
森 良之

モリ ヨシユキ  (Yoshiyuki Mori)


自治医科大学 医学部 総合医学第2講座 主任教授








  • Yoshiyuki Mori, Tsuyoshi Takato, Kazuto Hoshi, Yuki Kanno, Madoka Sugiyama, Kazumi Ohkubo, Hideto Saijo
    JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY 25(5) E443-E445 2014年9月  査読有り
    We used a piece of costal cartilage as a cartilaginous strut to correct the upturned nasal tip in patients with bilateral cleft lip. The grafted cartilage provides more definition of the tip and improves the obtuse nasolabial angle. Neither the septal cartilage nor the ear cartilage has enough strength to shape the tip. This method of correction has consistently produced favorable, long-lasting results in adults and has improved the contour of the nasal tip in younger patients.
  • Hisako Hikiji, Ken Tomizuka, Tetsushi Taguchi, Hiroyuki Koyama, Daichi Chikazu, Yoshiyuki Mori, Tsuyoshi Takato
    Rapid and efficient animal models are needed for evaluating the effectiveness of many new candidate bone regenerative materials. We developed an in vivo model screening for calvarial bone regeneration in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated mice, in which materials were overlaid on the periosteum of the calvaria in a 20 min surgery and results were detectable in 1 week. Intraperitoneal LPS injection reduced spontaneous bone formation, and local application of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) increased the bone-forming activities of osteoblasts. A novel synthetic collagen gel, alkali-treated collagen (AlCol) cross-linked with trisuccinimidyl citrate (TSC), acted as a reservoir for basic substances such as bFGF. The AlCol-TSC gel in conjunction with bFGF activated osteoblast activity without the delay in osteoid maturation caused by bFGF administration alone. The AlCol-TSC gel may slow the release of bFGF to improve the imbalance between osteoid formation and bone mineralization. These findings suggest that our model is suitable for screening bone regenerative materials and that the AlCOl-TSC gel functions as a candidate reservoir for the slow release of bFGF.
  • Yoko Kawase-Koga, Hideto Saijo, Kazuhito Hoshi, Tsuyoshi Takato, Yoshiyuki Mori
    BMC Research Notes 7(1) 214 2014年4月5日  査読有り
    Background: Odontogenic myxoma is a benign odontogenic tumor with locally aggressive behavior, and is relatively rare in the oral cavity. There are currently no clear surgical management guidelines for odontogenic myxoma, and a variety of approaches may be used. This study evaluated the literature concerning the surgical management of odontogenic myxoma, and reports the long-term outcome of a case managed by using a more conservative surgical approach. Case presentation. We managed a 40-year-old Japanese man with odontogenic myxoma in the right mandible by enucleation and curettage, a relatively conservative approach that has proved to have been justified by a lack of recurrence over 10 years. Our strategy was compared with others reported in the literature, which was identified by a PubMed search using the term "odontogenic myxoma". Articles without full text or with missing data were excluded. The age and sex of patients, the tumor location (maxilla/mandible), treatment (conservative/radical), recurrence, and follow-up period were compared in the reported cases that we evaluated. From the initial 211 studies identified, 20 studies qualified as mandibular cases of odontogenic myxoma. Recurrence was reported in three cases that had been treated with a more conservative surgical approach. Conclusions: Enucleation and curettage has proved an effective approach in several cases in ours there has been no recurrence more than 10 years after surgery but the risk of recurrence appears to be higher. We discuss the important factors that must be considered when determining the correct management approach to odontogenic myxoma. © 2014 Kawase-Koga et al. licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
  • Yoko Kawase-Koga, Yoshiyuki Mori, Hideto Saijo, Kazuto Hoshi, Tsuyoshi Takato
    Extensive squamous cell carcinoma involving the skin of the upper lip, nasal ala, and cheek is relatively rare. Although numerous reconstruction techniques for the midface including lip, nose, and cheek have been described in the literature, reconstruction of large defects in this area continues to be challenging, as it is difficult to obtain satisfactory results with single-stage surgery. This case report concerns a 53-year-old woman with squamous cell carcinoma extending from the upper lip to the alar base and the cheek. It describes a step-by-step surgery undertaken according to defined regional aesthetic units of the face using several reconstruction methods, including a microvascular free flap, forehead flap, and conchal cartilage graft, rather than multistage reconstruction surgeries after first immediate reconstruction. Satisfactory functional and aesthetic results were achieved despite the extensive facial defects.
  • Noriko Komatsu, Yoko Kawase-Koga, Yoshiyuki Mori, Yasuhiko Kamikubo, Mineo Kurokawa, Tsuyoshi Takato
    BMC Research Notes 6(1) 557 2013年12月26日  査読有り
    Background: Patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are at risk of developing malignancies and have an increased susceptibility to infection. HIV-associated Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is relatively rare in developed countries, but remains prevalent in developing counties and is sometimes compounded by the fact that patients may be unaware that they are HIV-positive. Case presentation. A 37-year-old Japanese man was referred to our department for diagnosis and management of submandibular swelling. He was unaware that he was HIV-positive at the initial visit. Here, we describe our diagnostic approach, in which we used hematological and immunological investigations, biopsy, fluorescence-activated cell sorting and fluorescence in situ hybridization to confirm the diagnosis of HIV-associated BL. The patient has no risk factors for HIV infection, and the source of infection remains unclear. Conclusions: In this case, submandibular swelling was the first clinical sign of pathology and the patient's HIV-positive status only became evident later. It is highly likely that BL was triggered by HIV infection. © 2013 Komatsu et al. licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


  • 高戸 毅, 星 和人, 藤原 夕子, 西條 英人, 菅野 勇樹, 大久保 和美, 鄭 雄一, 森 良之
    頭頸部外科 = Journal of Japan Society for Head and Neck Surgery 22(2) 121-124 2012年10月30日  
  • 斉藤 健太郎, 末永 英之, 杉山 円, 宇波 雅人, 大久保 和美, 瀬戸 一郎, 小笠原 徹, 星 和人, 森 良之, 高戸 毅
    日本歯科医学会誌 = Journal of the Japanese Association for Dental Science : JJDS (31) 39-43 2012年3月31日  
  • 長濱 浩平, 須佐美 隆史, 大久保 和美, 高橋 直子, 西條 英人, 森 良之, 高戸 毅
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 27(4) 318-326 2011年12月25日  
  • 森 良之, 古賀 陽子, 高戸 毅
    感染制御 7(5) 449-452 2011年10月  
  • 末永 英之, ホワン チャンフィー, 杉山 円, 宇波 雅人, 高橋 直子, 長濱 浩平, 大久保 和美, 瀬戸 一郎, 小笠原 徹, 森 良之, 廖 洪恩, 正宗 賢, 土肥 健純, 高戸 毅
    日本歯科医学会誌 = Journal of the Japanese Association for Dental Science : JJDS (30) 35-39 2011年3月31日  
  • 森 良之, 高戸 毅
    日本口腔腫瘍学会誌 22(4) 145-148 2010年12月15日  
  • 須佐 美隆史, 長濱 浩平, 大久保 和美, 高橋 直子, 松崎 雅子, 森 良之, 高戸 毅
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 35(1) 41-55 2010年4月25日  
    多施設共同研究を行うことを前提に口唇口蓋裂患者に対する歯科矯正治療に関するアンケート調査用紙を作成し,東京大学医学部附属病院において動的歯科矯正治療を終了した片側性口唇口蓋裂患者 36名を対象に調査した結果,以下の結果を得た。回答者数は25名で,回収率69.4%であった。<br>1)歯科矯正治療を考えたきっかけは,外科・言語の先生の勧めが多かった。<br>2)治療を考えた理由は,歯ならびが多かったが,しゃべりにくいことを挙げた人も多かった。最も治療に期待したことでは,見た目の歯ならび,顔つきといった美的効果を挙げた人が多かった。<br>3)治療中には,多くの人が痛み,食べにくさ,しゃべりにくさ,歯みがきの大変さを感じていた。<br>4)治療後には,回答した全員が前歯の歯ならびが良くなったと答え,約2/3が顔つきが良くなったと答えた。また8割以上が良く咬めるようになったとし,約8割がしゃべりやすくなったと答えた。<br>5)回答者全員が治療を受けて良かったと答えた。<br>6)7割以上が通院の負担が大きいと答えた。<br>7)顎裂部骨移植,顎矯正手術,矯正装置など,治療内容に関する回答は正確さを欠くことが考えられた。<br>以上のことより,回答したすべての患者は治療結果に満足しているようであった。また,歯科矯正治療は言語機能にも好影響を与えると思われた。しかし,口腔衛生管理,治療の効率化については改善の余地があると考えられた。
  • 末永 英之, 西條 英人, 杉山 円, 森 良之, 飯野 光喜, 高戸 毅
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 55(7) 373-377 2009年7月20日  
    We describe the very rare case of a 72-year-old woman who had a mass in the floor of the mouth. After admission to our inpatient department, MR imaging suggested that the mass was a tumor of the right sublingual gland. Surgical excision of the sublingual gland tumor was performed with the patient under general anesthesia.The histological diagnosis was follicular lymphoma grade Ⅰ. Follicular lymphoma of the sublingual gland is extremely rare. This is the first report describing a primary follicular lymphoma of sublingual gland in Japan. One year after the operation, the patient remains well, with no evidence of recurrent lymphoma.
  • 森 良之
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 55(5) 219-225 2009年5月20日  
    Alveolar ridge augmentation by bone grafting has been carried out for a localized alveolar ridge defect to complete oral rehabilitation with endosseous implants. This procedure has several disadvantages, such as morbidity of the donor site or lack of soft tissue. On the other hand, distraction osteogenesis makes it possible to augment an alveolar ridge without bone grafting and allows simultaneous soft tissue expansion. Therefore this technique seems to be useful for alveolar ridge augmentation in patients undergoing dental implant treatment. However, in this procedure, several problems still remain such as infection or resorption of transport segment. Consequently we should make a deliberate choice for alveolar ridge augmentation.
  • 近津 大地, 森 良之, 西條 英人, 藤原 久子, 飯野 光喜, 高戸 毅
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 55(5) 241-245 2009年5月20日  
    Ameloblastoma is a typical benign odontogenic tumor that occurs in the jaw. Common treatment methods for cystic ameloblastoma include fenestration, in which the cystic cavity is exposed to the oral cavity by resecting a part of the cyst wall along with the mucosa and bone, and the dredging method, in which the tumor is totally resected and the surface of the bone wound is covered with a piece of gauze or other material. In the latter method, bone regeneration is promoted by repeatedly extirpating scar tissue, which inhibits osteogenesis, at appropriate intervals. Although segmental resection and other types of jaw resection are performed in patients with recurrence, resection of the inferior alveolar nerve with reconstruction using a bone graft is required. We describe the surglcal excision of an ameloblastoma that recurred in the posterior part of the mandibular ramusafter treatment by the dredging method. We used an extraoral approach in which the lateral cortical bone of the mandibular ramus was removed without performing segmental resection. The morphology and function of the jaw were preserved by this method. We report on a patient who was treated by this operative procedure.
  • 藤原 久子, 森 良之, 大橋 克巳, 近津 大地, 藤原 夕子, 西條 英人, 米原 啓之, 高戸 毅
    日本口腔診断学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of oral diagnosis/oral medicine 21(1) 7-12 2008年3月30日  
  • 和田 満美子, 阿部 雅子, 松崎 雅子, 森 良之, 須佐美 隆史, 高戸 毅
    音声言語医学 = The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics 49(1) 14-22 2008年  
    A 23-year-old female patient with microglossia and micrognathia was report-ed with respect to articulation. The case was treated by gradual expansion of the mandibular dental arch followed by double-jaw orthognathic surgery.&lt;BR&gt;1. As before treatment, /t, d, n, r/, sounds were distorted and almost like palatalized articulation; they were made with the tongue and the posterior part of the palate. Her /s, dz, is/, sounds were distorted and almost like /f, v, pf /, in this instance made with the upper teeth and the lower lip. Both before and after treatment, no changes were seen in articulation place or manner.&lt;BR&gt;2. Single-mora intelligibility had declined at 6 months after surgery. However, at 9 months after surgery it was improved to a level as good as that before the total treatment.&lt;BR&gt;3. Sentence intelligibility had declined at 6 months after surgery. However, at 1 year and 3 months after surgery it was improved to a level as good as that before the total treatment. The tendency of mishearing was also the same as before the total treatment.&lt;BR&gt;4. Masticatory function had also improved. In this treatment, improvement was achieved in both occlusion and mastication without any damage in articulatory function.
  • 長谷川 義道, 西條 英人, 近津 大地, 松崎 雅子, 大久保 和美, 森 良之, 米原 啓之, 須佐美 隆史, 高戸 毅
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 32(2) 149-149 2007年4月30日  
  • 大久保 和美, 須佐美 隆史, 松崎 雅子, 仲宗根 愛子, 森 良之, 米原 啓之, 近津 大地, 西條 英人, 長谷川 義道, 富塚 健, 大木 明子, 引地 尚子, 高戸 毅
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 32(2) 193-193 2007年4月30日  
  • 須佐美 隆史, 鳥山 宏子, 和田 満美子, 大久保 和美, 松崎 雅子, 仲宗根 愛子, 荻原 祐二, 森 良之, 米原 啓之, 高戸 毅
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 32(1) 34-42 2007年4月30日  
  • 西條 英人, 森 良之, 近津 大地, 藤原 久子, 米原 啓之, 高戸 毅
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 53(1) 13-17 2007年1月20日  
    A 20-year-old man was referred to our department because of severe pain while eating. Physical examination revealed an erosion and ulcer in the oral cavity. He had been treated for aplastic anemia on an outpatient basis at the Department of Cell Therapy and Transplantation Medicine of our hospital. He had received bone marrow transplants twice. Subsequently, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) developed, and treatment with cyclosporine was started. Biopsy ruled out the possibility that the lesion in the oral cavity was caused by GVHD. Gingival hyperplasia was noted 8 months later, and granulomatous epulis was diagnosed. The patient&#039;s general condition subsequently deteriorated, and mucosal proliferation spread throughout the oral cavity. Biopsy yielded a diagnosis of post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD). We describe our experience with this rare case of PTLD.
  • 米原 啓之, 森 良之, 西條 英人, 近津 大地, 高戸 毅
    日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 26(11) 718-725 2006年11月20日  
  • 近津 大地, 森 良之, 西條 英人, 米原 啓之, 高戸 毅
    日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 26(7) 434-440 2006年7月20日  
  • 西條 英人, 米原 啓之, 森 良之, 長谷川 義道, 高戸 毅
    日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 26(5) 321-325 2006年5月20日  
  • 鳥山 宏之, 松崎 雅子, 高戸 毅, 須佐美 隆史, 大久保 和美, 荻原 祐二, 森 良之, 和田 満美子, 米原 啓之
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 31(2) 141-141 2006年4月30日  
  • 藤原 久子, 米原 啓之, 西條 英人, 森 良之, 引地 尚子, 高戸 毅
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 52(4) 234-237 2006年4月20日  
    We report a case of van der Woude syndrome associated with Hirschsprung disease. The patient was delivered vaginally. Our department was consulted because of cleft lip and palate (CLCP). After cheiloplasty, the department of pediatric surgery was consulted because of continuous vomiting. Hirschsprung disease was diagnosed.&lt;BR&gt;Hirschsprung disease occurs in 1/5, 000 live births and is caused by defective development of embryonic neural crest cells at the vagal level, leading to intestinal obstruction. The patients show severe vomiting and constipation, but owing to improved surgical techniques, the number of curable patients is increasing. Our patient received radical treatment and has no difficulty in eating or excretion at present.&lt;BR&gt;Several reports have described patients with CLCP and Hirschsprung disease, and all have had mental retardation. Moreover, there are several syndromes associated with both CLCP and Hirschsprung disease, such as Goldberg-Shprintzen syndrome, Waardenburg syndrome, and Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. Each syndrome has their own differential diagnosis, but our patient did not meet the diagnostic criteria. We gave our patient a diagnosis of van der Woude syndrome combined with Hirschsprung disease for the present.&lt;BR&gt;However, mental retardation cannot be ruled our in this patient, and he might have other congenital malformations that have not been identified. If so, he may have a subtype of a syndromic disease.
  • 西條 英人, 森 良之, 米原 啓之, 中塚 貴志, 高戸 毅
    日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 25(12) 819-822 2005年12月20日  
  • 米原 啓之, 森 良之, 西條 英人, 高戸 毅
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 30(2) 103-103 2005年4月30日  
  • 西條 英人, 米原 啓之, 森 良之, 高戸 毅
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 30(2) 108-108 2005年4月30日  
  • 松崎 雅子, 森 良之, 須佐美 隆史, 大久保 和美, 荻原 祐二, 西條 英人, 近津 大地, 大木 明子, 米原 啓之, 高戸 毅
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 30(2) 178-178 2005年4月30日  
  • 江口 智明, 高戸 毅, 森 良之
    形成外科 48(2) 137-143 2005年2月  
  • 坂田 康彰, 西川 久美子, 森 良之, 坂本 泰宏, 津山 泰彦, 高戸 毅
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 49(7) 470-473 2003年7月20日  
    The surgical treatment of a patient with hereditary angioneurotic edema (BANE) is described in the present report. HANE is an autosomal dominant hereditary disease that causes acute and local submucocutaneous edema. It is a very rare disease in Japan and has been reported in only 20 femilies.&lt;BR&gt;The subject was a 24-year-old woman with right upper pericoronitis who had been given a diagnosis of HANE at the age of 13 years. Patients with HANE often have fatal laryngeal edema during dental treatment such as extraction of teeth. Therefore, our patient received ginigivectomy after being hospitalized. Postoperatively, she had mild respiratory distress, but it was controlled by intravenous drip infusion of C 1 esterase inhibitor. When treating patients with HANE, we should take sufficient measures to avoid the development of edema, even when treatment is minimally invasive. Furthermore, sufficient preparation for urgent tracheotomy is necessary owing to the risk of laryngeal edema.
  • 西條 英人, 西川 久美子, 森 良之, 小泉 敏之, 坂田 康彰, 高戸 毅
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 49(3) 237-240 2003年3月20日  
    We report a rare case of anaphylactic shock during tooth extraction. The patient had atopic dermatitis for about 20 years. Although the serine IgE level was high, the results of drug lymphocyte stimulation tests (DLST) against all ingredients in the local anesthetics were negative.&lt;BR&gt;However, when we performed skin-tests against sodium metabisulfite and para-oxy benzoic acid methyl, small amounts of which were contained in the local anesthetics, sodium metabisulfite induced an allergic reaction.&lt;BR&gt;We conclude that this was a rare case of anaphylaxis caused by sodium metabisulfite in a patient with atopic dermatitis.&lt;BR&gt;We should be especially cautious when we use local anesthetics in patients with atopic dermatitis.
  • 森 良之, 富塚 健, 江口 智明, 高戸 毅
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 18(2) 176-182 2002年9月25日  
  • 津山 泰彦, 北 慎太郎, 長谷川 義道, 森 良之, 小泉 敏之, 高戸 毅
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 48(2) 118-121 2002年2月20日  
    We report a case of recurrent thyroglossal duct fistula. The patient was a 14-year-old boy. At the age of 2 years, he had a simple excision of a thyroglossal duct cyst at other hospital. He had the unusual complaint of small amounts of clear mucoid-like material being discharged from a cervical skin sinus after meals. Examination of the cervical region revealed a 50×2mm transverse scar in the upper part of the neck, including a small fistula in the midline. A fine probe was inserted approximately 1 mm into the fistula. Fistulography demonstrated a complete thyroglossal duct through the hyoid bone to the base of the tongue. Thyroglossal duct excision with partial resection of the hyoid bone was performed under local anesthesia. There has been no recurrence as of 7 months after operation. Histological examination revealed ectopic salivary glands and branching tracts in the genioglossus muscle.
  • 綿谷 早苗, 森 良之, 富塚 健, 坂田 康彰, 高戸 毅
    日本口腔診断学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of oral diagnosis/oral medicine 14(2) 524-528 2001年10月20日  
  • 津山 泰彦, 三橋 健一郎, 森 良之, 安部 貴大, 江口 智明, 高戸 毅
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 47(5) 305-308 2001年5月20日  
    We report a rare case of myofibroma arising in the mandibular gingiva in an adult. Myofibroma is a solitary fibroblastic proliferative neoplasm occurring primarily in infants and children. The patient was a healthy 28-year-old woman with a painless mass in the right lower premolar region. Radiographic examination showed radiolucency with an ill-defined border. The tumor was resected with a margin of adjacent tissue and teeth. There was no sign of recurrence at 18 months&#039; follow-up. Microscopic examination revealed irregular proliferation of spindle-shaped cells. A pericytoma-like pattern was found in the center of the tumor. Immunohistochemically, tumor cells were positive for vimentin and HHF-35. On the basis of these findings, the tumor was diagnosed as a myofibroma.
  • 津山 泰彦, 江口 智明, 波田野 典子, 小笠原 徹, 森 良之, 高戸 毅
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 47(4) 240-242 2001年4月20日  
    We report a very rare case of undifferentiated sarcoma of the tongue in a pregnant woman. Cancer will develop in 1 per 1000 to 1500 pregnant women. Although malignancies including uterine cervical cancer, breast cancer, gastric cancer, and leukemia have been reported during pregnancy, head and neck cancer is rare. The patient was a 34-year-old pregnant woman referred to our clinic because of a painless mass in the right side of the tongue. Examination of the oral cavity revealed a 25×20mm, nontender, elastic soft mass in the right side of the tongue. A T 2-weighted magnetic resonance image showed areas of high signal intensity. Resection of the tumor and skin grafting were performed under general anesthesia at 27 weeks&#039; gestation. There has been no local recurrence or metastasis as of 29 months after operation. Histopathologically, the tumor was composed of small histiocyte-like cells and large round cells with myxomatous components, but without any differentiating features. Immunohistochemically, the large tumor cells stained positively only for vimentin. On the basis of these findings, the tumor was diagnosed as an undifferentiated sarcoma.
  • 江口 智明, 森 良之, 高戸 毅
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 16(3) 41-49 2000年12月25日  
  • 森 良之, 須佐美 隆史, 松本 重之, 高戸 毅, 波利井 清紀
    頭頚部腫瘍 26(3) 446-451 2000年11月25日  
  • 宮路 早苗, 森 良之, 松本 重之, 中津留 誠, 引地 尚子, 高戸 毅
    日本口腔診断学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of oral diagnosis/oral medicine 13(2) 443-446 2000年10月20日  
  • 森 良之, 須佐美 隆史, 津山 泰彦, 松本 重之, 富塚 健, 高戸 毅
    日本顎変形症学会雑誌 = The Japanese journal of jaw deformities 10(2) 117-124 2000年8月15日  
    In cleft lip and palate patients, functional and esthetic correction of severe dentofacial deformity may require not only Le Fort I maxillary osteotomy but also rhinoplasty.&lt;BR&gt;We investigated the order of these two kinds of surgeries in 6 cases with cleft lip and palate. In three cases, Le Fort I maxillary advancement was preceded by open rhinoplasty with a cantilever iliac bone graft (Group A). In the other 3 cases, open rhinoplasty was preceded by Le Fort I maxillary advancement (Group B). The changes of nasal tip protrusion, the nasolabial angle, and the nostril form were evaluated in nasal morphology. Measurements were performed using facial photographs and lateral cephalograms.&lt;BR&gt;In group A, nasal tip protrusion was decreased after the two surgeries. On the other hand, it was clearly increased after the two surgeries in group B. The nasolabial angle showed various change patterns in both groups. The final nostril form was better in group B than in group A. These results suggested that open rhinoplasty with a cantilever iliac bone graft before Le Fort I maxil lary advancement may lead to a better surgical outcome in nasal shape.
  • 大守 誠, 高戸 毅, 森 良之, 江口 智明
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 25(2) 2000年5月19日  
  • 森 良之, 須佐美 隆史, 江口 智明, 小宮 徳春, 綿谷 早苗, 中井 啓裕, 高戸 毅
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 25(2) 2000年5月19日  
  • 山越 典雅, 富塚 健, 小宮 徳春, 森 良之
    明倫歯科保健技工学雑誌 3(1) 67-72 2000年3月  
  • 森 良之, 高戸 毅, 波利井 清紀
    頭頚部腫瘍 25(3) 421-425 1999年11月25日  
  • 森 良之
    日本顎変形症学会雑誌 = The Japanese journal of jaw deformities 9(2) 1999年8月15日  
  • 杉林 奈賀子, 須佐美 隆史, 森 良之, 江口 智明, 米原 啓之, 川那部 岳志, 松本 重之, 重田 浩, 小宮 徳春, 高戸 毅
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 24(2) 1999年6月10日  
  • 引地 尚子, 高戸 毅, 須佐美 隆史, 森 良之, 米原 啓之, 松本 重之
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 45(4) 305-307 1999年4月20日  
    We describe a case of lacrimal sac fistulae with left cleft lip and palate. A congenital lacrimal sac fistula is a rare disorder in which a fistulous tract connects the skin to the common canaliculus or to the lacrimal sac, located just inferior to the medial canthal angle.&lt;BR&gt;A 12-year-old boy had 1) bilateral congenital lacrimal sac fistulae, 2) cleft lip and palate and 3) hypospadis. He had no paticular family history. With the patient under general anesthesia, a fusiform incision was performed, and the lacrimal sac fistulae were excised. Alveolar bone grafting was performed concurrently. Histologically, the lacrimal sac fistulae consisted of unkeratinized squamous epithelium and connective tissue with inflammatory lymphocytes. Patients with lacrimal sac fistulae, cleft lip and palate, and hypospadia have not been reported previously.&lt;BR&gt;These findings suggest that lacrimal sac fistulae may be related to congenital malfusions such as cleft lip and palate.
  • 小宮 徳春, 須佐美 隆史, 杉林 奈賀子, 天願 俊泉, 森 良之, 米原 啓之, 富塚 健, 松本 重之, 高戸 毅
    日本顎変形症学会雑誌 = The Japanese journal of jaw deformities 9(1) 12-22 1999年4月15日  
  • 引地 尚子, 高戸 毅, 須佐美 隆史, 森 良之, 米原 啓之, 松本 重之
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 45(3) 211-213 1999年3月20日  
    The authors describe a typical case of Treacher-Collins syndrome with bilateral cleft lip and palate and polypoid lesions in the retromolar region.A 2-month-old boy had an antimongoloid slant of the eyes with colobomas, depressed cheeks, small jaws, auricular anomalies, conductive deafnesscleft lip and palate, and a hairy tongue.The family history was negative.A tracheostomy was performed 1 month after birth to manage airway obstruction due to TMJ-mandibular deficiency.A Hotz-type plate was used to improve nursing 2 months after birth.Cleft lip was repaired 6 months after birth.Bilateral polypoid lesions (20×10×7mm), in the retromolar region were removed at the same time.They consisted of unkeratinized squamous epithelium, submucosa, salivary glands, and striated muscles, similar to soft palate tissues.Treacher-Collins syndrome is generally characterized by bilaterally symmetrical abnormalities of structures within the first and second branchial arches. Polypoid lesions in the retromolar region have not been reported so far. Cleft lip is found only in 2% to 6% of patients with this syndrome.The findings in this case may have resulted from severe deformities in the first and second branchial arches.
  • 坂本 泰宏, 間野 和哉, 中津留 誠, 森 良之, 米原 啓之, 高戸 毅
    日本癌治療学会誌 32(3) 205-214 1997年5月20日  
  • 須佐美 隆史, 矢野 尚子, 高倉 百々子, 古森 孝英, 森 良之, 富塚 健, 松本 重之, 高戸 毅, 豊岡 照彦
    口腔病学会雑誌 63(3) 459-467 1996年9月30日