- 所属
- 自治医科大学 附属さいたま医療センター内科系診療部放射線科 / 医学部総合医学第1講座 教授
- 学位
- 医学博士(北海道大学大学院医学研究科)
- 通称等の別名
- Oyama Noriko
- 研究者番号
- 70463742
- 201201070371935420
- researchmap会員ID
- B000226172
- 外部リンク
平成 9年 北海道大学医学部医学科卒業
平成17年 北海道大学大学院医学研究科高次診断治療学専攻博士課程修了
平成20年 北海道大学病院放射線診断科助教
平成23年 北海道大学病院放射線診断科講師
平成28年 北海道大学病院放射線診断科診療准教授
平成16年から平成19年 Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centerにて心臓MRIの臨床研究(Framingham Heart Study)に従事
平成17年 北海道大学大学院医学研究科高次診断治療学専攻博士課程修了
平成20年 北海道大学病院放射線診断科助教
平成23年 北海道大学病院放射線診断科講師
平成28年 北海道大学病院放射線診断科診療准教授
平成16年から平成19年 Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centerにて心臓MRIの臨床研究(Framingham Heart Study)に従事
2020年4月 - 現在
2020年2月 - 現在
Respiratory Medicine 2025年3月
BMC infectious diseases 24(1) 1437-1437 2024年12月18日BACKGROUND: The spleen is a key organ in preventing pneumococcal infection, especially in patients with immunocompromised condition such as those with cancer. Previous studies have shown that a small spleen volume in pneumococcal pneumonia patients is associated with severe disease course. However, it is unknown whether a small spleen increases risk of pneumococcal infection. We investigated the association between spleen volume and risk of pneumococcal infection. METHODS: This study was a retrospective cohort study using a nested case-control design and involved adult patients with malignancy who underwent chest and/or abdominal CT scans from January 1, 2008, to September 30, 2020, at a tertiary care center in Japan. Exclusion criteria comprised patients diagnosed with hepatic cirrhosis, leukemia, lymphoma, and/or post-splenectomy. From the cohort group that met all selection criteria (n = 22475), we identified all incident cases of pneumococcal infection (pneumococcal pneumonia and/or invasive pneumococcal diseases) and matched them with four controls by age, sex, and follow-up duration. Odds ratios (ORs) for the association between spleen volume and pneumococcal infection were estimated using conditional logistic regression models adjusted for body surface area, performance status, Charlson comorbidity index, and metastatic cancer. RESULTS: The median spleen volume was 85.8 (interquartile range, 65.8-120.8) cm3. Over a median follow-up of 4.95 (interquartile range, 1.54-9.25) years, 60 patients were diagnosed with pneumococcal infection (20 with invasive pneumococcal disease and 40 with pneumonia without invasive pneumococcal disease) and matched with 240 controls. Spleen volume reduction (per 10 cm3) did not increase risk of pneumococcal infection in a crude analysis [OR 1.04 (95% CI 0.98-1.11)]. The outcome remained unchanged in the multivariable analysis (OR 1.01 [95% CI 0.95-1.08]). CONCLUSIONS: Small spleen volume did not increase risk of pneumococcal infection in cancer patients.
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery 2024年12月17日OBJECTIVES: Sarcopenia and malnutrition often occur simultaneously in adults with cardiovascular diseases. Our objective was to determine the associations of preoperative sarcopenia and malnutrition with major adverse cardiac and cerebral events (MACCE) after cardiac surgery. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 154 consecutive patients who underwent elective cardiac surgery between January 2015 and June 2018 at two institutions in Japan. Sarcopenia and nutritional status were preoperatively assessed by bilateral psoas muscle volume index (PMVI) using CT scans and the prognostic nutritional index (PNI), respectively. RESULTS: The median age in the total cohort was 69 years, and 43% were women. Within 30 days after surgery, 20 patients developed in-hospital MACCE and 7 patients died of any cause. Low PMVI (<72.25 cm3/m2) and low PNI (<48.15) were each independent predictors of postoperative MACCE occurrence with odds ratios (95% confidence interval) of 3.58 (1.22-10.53) and 3.73 (1.25-11.09) when adjusted for age and sex, and 3.25 (1.07-9.87) and 3.27 (1.08-9.89) when adjusted for preoperative left ventricular ejection fraction, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin-receptor blocker, and anticoagulant. In addition, the combination of low PMVI and low PNI conferred the highest risk of in-hospital MACCE among the 4 groups (ie, the low PMVI, low PNI, low PMVI+low PNI, and neither low PMVI nor low PNI groups). CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative low PMVI and low PNI were respectively associated with 30-day in-hospital MACCE occurrence after cardiac surgery. Notably, coexistence of these reductions further enhanced the risk of postoperative MACCE.
Heart View 28(9) 870-874 2024年9月<文献概要>心臓核医学検査では,冠動脈の導管および微小循環,心筋細胞の状態を反映した情報を非侵襲的に得ることができるため,微小循環障害の評価に有用である。特に心筋血流PETでは心筋血流量を定量することができ,心血管イベントの予測が可能である。
Japanese Journal of Radiology 42(12) 1372-1380 2024年8月29日Abstract Advances in cancer treatment have improved in patient survival rate. On the other hand, management of cardiovascular complications has been increasingly required in cancer patients. Thus, cardio-oncology has attracted the attention by both oncologists and cardiologists. Cardiovascular imaging has played a key role for non-invasive assessment of cardiovascular alterations complimentary to biomarkers and clinical assessment. Suitable imaging selection and interpretation may allow early diagnosis of cardiovascular injury with potential implications for therapeutic management and improved outcomes after cancer therapy. Echocardiography has been commonly used to evaluate cardiac dysfunction in cardio-oncology area. Cardiac CT is valuable for assessing structural abnormalities of the myocardium, coronary arteries, and aorta. Molecular imaging has an important role in the assessment of the pathophysiology and future treatment strategy of cardiovascular dysfunction. Cardiac MRI is valuable for characterization of myocardial tissue. PET and SPECT molecular imaging has potential roles for quantitative assessment of cardiovascular disorders. Particularly, FDG-PET is considered as an elegant approach for simultaneous assessment of tumor response to cancer therapy and early detection of possible cardiovascular involvement as well. This review describes the promising potential of these non-invasive cardiovascular imaging modalities in cardio-oncology.
自治医科大学紀要 46 65-71 2024年3月【目的】Single energy metal artifact reduction(SEMAR)を用いた血管塞栓用コイルの金属アーチファクト低減における撮影条件の影響を明らかにする。【方法】チューブ内に血管塞栓用コイルを留置した血管塞栓ファントムを用い,管電圧,管電流,撮影方向を変えてCTを撮影し,視覚評価,standard deviation(SD)値,CT値のプロファイル曲線を指標として,それぞれの金属アーチファクト低減における影響を比較検討した。【結果】すべての管電圧,管電流において,SEMARありではSEMARなしと比較し視覚評価スコアは高値を示し,SD値は低値を示した。SEMARありの画像では,高管電圧および高管電流撮影でSD値は低値を示した。撮影方向の検討では,チューブに対して水平に撮影した画像でチューブ内の金属アーチファクトがより広範囲にみられた。【結論】SEMARを用いた金属アーチファクト低減には,高管電圧,高管電流での撮影が有用であり,評価対象血管と金属コイルとの位置関係を考慮した方向での撮影が重要である。(著者抄録)
Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography 2024年1月
Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 25(1) 60-60 2023年10月26日BACKGROUND: The differences in pre- and early post-procedural blood flow dynamics between the two major types of bioprosthetic valves, the balloon-expandable valve (BEV) and self-expandable valve (SEV), in patients with aortic stenosis (AS) undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), have not been investigated. We aimed to investigate the differences in blood flow dynamics between the BEV and SEV using four-dimensional flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance (4D flow CMR). METHODS: We prospectively examined 98 consecutive patients with severe AS who underwent TAVR between May 2018 and November 2021 (58 BEV and 40 SEV) after excluding those without CMR because of a contraindication, inadequate imaging from the analyses, or patients' refusal. CMR was performed in all participants before (median interval, 22 [interquartile range (IQR) 4-39] days) and after (median interval, 6 [IQR 3-6] days) TAVR. We compared the changes in blood flow patterns, wall shear stress (WSS), and energy loss (EL) in the ascending aorta (AAo) between the BEV and SEV using 4D flow CMR. RESULTS: The absolute reductions in helical flow and flow eccentricity were significantly higher in the SEV group compared in the BEV group after TAVR (BEV: - 0.22 ± 0.86 vs. SEV: - 0.85 ± 0.80, P < 0.001 and BEV: - 0.11 ± 0.79 vs. SEV: - 0.50 ± 0.88, P = 0.037, respectively); there were no significant differences in vortical flow between the groups. The absolute reduction of average WSS was significantly higher in the SEV group compared to the BEV group after TAVR (BEV: - 0.6 [- 2.1 to 0.5] Pa vs. SEV: - 1.8 [- 3.5 to - 0.8] Pa, P = 0.006). The systolic EL in the AAo significantly decreased after TAVR in both the groups, while the absolute reduction was comparable between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: Helical flow, flow eccentricity, and average WSS in the AAo were significantly decreased after SEV implantation compared to BEV implantation, providing functional insights for valve selection in patients with AS undergoing TAVR. Our findings offer valuable insights into blood flow dynamics, aiding in the selection of valves for patients with AS undergoing TAVR. Further larger-scale studies are warranted to confirm the prognostic significance of hemodynamic changes in these patients.
日本サルコイドーシス/肉芽腫性疾患学会雑誌 43(1-2) 35-38 2023年10月サルコイドーシスは全身性肉芽腫性疾患で,いまだ原因不明の疾患である.サルコイドーシス病変は多臓器に分布して様々な臨床症状を来すが,なかでも心臓病変は大きな予後規定因子となるために早期発見が望まれる.FDG PETは2012年4月から心臓サルコイドーシスの炎症部位診断として保険適用となった.FDGはグルコースの類似体であり,炎症を伴う非乾酪性類上皮細胞肉芽腫に強い集積を認めるために活動性を評価でき,現在では心臓サルコイドーシスの診療に欠かせない検査となっている.今回は我々の経験を踏まえて,心臓サルコイドーシス診療におけるFDG PETの原理,評価方法,役割についてまとめる.(著者抄録)
Journal of nuclear cardiology : official publication of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology 30(5) 2225-2228 2023年10月
European heart journal. Cardiovascular Imaging 2023年9月28日
画像診断 43(12) 1198-1203 2023年9月<文献概要>新型コロナウイルス感染症が軽快した後にコロナ後遺症(罹患後症状)が続く患者が一定数存在するが,倦怠感や息切れ,胸痛,動悸など循環器疾患でみられる症状が続くこともよくある.しかし,その診断法は確立されていないため,一般的な検査で異常がなく不定愁訴として片付けられてしまうこともある.一方,感染前は無症候性であった循環器疾患が感染後に顕在化する場合があり,これらの病態の除外診断も重要である.本稿では,循環器領域のコロナ後遺症における画像診断の有用性について概説,症例提示する.
Annals of nuclear medicine 2023年7月7日OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare the contribution of 18F-fluorodepxyglucose (FDG) positron (PET)/ computed tomography (CT) acquisition of early and delayed scans in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis (CS). METHODS: Twenty-three patients with CS (median age: 69 years; 11 women) were retrospectively evaluated using dual-phase FDG PET/CT. All patients were instructed to consume a low-carbohydrate diet followed by fasting for 18 h before FDG injection to reduce physiological myocardial uptake. PET/CT was acquired at 60 min (early) and 100 min (delayed) after FDG administration. Focal and focal on diffuse uptake on visual analysis was considered positive for CS. A semi-quantitative analysis was performed using the maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) of the cardiac lesion and the mean SUV (SUVmean) of the blood pool. RESULTS: Significant myocardial FDG uptake was observed in 21 patients (91.3%) in the early acquisition group and in 23 patients in the delayed scan group (100%). Compared to the early scan, the delayed scan showed a significantly higher SUVmax of the cardiac lesion [median, 4.0; IQR (interquartile range, 2.9 to 7.0) vs. 5.8 (IQR 3.7 to 10.1); P = 0.0030] and a significantly lower SUVmean of blood pool [median, 1.3 (IQR, 1.2 to 1.4) vs. 1.1 (IQR, 0.9 to 1.2); P < 0.0001]. CONCLUSION: Delayed FDG PET/CT acquisition improves detection accuracy in patients with CS compared to early scans with washout of the blood pool activity. Therefore, it can contribute to a more accurate assessment of CS.
The American journal of cardiology 200 115-123 2023年6月10日Several liver fibrotic markers are associated with prognosis in patients with heart failure (HF). However, the optimal markers for outcome prediction remain unclear. This study aimed to simultaneously investigate the prognostic value of liver fibrotic markers and the associations between these markers and clinical parameters in patients with HF without organic liver disease. We prospectively examined 211 consecutive patients with chronic HF between April 2018 and August 2021, excluding those with organic liver disease, using liver magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound. A total of 7 representative liver fibrotic markers were measured in all patients. The primary outcome of interest was the composite of all-cause death and hospitalization for worsening HF. During a median follow-up period of 747 (interquartile range 465 to 1,042) days, the primary outcome occurred in 45 patients. Patients with higher hyaluronic acid and type III procollagen N-terminal peptide (P-III-P) levels showed a significantly higher incidence of the primary outcome than those without (p <0.001 and p = 0.005, respectively). The multivariable Cox regression analysis revealed that hyaluronic acid and P-III-P levels were independently associated with the risk of adverse events (hazard ratio 1.84, 95% confidence interval 1.18 to 2.87 and hazard ratio 2.89, 95% confidence interval 1.32 to 6.34, respectively) even after adjustment for a mortality prediction model, whereas the other 5 markers were not associated with the primary outcome. In conclusion, among the representative liver fibrotic markers, hyaluronic acid and P-III-P might be the optimal markers for outcome prediction in patients with HF.
Clinical case reports 11(6) e7576 2023年6月KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: With the aging of the population, physicians need to pay more attention to assessing the presence or absence of pelvic fractures and urinary retention associated with urethral injury due to such fractures in the elderly when falling from bicycles. ABSTRACT: Walking ability does not rule out the presence of pelvic fractures. Many geriatric patients are likely to fall off bicycles. Physicians should pay more attention when assessing complications related to urethral trauma caused by pelvic fractures in the elderly after falling from bicycles.
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 87(5) 674-754 2023年3月10日
日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集 87回 CROJ15-1 2023年3月
臨床画像 39(3) 330-335 2023年3月<文献概要>新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の発症や重症化を予防するためのCOVID-19ワクチンについて,接種後にさまざまな副反応が起きることが知られるようになった。COVID-19ワクチン接種後にはまれな副反応として心筋炎・心膜炎を生じる場合があり,より発症頻度の高いほかの疾患との鑑別診断のために画像診断を活用することが重要である。
カレントテラピー 41(2) 117-120 2023年2月心筋炎の病理学的分類はリンパ球性,好酸球性,巨細胞性など多岐にわたるが,最も頻度の高いリンパ球性心筋炎はウイルス感染などが契機となって心筋に炎症を生じる疾患である.心筋炎の確定診断は心筋の病理組織像に基づいて行うが,軽症例から重症例までの全例を心筋生検で診断することは困難であり,画像診断の果たす役割は大きい.本稿では心筋炎の診断における画像診断の役割について概説・症例提示する.(著者抄録)
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 50(7) 2224-2225 2023年1月24日
Journal of thoracic imaging 38(1) 54-68 2023年1月1日Dynamic myocardial computed tomography perfusion (DM-CTP) has good diagnostic accuracy for identifying myocardial ischemia as compared with both invasive and noninvasive reference standards. However, DM-CTP has not yet been implemented in the routine clinical examination of patients with suspected or known coronary artery disease. An important hurdle in the clinical dissemination of the method is the development of the DM-CTP acquisition protocol and image analysis. Therefore, the aim of this article is to provide a review of critical parameters in the design and execution of DM-CTP to optimize each step of the examination and avoid common mistakes. We aim to support potential users in the successful implementation and performance of DM-CTP in daily practice. When performed appropriately, DM-CTP may support clinical decision making. In addition, when combined with coronary computed tomography angiography, it has the potential to shorten the time to diagnosis by providing immediate visualization of both coronary atherosclerosis and its functional relevance using one single modality.
Clinical imaging 94 79-84 2022年12月2日RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Atherosclerosis of the aorta is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular mortality and vascular events. We aim to describe the prevalence and distribution of non-calcified atherosclerotic plaque in the descending aorta as quantified by noncontrast cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) in a community-dwelling cohort of adults. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used CMR to quantify noncalcified aortic plaque in 1726 participants (aged 65 ± 9 years, 46.7% men) from the Cohort Study Offspring cohort. ECG-gated, fat-suppressed, T2-weighted, black blood turbo spin echo sequence was used to acquire 36 transverse slices covering the descending aorta from just below the arch to the aortoiliac bifurcation. Plaque was defined as discrete luminal protrusions ≥1 mm; these were manually traced, then summed to determine total descending aortic plaque (DAP) and segmental thoracic and abdominal aortic plaque (TAP, AAP). Participants were stratified by sex and age group (<55, 55-64, 65-74, ≥75y). A healthy referent group (without clinical cardiovascular disease, smoking, diabetes, impaired renal function; (N = 768, 43.8% men) was used to determine upper 90th percentile cutpoints for DAP and AAP which were then applied to the overall study cohort. RESULTS: Prevalence of DAP was similar between men (47.3%) and women (48.9%), p = 0.50, as was AAP prevalence (men: 44.5%, women: 46.7%, p = 0.16); TAP was less prevalent in both sexes (men: 8.9%, women: 7.1%, p = 0.15). Both prevalence and burden of DAP, AAP and TAP increased with advancing age. CONCLUSION: Noncalcified plaque prevalence, visualized on CMR, in community-dwelling adults is similar between the sexes, and both prevalence and burden of aortic plaque increase with greater age.
Annals of nuclear medicine 36(12) 1010-1018 2022年12月OBJECTIVE: Semi-quantitative positron emission tomography (PET) values, such as the maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax), are widely used to identify malignant lesions and evaluate the response to treatment. The image quality of ring-shaped dedicated breast positron emission tomography (dbPET) has been known to decrease the closer it is to the detector's edge. This study aimed to investigate the effect of radioactivity (RI) outside the detector field of view (FOV) on the image quality of the ring-shaped dbPET. METHODS: A breast phantom containing the left myocardium, which was prepared using a 3D printer, filled with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) solution with various RI concentration ratios (RCRs) of myocardium to background and scanned with the edge of an apex positioned exactly in line with the edge of the FOV of the dbPET scanner. The phantom image quality was visually and quantitatively evaluated. Following the phantom study, left-right breast differences (the left breast uptake ratio to the right breast (LUR)) on clinical dbPET images of 74 women were quantitatively evaluated. The relationships between these parameters, clinical indices, and FDG uptake in the left myocardium on PET/computed tomography (CT) images were analyzed. RESULTS: The phantom study showed that the higher the RCR of the myocardium and the closer it is to the top edge of the phantom, the higher is the pixel value of the dbPET images. In a clinical study, LUR was significantly correlated with myocardial SUVmax (r = 0.96, p < 0.0001) and metabolic myocardial volume (r = 0.63, p = 0.001) for whole-body PET/CT imaging. Although no significant correlations were found between LUR and age (r = 0.05, p = 0.6865), body mass index (r = 0.03, p = 0.8178), or distance between the left myocardial apex and chest wall (r = 0.16, p = 0.1667). CONCLUSIONS: FDG uptake in the myocardium affected dbPET images of the left breast, especially near the chest wall. Further, the effect of RI outside the FOV, such as in the myocardium, must be considered in the quantitative evaluation of breast cancer using dbPET.
Journal of nuclear cardiology : official publication of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology 2022年11月28日
Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2022年11月17日Contrast-enhanced CT and MR angiography are widely used for follow-up of visceral artery aneurysms after coil embolization. However, potential adverse reactions to contrast agents and image deterioration due to susceptibility artifacts from the coils are major drawbacks of these modalities. Herein, we introduced a novel non-contrast-enhanced MR angiography technique using ultra-short TE combined with a modified signal targeting alternating radio frequency with asymmetric inversion slabs, which could provide a serial hemodynamic vascular image with fewer susceptibility artifacts for follow-up after coil embolization.
Annals of nuclear medicine 37(2) 1-9 2022年11月10日OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to examine the diagnostic value of planar 99mTc-pyrophosphate (PYP) imaging at 1 and 3 h after tracer administration in patients with suspected transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis (ATTR-CA) using SPECT as a reference standard. We also tested whether blood pool activity of PYP is associated with renal dysfunction. METHODS: PYP images of 109 consecutive patients with suspected ATTR-CA were retrospectively reviewed. The myocardial PYP uptake was visually graded on a scale of 0 to 3 and quantified with the heart-to-contralateral (H/CL) ratio in accordance with the current expert consensus recommendations. The diagnostic value of planar images for identifying positive PYP SPECT was assessed by a receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis with the area under the curve (AUC). The uptake ratios of the ascending and descending aorta, left atrium, and trapezius muscle divided by the liver uptake were measured on SPECT images and compared to the renal function. RESULTS: A total of 41 patients (38%) had myocardial PYP uptake on SPECT images. In comparison with the visual scores on 1-h anterior planar images, those on 3-h anterior planar images had lower sensitivity (80.5% vs. 97.6%) and higher specificity (86.8% vs. 55.9%) for identifying positive PYP SPECT. The ROC analysis showed that the combination of visual scores on both 1-h and 3-h anterior planar images had significantly higher AUC values in comparison with 1-h anterior planar images alone (0.90 [95% CI 0.83-0.94] vs. 0.83 [95% CI 0.75-0.88]; P < 0.001), which was comparable to the AUC values on 3-h anterior planar images alone (0.88 [95% CI 0.80-0.92]; P = 0.071). In comparison with visual scores on 1-h or 3-h anterior planar images alone, the combination of visual scores and H/CL ratio did not significantly improve the diagnostic value for identifying positive PYP SPECT (P = 0.73 and P = 0.50, respectively). The uptake ratios of ascending aorta/liver, descending aorta/liver, left atrium/liver, and trapezius muscle/liver were not significantly associated with the serum creatinine level or estimated glomerular filtration rate (P > 0.05 for all). CONCLUSIONS: In the assessment of ATTR-CA using PYP imaging, visual scores on 3-h anterior planar images for identifying positive PYP SPECT had lower sensitivity and higher specificity in comparison with those on 1-h anterior planar images. The diagnostic value of the visual scores on 1-h and 3-h anterior planar images was not improved by adding the H/CL ratio. Blood pool activity of PYP was not significantly associated with renal dysfunction.
European radiology 33(3) 2062-2074 2022年11月3日OBJECTIVES: Evaluation of liver stiffness (LS) by magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) is useful for estimating right atrial pressure (RAP) in patients with heart failure (HF). However, its prognostic implications are unclear. We sought to investigate whether LS measured by MRE (LS-MRE) could predict clinical outcomes in patients with HF. METHODS: We prospectively examined 207 consecutive HF patients between April 2018 and May 2021 after excluding those with organic liver disease. All patients underwent 3.0-T MRE. The primary outcome of interest was the composite of all-cause death and hospitalisation for HF. RESULTS: During a median follow-up period of 720 (interquartile range [IQR] 434-1013) days, the primary outcome occurred in 44 patients (21%), including 15 (7%) all-cause deaths and 29 (14%) hospitalisations for HF. The patients were divided into two groups according to median LS-MRE of 2.54 (IQR 2.34-2.82) kPa. Patients with higher LS-MRE showed a higher incidence of the primary outcome compared to those with lower LS-MRE (p < 0.001). Multivariable Cox regression analyses revealed that LS-MRE value was independently associated with the risk of adverse events (hazard ratio 2.49, 95% confidence interval 1.46-4.24). In multivariable linear regression, RAP showed a stronger correlation with LS-MRE (β coefficient = 0.31, p < 0.001) compared to markers related to liver fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: In patients without chronic liver disease and presenting with HF, elevated LS-MRE was independently associated with worse clinical outcomes. Elevated LS-MRE may be useful for risk stratification in patients with HF and without chronic liver disease. KEY POINTS: • Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) is an emerging non-invasive imaging technique for evaluating liver stiffness (LS) which can estimate right atrial pressure. • Elevated LS-MRE, which mainly reflects liver congestion, was independently associated with worse clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure. • The assessment of LS-MRE would be useful for stratifying the risk of adverse events in heart failure patients without chronic liver disease.
Journal of cardiology 81(1) 33-41 2022年9月16日BACKGROUND: Determinants of exercise intolerance in a phenotype of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) with normal left ventricular (LV) structure have not been fully elucidated. METHODS: Cardiopulmonary exercise testing and exercise-stress echocardiography were performed in 44 HFpEF patients without LV hypertrophy. Exercise capacity was determined by peak oxygen consumption (peak VO2). Doppler-derived cardiac output (CO), transmitral E velocity, systolic (LV-s') and early diastolic mitral annular velocities (e'), systolic pulmonary artery (PA) pressure (SPAP), tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE), and peak systolic right ventricular (RV) free wall velocity (RV-s') were measured at rest and exercise. E/e' and TAPSE/SPAP were used as an LV filling pressure parameter and RV-PA coupling, respectively. RESULTS: During exercise, CO, LV-s', RV-s', e', and SPAP were significantly increased (p < 0.05 for all), whereas E/e' remained unchanged and TAPSE/SPAP was significantly reduced (p < 0.001). SPAP was higher and TAPSE/SPAP was lower at peak exercise in patients showing lower-half peak VO2. In univariable analyses, LV-s' (R = 0.35, p = 0.022), SPAP (R = -0.40, p = 0.008), RV-s' (R = 0.47, p = 0.002), and TAPSE/SPAP (R = 0.42, p = 0.005) were significantly correlated with peak VO2. In multivariable analyses, not only SPAP, but also TAPSE/SPAP independently determined peak VO2 even after the adjustment for clinically relevant parameters. CONCLUSIONS: In HFpEF patients without LV hypertrophy, altered RV-PA coupling by exercise could be associated with exercise intolerance, which might not be caused by elevated LV filling pressure.
Radiology 304(3) 542-550 2022年9月Background Arterial arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis reflect vascular disease, the subclinical detection of which allows opportunity for cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention. Larger cohort studies simultaneously quantifying anatomic thoracic and abdominal aortic pathologic abnormalities are lacking in the literature. Purpose To investigate the association of aortic wall area (AWA) and atherosclerotic plaque presence and burden as measured on MRI scans with incident CVD in a community sample. Materials and Methods In this prospective cohort study, participants in the Framingham Heart Study Offspring Cohort without prevalent CVD underwent 1.5-T MRI (between 2002-2005) of the descending thoracic and abdominal aorta with electrocardiogram-gated axial T2-weighted black-blood acquisitions. The wall thickness of the thoracic aorta was measured at the pulmonary bifurcation level and used to calculate the AWA as the difference between cross-sectional vessel area and lumen area. For primary or secondary analyses, multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to examine the association of aortic MRI measures with risk of first-incident CVD events or stroke and coronary heart disease, respectively. Results In 1513 study participants (mean age, 64 years ± 9 [SD]; 842 women [56%]), 223 CVD events occurred during follow-up (median, 13.1 years), of which 97 were major events (myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, or CVD death). In multivariable analysis, thoracic AWA and prevalent thoracic plaque were associated with incident CVD (hazard ratio [HR], 1.20 per SD unit [95% CI: 1.05, 1.37] [P = .006] and HR, 1.63 [95% CI: 1.12, 2.35] [P = .01], respectively). AWA and prevalent thoracic plaque were associated with increased hazards: 1.32 (95% CI: 1.07, 1.62; P = .01) and 2.20 (95% CI: 1.28, 3.79; P = .005), for stroke and coronary heart disease, respectively. Conclusion In middle-aged community-dwelling adults, thoracic aortic wall area (AWA), plaque prevalence, and plaque volumes measured with MRI were independently associated with incident cardiovascular disease, with AWA associated in particular with stroke, and plaque associated with coronary heart disease. Clinical trial registration no. NCT00041418 © RSNA, 2022 Online supplemental material is available for this article. See also the editorial by Peshock in this issue.
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI 57(5) 1516-1517 2022年8月26日
Interventional Radiology 7(2) 75-80 2022年7月1日 査読有りWe present two cases of external iliac artery perforation occurring after endovascular interventions successfully treated with direct closure using super-selective transcatheter coil embolization. Two patients, one 78-year-old man and one 78-year-old woman, underwent cardiac catheterization via the right femoral approach for coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. Following the procedures, both patients suffered severe acute hypotension, and contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed a massive retroperitoneal hematoma due to perforation of the right external iliac artery. We attempted direct perforation site closure with super-selective transcatheter embolization using microcoils and achieved complete hemostasis in both cases. Our technique could be an alternative treatment option for external iliac artery perforations associated with the endovascular intervention.
Interventional radiology (Higashimatsuyama-shi (Japan) 7(2) 69-74 2022年7月1日We present a case of subcapsular hepatic hemorrhage with a concomitant diffuse arterioportal shunt successfully treated with transcatheter arterial embolization. An 85-year-old man with duodenal carcinoma developed hemorrhagic shock three days after pancreaticoduodenectomy. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed an extensive subcapsular hepatic hematoma with extravasation. At the same time, diagnostic angiography showed innumerable foci of petechial extravasation from disrupted isolated arteries and the right inferior phrenic artery. In addition, a comorbid diffuse arterioportal shunt in the hematoma area was detected. We performed transcatheter arterial embolization on the peripheral side of the hepatic artery while preserving the proximal portion. Subsequently, the transcatheter arterial embolization for the right inferior phrenic artery was also performed. Complete hemostasis and occlusion of the arterioportal shunt were successful without fulminant liver failure.
Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 61(17) 2693-2695 2022年6月28日
Journal of gastroenterology 57(8) 571-580 2022年6月3日BACKGROUND: Pancreatic atrophy after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is one of the symptoms associated with chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Although pancreatic atrophy has been considered to cause exocrine insufficiency and weight loss, it is not yet clear what kinds of recipients can be expected to recover their body weight (BW) or pancreatic thickness. In addition, the effect of pancreatic atrophy on the prognosis has not been clarified. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 170 recipients who received allogeneic bone marrow transplantation or peripheral blood stem cell transplantation, and evaluated them using the CT scan images obtained closest to 1, 2, 3, and 4 years after HCT. RESULTS: Fifty-five recipients (32.4%) demonstrated pancreatic atrophy, and 11 (20%) of them recovered their pancreatic thickness. While recipients without pancreatic atrophy gradually recovered their BW (P < 0.001), those with atrophy did not (P = 0.12). Moderate and severe chronic GVHD tended to be slightly more common in the atrophy group (47.3% vs 38.3%), whereas the pancreatic thickness tended to recover in these recipients (30.8% vs 10.3%). HCT from a female donor to a male recipient showed superior pancreatic recovery compared to other donor and recipient sex combinations. Pancreatic atrophy treated as a significantly associated with inferior survival (HR 4.91, P < 0.001) and an increased risk of non-relapse mortality (HR 8.75, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that it is important to monitor pancreatic thickness after HCT. Further prospective investigations are warranted to clarify the significance of pancreatic atrophy on clinical outcomes.
Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 61(10) 1623-1624 2022年5月15日
ERJ open research 8(2) 2022年4月Background: Although screening with 12-lead electrocardiography and transthoracic echocardiography for cardiac involvement has been recommended for patients with biopsy-proven extracardiac sarcoidosis, cardiac sarcoidosis has been reported even in patients with normal electrocardiography and echocardiography findings. We investigated the prevalence and characteristics of these patient cohorts. Methods: We studied 112 consecutive patients (age, 55±17 years, 64% females) with biopsy-proven extracardiac sarcoidosis who had undergone 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for cardiac sarcoidosis evaluation. The patients were categorised as those showing normal findings both in electrocardiography and transthoracic echocardiography (normal group) and those showing abnormal findings in one or both examinations (abnormal group). Results: 33 (29%) and 79 (71%) patients were categorised into the normal and abnormal groups, respectively, of which 6 (18%) and 43 (54%) patients, respectively, were diagnosed with cardiac sarcoidosis (p<0.01). Of these six patients in the normal group, two with multiple-organ sarcoidosis showed clinical deterioration of cardiac involvement and required steroid therapy; three with small cardiac involvement showed natural remission over follow-up assessments; and one underwent steroid therapy and showed an improvement in the left ventricular ejection fraction to within normal limits. Conclusions: The prevalence of cardiac sarcoidosis in patients with biopsy-proven extracardiac sarcoidosis and normal electrocardiography and transthoracic echocardiography findings was ∼20%. Electrocardiography and transthoracic echocardiography may not detect cardiac sarcoidosis in patients without conduction and morphological abnormalities. However, some of these patients may subsequently show clinically manifested cardiac sarcoidosis. Physicians should be mindful of this population.
臨床画像 38(3) 364-367 2022年3月<文献概要>新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)が軽快した後も持続する咳や息切れ,全身倦怠感などのいわゆる後遺症(コロナ後遺症)に悩む患者が増加している。その発症機序はいまだ明らかになっていないことが多く,さらにほかの疾患による症状との鑑別が必要である。コロナ後遺症の病態メカニズムの解明や治療法の確立のほかに,コロナ後遺症をもつ患者がスムーズに社会復帰できるような仕組み作りも求められている。本稿ではこのコロナ後遺症について概説する。
臨床画像 38(3) 375-379 2022年3月<文献概要>新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)が軽快した後に心血管後遺症を有する患者が一定数存在するが,その包括的診断法が確立されていない。また,感染前は無症候性であった心血管疾患が,感染によって顕在化する可能性もあり,これらの病態の除外診断も重要である。本稿ではこれらの心血管後遺症に加えて,コロナワクチン後の副反応による心筋炎・心膜炎について概説・症例提示する。
Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 61(20) 3145-3147 2022年2月26日
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2023年4月 - 2026年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2022年4月 - 2026年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2021年4月 - 2024年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2020年4月 - 2024年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2020年4月 - 2023年3月