Y Inoki, T Miura, T Kajimoto, M Kawase, Y Kawase, Y Yoshida, S Tsuji, T Kinouchi, H Endo, Y Kagawa, T Hamamoto
    Ganglioside GD3 induced the release of cytochrome c from isolated rat liver mitochondria. This process was completely prevented by cyclosporin A and partially prevented by a cysteine protease inhibitor, n-acetyl-leu-leu-norleucinal. Cyclosporin A is a potent inhibitor of the permeability transition pore, whereas n-acetyl-leu-leu-norleucinal has no effect on this pore. These results indicate that the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria requires both the opening of the permeability transition pore and a cysteine protease inhibitor-sensitive mechanism. Gangliosides GD1a, GD1b, GT1b, and GQ1b along with the synthetic GD3 mimetics TMS-42 and CI-22, which are glycerophospholipids carrying a disialo residue, also induced cytochrome c release. In contrast, gangliosides GM1, GM2, and GM3 did not induce cytochrome c release. These results indicate that two sialo residues must play an important role in the induction of cytochrome c release by gangliosides. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
  • M Ichida, Y Hakamata, M Hayakawa, E Ueno, U Ikeda, K Shimada, T Hamamoto, Y Kagawa, H Endo
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 275(21) 15992-16001 2000年5月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Muscle-specific isoform of the mitochondrial ATP synthase gamma subunit (F(1)gamma) was generated by alternative splicing, and exon 9 of the gene was found to be lacking particularly in skeletal muscle and heart tissue. Recently, we reported that alternative splicing of exon 9 was induced by low serum or acidic media in mouse myoblasts, and that this splicing required de novo protein synthesis of a negative regulatory factor (Ichida, M., Endo, H., Ikeda, U., Matsuda, C., Ueno, E., Shimada, K., and Kagawa, Y. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 8492-8501; Hayakawa, M, Endo, H., Hamamoto, T., and Kagawa, Y. (1998) Biochem Biophys. Res. Commun. 251, 603-608). In the present report, we identified a cis-acting element on the muscle-specific alternatively spliced exon of F(1)gamma gene by an in vivo splicing system using cultured cells and transgenic mice. We constructed a F(1)gamma wild-type minigene, containing the full-length gene from exon 8 to exon 10, and two mutants; one mutant involved a pyrimidine-rich substitution on exon 9, whereas the other was a purine-rich substitution, abbreviated as F(1)gamma Pudel and F(1)gamma Pu-rich mutants, respectively. Based on an in vivo splicing assay using low serum- or acid-stimulated splicing induction system in mouse myoblasts, Pudel mutation inhibited exon inclusion, indicating that a Pu-del mutation would disrupt an exonic splicing enhancer. On the other hand, the Pu-rich mutation blocked muscle-specific exon exclusion following both inductions. Next, we produced transgenic mice bearing both mutant minigenes and analyzed their splicing patterns in tissues. Based on an analysis of F(1)gamma Pu-del mini-gene transgenic mice, the purine nucleotide of this element was shown to be necessary for exon inclusion in non-muscle tissue. In contrast, analysis of F(1)gamma Pu-rich minigene mice revealed that the F(1)gamma Pu-rich mutant exon had been excluded from heart and skeletal muscle of these transgenic mice, despite the fact mutation of the exon inhibited muscle-specific exon exclusion in myotubes of early embryonic stage. These results suggested that the splicing regulatory mechanism underlying F(1)gamma pre-mRNA differed between myotubes and myofibers during myogenesis and cardiogenesis.
  • Y Kagawa, SH Cha, K Hasegawa, T Hamamoto, H Endo
    Recent advances in bioenergetics consist of discoveries related to rotational coupling in ATP synthase (FoF(1)), uncoupling proteins (UGP), reactive oxygen species (ROS) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). As shown in cloned sheep, mammalian genomes are composed of both nuclear DNA (nDNA) and maternal mtDNA. Oxidative phosphorylation (oxphos) varies greatly depending on cellular activities, and is regulated by both gene expression and the electrochemical potential difference of H+ (Delta mu H+) The expression of both mtDNA (by mtTFA) and nDNA for oxphos and UCP (by NRFs, etc.) is coordinated by a factor called PGC-1. The Delta mu H+ rotates an axis in FoF(1) that is regulated by inhibitors and ATP-sensitive K+-channels.
  • S Yamagami, T Tsuru, T Ohkawa, H Endo, M Isobe
    TRANSPLANTATION 67(4) 600-604 1999年2月  査読有り
    Background. Anti-alpha beta T cell receptor monoclonal antibody (R73) has been reported to be a potent immunosuppressant. The suppressive effects of this antibody on allograft rejection after corneal transplantation are unknown. Methods. Orthotopic rat penetrating keratoplasty was performed using Lewis rats as recipients and Brown Norway and Fisher rats as donors. The treated groups received R73 intraperitoneally until day 12 after the transplantation. In grafted rats with or without R73 treatment, cytokine expression of the aqueous humor, corneal-infiltrating cells, draining lymph nodes, and splenocytes was determined. Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses were compared. Results. All allografts in the untreated controls of Fisher-to-Lewis or BN-to-Lewis rat combinations were rejected within 14 days. In contrast, indefinite survival rates of the postoperative R73-treated group increased to 86% in the Fisher-to-Lewis and 23% in the Brown Norway-to-Lewis combinations, respectively. Interferon-gamma, interleukin (IL)-2 (T helper [Th]1), and IL-10 (Th2), but not IL-4 (Th2), expression of the eye and DTH responses in the control group were suppressed in the R73-treated group. Both IL-2 and IL-10 expression after mixed lymphocyte culture in the R73-treated group were significantly lower than those of the naive and untreated control group. Conclusions. alpha beta T cell receptor-targeted therapy prevents allograft rejection in rat corneal transplantation as evidenced by suppression of DTH responses. The cytokine profile after R73 treatment was characterized by low interferon-gamma, IL-2, and IL-10, and high IL-4 expression.
  • S Yamagami, H Kawashima, H Endo, T Tsuru, H Shibui, Y Kagawa, J Hori, H Yamagami, M Isobe
    TRANSPLANTATION 66(11) 1504-1510 1998年12月  査読有り
    Background. Cytokine profile is a key in understanding the mechanisms of allograft rejection. Cytokine expression in the aqueous humor and the correlation between the aqueous humor cells and corneal infiltrating cells are not fully understood in corneal transplantation. Methods. Orthotopic mouse corneal transplantation was performed using BALB/c (H2(d)) mice as recipients, and C3H/He (H2(k)) and BALB/c mice as donors for allografts and isografts, respectively. Immunocytochemistry was performed on aqueous humor cells. Corneal graft was studied immunohistochemically. Cytokine gene expressions of the cells infiltrating the aqueous hunter and corneal grafts were determined by the semiquantitative reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction method. Results Interferon-gamma, interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, and IL-10 were detected in the cells infiltrating the aqueous humor and corneal grafts at both the protein and gene expression levels. T helper 1 (Th1) cytokine expressions at the protein level, however, were consistently predominant in the rejected allografts compared to those of Th2 cytokines. The cytokine and surface marker profiles of the cells in the aqueous humor corresponded well to those of the cells infiltrating the corneal grafts. Cytokine protein and mRNA expression levels in the aqueous humor decreased rapidly. Conclusions. Allorejection in corneal transplantation is Th1 cytokine-predominant. Infiltrating cells do not express Th2 cytokine so much in allograft rejection,as compared with Th1 cytokine, The cell infiltration patterns of the aqueous humor were well correlated with those of the cornea.
  • Hayakawa M, Endo H, Hamamoto T, Kagawa Y
    Biochemical and biophysical research communications 251 603-608 1998年10月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Y Yoshida, E Kobayashi, H Endo, T Hamamoto, T Yamanaka, A Fujimura, Y Kagawa
    DNA-coated Au particles were accelerated by pressurized He gas to supersonic velocities for introduction of a gene into cells. Experimental and theoretical analyses both revealed a heterogeneous distribution of the particles per shot (1 mg Au = 2.4 x 10(7) particles with 2 mu g [P-32] DNA = 2.5 x 10(11) moles). For introduction of genes into the liver of living rats, the best results were obtained with a newly developed hand-held gene delivery system. The beta-galactosidase gene introduced into rat liver with Au particles by He at 250 psi was expressed (1.2 mu units/mu g protein) in a limited area of the liver surface (8 x 8 mm, depth 0.5 mm). When the same gene gun was used on a monolayer of cultured COS7 cells (about 5 mu m thick), cells were lost in the central area of heavy bombardment. Cell death caused by influx of Ca2+ was prevented by the use of the cytosol-type culture medium. (C) 1997 Academic Press.
  • Y Kagawa, T Hamamoto, H Endo, M Ichida, H Shibui, M Hayakawa
    BIOSCIENCE REPORTS 17(2) 115-146 1997年4月  査読有り
    The reaction of ATP synthase (F0F1) is the final step in oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Although OXPHOS has been studied extensively in bacteria, no tissue-specific functions nor bioenergetic disease, such as mitochondrial encephalomyopathy and aging occur in these organisms. Recent developments of the Human Genome Project will become an important factor in the study of mammalian bioenergetics. To elucidate the physiological roles of human F0F1, genes encoding the subunits of F0F1 were sequenced, and their expression in human cells was analyzed. The following results were obtained: A. The roles of the residues in F0F1 are not only to transform the energy of the electrochemical potential (Delta mu H+) across the membrane, but also to respond rapidly to the changes in the energy demand by regulating the intramolecular rotation of F0F1 with the Delta mu H+ and the inhibitors of the ATPase. B. The roles of the control regions of the F0F1 genes, are to coordinate both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA (nDNA) depending on the energy demand of the cells, especially in muscle. C. The cause of the age-dependent decline of ATP synthesis has been attributed to the accumulation of mutations in mtDNA. However. the involvement of nDNA in the decline is also important because of telomere shortening in somatic cells, and age-dependent mtDNA expression analyzed with rho degrees cells (cells without mtDNA).
  • E. Kobayashi, Y. Yoshida, A. Fujimura, T. Yamanaka, H. Endo, T. Hamamoto, Y. Kagawa
    Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy 24(12) 1775-1777 1997年  査読有り
    We studied the in vivo gene transfusion using a gene gun, formerly used in plants and culture cells. The hand-held type gene gun (Helios Gene Gun System) is simple and convenient for effective gene transfection in living animals. This method has some advantages in that there is no need for use of viral vector, independence on the cell cycle and local inducement of plural genes. There is a great possibility for application to local-regional cancer.
    To elucidate thermoresistance, a gene of a hyperthermophilic heat shock protein (HHSP) was isolated from the hyperthermophile Desulfurococcus strain SY which grows at 95 degrees C. The molecular weight of HHSP deduced from the open reading frame was 59,137 (545 amino acid residues). Sequence alignments of peptides reveal similarities (evolutionary distances) to the alpha (0.279) and beta (0.296) subunits of thermosome, TF55 (0.343) and human t-complex polypeptide 1. The structure of a thermophilic heat shock protein TGroEL (Tamada et al. (1991) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 179, 565) was quite different from that of HHSP. TGroEL and HSP60 have sequences identical to HHSP at its equatorial domain, while those identical to the alpha subunit of F-type ATPase are at its apical domain. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.
    The gene structure of the human ATP synthase alpha subunit (hATP1) was determined by cloning and sequencing. This gene is approximately 14 kbp in length and contains 12 exons interrupted by 11 introns. Mapping of the clones of hATP1 and Southern blot analysis of the genomic gene showed that there were a single copy of bona fide hATP1 gene and two pseudogenes. Primer extension and S1 mapping analysis showed the presence of multiple transcription initiation sites of the hATP1 gene. No TATA box or CAAT box was found near the transcription initiation sites. Comparison with the bovine gene showed that the 5'-flanking region of the hATP1 gene has an unconserved guanine-cytosine (GC) rich region, including several binding motifs of transcriptional factors, such as Sp1, AP-2, and GCF. By functional assay of gene expression, the basal promoter activity was located near the GC rich region. Comparison of the 5'-upstream region of the hATP1 gene with those of the genes for bovine ATP synthase alpha, human beta, and human gamma subunits indicated three common sequences, suggesting that putative cis-elements coordinate the expressions of the three subunit genes for the ATP synthase. The enhancer activities derived from the 5'-deletion mutants of a hATP1-CAT chimeric gene were different in cell lines from four different human tissues, suggesting the existence of cell type-specific gene regulation.
    The kinetics of heart and liver mitochondrial ATPase (FoF(1)) were examined using submitochondrial particles (SMPs) purified from the two tissues to obtain information on the role of gamma subunit isoforms. The F-1 portion is mainly composed of the catalytic, common alpha beta subunits and tissue-specific gamma subunits. In contrast to the previous reports on the kinetics and crystallography of various F-1's, the Vmax and Km of the two isoforms of FoF(1) were identical although the SMPs were prepared from different tissues. Moreover sodium azide inhibited the two equally. The ATPase activity of liver SMP showed slightly steeper pH-dependency than that of heart SMP but the pH optima of the two were the same (pH 8). (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 269(17) 12488-12493 1994年4月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Tissue-specific isoforms of the mitochondrial ATP synthase gamma-subunit are generated by alternative splicing, and the heart/skeletal muscle specific transcript lacks exon 9 in a cassette fashion (Matsuda, C., Endo, H., Hirata, H., Morosawa, H., Nakanishi, M., and Kagawa, Y. (1993) FEBS Lett. 325, 281-284; and Matsuda, C., Endo, H., Ohta, S., and Kagawa, Y. (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 24950-24958). Here, we show that the endogenous heart-type mRNA is cell-specifically induced by the extracellular pH value in the HT1080 (human fibrosarcoma) and KYM-1 (human rhabdomyosarcoma) cell lines. In these cells, a low extracellular pH value induced exclusion of exon 9, and this induction was inhibited by cycloheximide treatment. In contrast, a high extracellular pH value resulted in mRNA transcription of the liver type, including exon 9, and did not require de novo protein synthesis. These results suggest that alternative splicing in the gamma-subunit pre-mRNA is regulated by on-off switching of protein synthesis of a trans-acting factor involved in this exon-excluding step. The signal of low pH value was blocked by the protein kinase inhibitor H-7 or Calphostin C (protein kinase C inhibitor), indicating the involvement of protein kinase C in the alternative splicing. This is a good model system for studies on the induction mechanism of alternative splicing in cultured mammalian cells, in which intracellular factors play a pivotal role for the exon-excluding step in the tissue-specific alternative splicing mechanism.
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 268(33) 24950-24958 1993年11月  査読有り
    We completely sequenced the human gene for ATP synthase gamma-subunit, which was approximately 23 kilobases long and was composed of 10 exons. Exons 1 and 2 encoded the N-terminal presequence required for mitochondrial import, while exons 9 and 10 encoded the C-terminal portions of mature protein. Enzymatic amplification of human heart and liver cDNAs using the polymerase chain reaction revealed two mRNA transcripts that were predicted to encode two 30-kDa isoforms of the gamma-subunit, which differed by the addition of a single amino acid (Asp273) at the C terminus of the liver type isoform. These two mRNA transcripts of the heart (H) type and liver (L) type were generated by alternative splicing of an exon. The same alternative splicing event was observed in bovine tissue. In human tissues, the H type mRNA devoid of exon 9 was expressed specifically in the heart and skeletal muscle, which require rapid energy supply. The L type mRNA was expressed in the brain, liver, kidney etc. Both transcripts were expressed in the skin, intestine, stomach, and aorta. This tissue specificity of transcript heterogeneity suggests the distinct functional or regulatory roles of the gamma-subunit isoforms in the catalysis of ATP synthase. This is the first report on tissue-specific isoforms generated by alternative splicing in an energy transducing mitochondrial protein.
    FEBS LETTERS 325(3) 281-284 1993年7月  査読有り
    Tissue-specific isoforms of the gamma-subunit of the bovine F(o)F1-ATP synthase were identified for the first time. The two isoforms, heart and liver type, were generated by alternative splicing, the liver-type RNA transcript containing a 37-nucleotide sequence as a cassette exon. Protein sequencing of the C-terminal fragments of the two isoforms of the F1gamma-subunit indicated that the liver-type isoform had an additional aspartate residue at the C terminus, not present in the heart type one.
    NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 20(8) 1998-1998 1992年4月  査読有り
  • S Miyabayashi, H Hanamizu, R Nakamura, H Endo, K Tada
    Journal of inherited metabolic disease 15(5) 797-802 1992年  査読有り
  • S Miyabayashi, H Hanamizu, H Endo, K Tada, S Horai
    Journal of inherited metabolic disease 14(5) 805-12 1991年  査読有り
  • H Tomura, H Endo, Y Kagawa, S Ohta
    The Journal of biological chemistry 265(12) 6525-7 1990年4月25日  査読有り
    The system coordinating expressions of nuclear coded mitochondrial proteins was investigated by examination of the 5'-flanking region of the human mitochondrial ATP synthase beta-subunit gene. The promoter activity was measured by a transient expression of a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene connected with various 5'-deletion mutants of the 5'-flanking region. In this experiment, at least two regions enhanced this promoter activity and at least one region repressed it. In one of the enhancing regions, a consensus sequence was found for the genes of other mitochondrial proteins such as those for cytochrome c1 (Suzuki, H., Hosokawa, Y., Nishikimi, M., and Ozawa, T. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 1368-1374) and the pyruvate dehydrogenase alpha-subunit (Maragos, C., Hutchison, W. M., Hayasaka, K., Brown, G. K., and Dahl, H.-H. M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 12294-12298; Ohta, S., Endo, H., Matsuda, K., and Kagawa, Y. (1989) Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 573, 458-460). The characteristics of this enhancing element were examined by introducing a synthetic oligonucleotide element into the CAT plasmid with a deleted enhancing element. The resulting plasmid showed full recovery of promoter activity, and this activity was independent of the orientation or location of the insert. Therefore, this is an enhancer that may be common to the nuclear genes of some mitochondrial proteins involved in energy transduction.
  • H Endo, K Hasegawa, K Narisawa, K Tada, Y Kagawa, S Ohta
    American journal of human genetics 44(3) 358-64 1989年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
    A patient with lactic acidosis showed a lowered pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 activity and fatigued on slight exercise. The cDNA encoding the pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 alpha-subunit from his lymphocytes, transformed by infection of Epstein-Barr virus, was cloned and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence determination revealed that the gene had a deletion of four nucleotides at the second codon upstream from the termination codon. This deletion would lead to a reading-frame shift and make a new termination codon at the 33d codon downstream from the "normal" termination codon. An S1 nuclease-protection experiment confirmed the presence of mRNA with its deletion in the patient. Amplification, by the polymerase chain reaction method, of the genomic-DNA region from his peripheral blood cells showed that the deletion was localized in an exon and that it was not caused by an abnormal splicing at the intron/exon junction. This is the first report on cloning a defective gene of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.







